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Everything posted by rpc8169

  1. No I wouldn't leave, the idea actually sounds quite interesting. I mean I loved the Twilight Tirek fight in the S4 finale.
  2. My personal favorite is Fluttershy, but I doubt she's the fan favorite. My best guess would be Rainbow Dash.
  3. I like the idea of the Mane 6 running into Discord's opposite.
  4. See it, it's very entertaining. The music is great and the movie is quite funny. Also, like others have said, stay for all of the credits!
  5. "Boulder was hungry." I didn't see that coming! Anyway, I liked much it better than the first movie. I enjoyed Sunset much more this time and Trixie was better than ever. The battle at the end was very cool, too. I also like seeing the human Twilight after the credits and wonder what's in store for the future. It's cool how Twilight is becoming a teacher for Sunset just like Celestia was. RR was still not quite as good as the show, but was very enjoyable nontheless.
  6. I usually like them better the second time I watch them. I'll realize there's even more than I thought to an episode. An example would be Hurricane Fluttershy, which I thought was pretty good the first time, but when I watched it again, I simply loved it.
  7. I wouldn't cry if Fluttershy died, but i'd be extremely upset by it as she is my favorite.
  8. I'm totally fine with this as long as the show does't get messed with, which it probably won't. I will have to get used to the new name, but thats fine.
  9. For me it was the story arc throughout the seaoson and the action. I also liked how they created loss during the season. - The mane 6 give up the elements. - The princesses have to give up their magic. - Twilight looses her library. - Twilight gives up the alicorn magig to Tirek. All this makes the show more emotional without killing off characters.
  10. Hasbro has been saying "coming 2015" for S5, so I assume that's why there's little info on it. I bet it will be amazing once it comes, though.
  11. I would think she's secretly happy that Smartypants has a new home.
  12. My rankings from the episode sorter. 1. Twilight's Kingdom 2. Hurricane Fluttershy 3. A Canterlot Wedding 4. The Return of Harmony 5. Winter Wrap Up 6. Dragonshy 7. Princess Twilight Sparkle 8. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 9. Magical Mystery Cure 10. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 11. MMMystery on the Friendship Express 12. Pinkie Pride 13. Filli Vanilli 14. It's About Time 15. Sonic Rainboom 16. Lesson Zero 17. Party of One 18. The Best Night Ever 19. The Crystal Empire 20. Bridle Gossip 21. Too Many Pinkie Pies 22. Equestria Games 23. Leap of Faith 24. Read It and Weep 25. Three's a Crowd 26. Feeling Pinkie Keen 27. A Dog and Pony Show 28. Bats! 29. Trade Ya! 30. Power Ponies 31. A Friend in Deed 32. Hearth's Warming Eve 33. Sleepless in Ponyville 34. Castle Mane-ia 35. Wonderbolts Academy 36. Luna Eclipsed 37. The Mysterious Mare Do Well 38. Pinkie Apple Pie 39. The Last Roundup 40. Keep Calm and Flutter On 41. Over a Barrel 42. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils 43. Flight to the Finish 44. Somepony to Watch Over Me 45. Fall Weather Friends 46. Maud Pie 47. Rarity Takes Manehattan 48. Baby Cakes 49. Sisterhooves Social 50. Swarm of the Century 51. Sweet and Elite 52. Suited for Success 53. Green Isn't Your Color 54. Apple Family Reunion 55. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies 56. May the Best Pet Win! 57. Stare Master 58. The Cutie Mark Chronicles 59. Secret of My Excess 60. Dragon Quest 61. Daring Don't 62. Ponyville Confidential 63. The Ticket Master 64. Friendship is Magic 65. Simple Ways 66. Rainbow Falls 67. Applebuck Season 68. The Cutie Pox 69. A Bird in the Hoof 70. Spike at Your Service 71. Games Ponies Play 72. Just For Sidekicks 73. Equestria Girls - Movie 74. Call of the Cutie 75. Look Before You Sleep 76. The Show Stoppers 77. Inspiration Manifestation 78. Putting Your Hoof Down 79. Family Appreciation Day 80. Magic Duel 81. Boast Busters 82. Griffon the Brush-Off 83. Twilight Time 84. One Bad Apple 85. Owl's Well That Ends Well 86. Hearts and Hooves Day
  13. There were more girly episodes in S1, and I would say the S4 had very serious moments in it. There is still humor in the episodes, so I agree with others that it's maturing rather than just getting more serious.
  14. What if there was a antagonist who tries to outdo Fluttershy at what she's best at? They would try to take her place, but would find it too hard too keep a good attitude and Fluttershy would have her place in Pony Ville again.
  15. I think they should provide a reason if they make Fluttershy have an alternate identity. Im still not shore I'd like it. I did't like when I saw her get mean in "Puttibe your hoof down." I think she's fine how she is.
  16. Ive been re watching episodes and warching reviews when I have time.
  17. My favorite is Hearts as Strong as Horses, probably because it is so catchy. Honorable Mentions: You'll Play Your Part, Let the Rainbow Remind You, and Apples to the Core.
  18. They're all great but i'd say Art of the Dress is my favorite and the most memorable. It makes you feel a little sympathy for Rarity.
  19. I like both about the same because they did't change her personality very much in s4.
  20. What if for a premier there was a villain who brainwashed Luna to visit each of the other princesses dreams and split them up. The villain would be the head of a nation, and would want to cause chaos so the nation could take over Equestria. The split up would cause a civil war in Equestria. Throughout the season, Twilight and her friends would try to fix the disputes to no avail. In the finale, they would realize who caused the war and defeat the evil nation and bring harmony back to the land of Equestria.
  21. I voted Sunset Shimmer as the worst villain and DT/SS as worst secondary antagonist. I don't find Sunset Shimmer that interesting or memorable. DT/SS don't really grow throughout the show, so they're just kinda annoying.
  22. I believe it would be cool to see the mane 6 travel to different places in Equestria and even beyond that. It would keep the show fresh. I just hope the show doesn't go too far in that direction.
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