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Posts posted by Yurikun

  1. A chicken bit me on the nipple, drawing blood (long story)


    This is some Jeff Foxworthy level stuff right here.


    I gotta say that my strangest injury is when I almost cut off my finger in a Sword Fight. I had severed the tendons in my pointer finger and was in a brace for 2 months and had 7 Stitches. took me another month to be able to use my right hand correctly again. Almost decked the doctor in the rehab office when he bent my finger.

  2. My favorite online comic just made the jump from web-only to it's first print edition. It's Sunstone on Deviantart by Shiniez! FYI this is an 18+ story.




    I adore this little side project that Nebezial started with just two characters to get over an art slump. So please check it out if you choose too. I wont provide a link considering the content but It should not be hard to find it with the info given above.



  3. To be honest once the big fight with Fate started I just started to skim through the chapters until the fight was over. then whole thing with Asuna happened then the rushed ending with every bloody character and crappy epilog for Konoka and Setsuna with them marrying in 2017 but then Secchan disappears into space? WTF? Where at any time does Setsuna seem to want to go into space. Did we read the same comic? I don't think so. post-28932-0-92173900-1410715156_thumb.png

    True Ending!


    Then there was Chisame who was becoming a favorite of mine then just turned back to being a Hikikomori? What...I don't even.

    then they had the gall to create that silly sequel. I won't read it any more. I don't even care for Negi anymore. I like him in the beginning when he was fun then he went through that whole Fate thing and He just became.... Boring? I'm not sure if that is the right term but I still do like Evangeline A.K. McDowell



    • Brohoof 1
  4. I'm gonna vote for Link because he's a an Elf which is awesome and he has a sword. What is better than a sword fighting elf!post-28932-0-79071900-1410714607_thumb.gif

    I'm gonna vote for Link because he's a an Elf which is awesome and he has a sword. What is better than a sword fighting elf!post-28932-0-79071900-1410714607_thumb.gif

  5. Okay, here we go.

    First off I look forward to the new StarFoxU in 2015!

    I have beaten SF64, loved StarFox Adventures on the GameCube. Then onto StarFox Assault later I had a lot of fun with the On-Foot missions as well as the Arwing missions. I guess I am one of the lonely few that actually LIKED StarFox Command on the DS, but to each their own. I have the original Snes StarFox but right before I got to play it my Snes died and I never had the chance to get a new one so I own the cartridge but have yet to play the game. (I won't touch emulators) so hopefully Ninty will put it on a VC at some point so I can play it.


    So let me wrap this up and ask a quick question. What one specific item or plot would you like to see in the 2015 release of StarFox U?


    I know I'd like a certain blue furred vixen to make a comeback.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Maybe this is just an American thing, but...


    Anyone ever notice how the woman's section of a clothing store is usually triple the size of a men's clothing section? To me, that just isn't right... I know sometimes they have kids clothes pretty close to the women's section, but even those sections can be pretty small by comparison, so they don't add that much in terms of size.


    Maybe this is just an American thing, but...


    Anyone ever notice how the woman's section of a clothing store is usually triple the size of a men's clothing section? To me, that just isn't right... I know sometimes they have kids clothes pretty close to the women's section, but even those sections can be pretty small by comparison, so they don't add that much in terms of size.

    I have no idea but anymore I see just the same stuff all the time I wish Men could wear more fun colorful outfits like women can get away with.

  7. I don't know much about fashion but I do feel like men should have more options when it comes to dressing up. I like this thread, it's not every day male fashion is praised. At least, not that I've seen. 

    I do know that Women get really cool dresses, tops and skirts to play with in making a look.

    I try to make stuff but I tend to try to make colors work. I may not know what is "Good" but I do know that I tend to like brown coats with Denim jeans.



    and for accessories I tend to like watches Fossil is a brand that I tend to purchase.


    I like the Smoke/Gunmetal color it works with business casual and sharp casual.


    but if I'm wearing a black or grey suit nothing beats a gold watch.



    I really like discussing this. I'm starting to lean more towards Rarity as my new Best Pony






    • Brohoof 1
  8. I tend to really like long sleeve button ups like below



    I do so love my dressy skechers shoes comfy and good enough for work but I like to upgrade to actual dress shoes when I'm not at work or around town.


    I do have to say that Nothing beats a freshly ironed white dress shirt and a black suit with a colorful tie



    for me when I go to cons I do so love my anime graphic tees I get from Hot Topic



    does this make me a Hypocrite?

  9. I'd like to know who they are, cause I've never seen anyone saying things like "I had my first kiss at 25, it was beautiful!" or "I had my first girlfriend at 30, it was very cute!"

    Maybe reading them would make me feel a little better.

    Actually my uncle had been through a string of really bad relationships that almost ended up causing many issues and medical problems until he just stopped trying to find a "Girlfriend" until about 2 years ago he met a gal and he quit drinking, smoking, got his job back and she keeps him stable and they play off each other like little kids.

    get one around a squirt gun and it turns into an all out water fight. She has been so good for him and made is life better. and they are in their 50s!


    Hate to break it to ya but uhh

    noun: anti-hero
    1. a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.
      The joker certainly lacks conventional heroic attributes, and has been the subject of several character focused media.


    I see that but I think

    “In fiction, an antihero is generally considered to be a protagonist whose character is at least in some regards conspicuously contrary to that of the archetypal hero, and is in some instances its antithesis. Some consider the word’s meaning to be sufficiently broad as to additionally encompass the antagonist who (in contrast to the archetypal villain) elicits considerable sympathy or admiration."

    I believe there is a difference in a Villian and Anti-Hero. Joker is full Villian. I would buy Catwoman as an Anti Hero but that's about it. Her or the Nolan version of Bane could be seen as an Anti-Hero in some aspects.


  11. For me it would be a tie between the Joker of batman fame, and Alex from the novel "A clockwork orange". Both characters are rather well written, with the Joker being one of the most prominant anti hero's of this generation.

    Actually an anti-Hero is mot a villian but a person who mostly good but does not do things with intent of doing good for the sake of doing good.

    For me my favorite Anti- Hero's were

    ● Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

    ● Vegeta (DBZ)

    ● Green Power Ranger (MMPR)

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I thinks the same as a do anime about Yaoi, Its good when done the right way and not make creepy with things like incest like in Candy Boy or almost forced like in Love Stage.


    I don't think Yuri work when its the key element in a show, I don't want to watch a show of "these girls really love each other" being all the show is about with little to no development like Sakura Trick kinda does.


    Now as for a good Yuri show to recommend....Revolutionary Girl Utena 

    Revolutionary Girl Utena was AMAZING!

    too bad we don't see much like it any more.


    I thought Sakura Trick was a good Shoujo anime. It was a Romance anime that focused on the girls relationship. It's like Aoi Hana, Sasameki Koto and Kashimashi.

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