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碇 シンジン

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Community Answers

  1. 碇 シンジン's post in Posting Images in PMs was marked as the answer   
    Only the Donors, Subscribers and Staff  are able to upload files in PM messages, regular users do not have this option. You need to upload the image somewhere else and then link it to the PM if you want to add it there.
  2. 碇 シンジン's post in I can't see anyone's signature. was marked as the answer   
    There is a button X on the top corner of the sig area check that if you have accidentally pressed it and ignored all signatures =)

    to reverse this press manage ignore prefs

    and uncheck the checkbox

    then press save
  3. 碇 シンジン's post in How to add a link in a Signature? was marked as the answer   
    You can create url with a custom text by painting the text you want the link to be blue =) and the press link button on the posting toolbar =)

    You can also create link to a topic by pressin Special BBCode button and picking option topic link after that enter the topic ID and the text you want the link to display into the fields and press ok =)
    Rarity Fan Club

    https://mlpforums.com/topic/4729-rarity-fan-club/?view=getnewpost If you don't know what is the ID of your topic you can see it in the URL of the topic it is the number in this situation the ID is 4729
  4. 碇 シンジン's post in How to mention someone in a post? was marked as the answer   
    You can mention a member in a post in 3 ways one way is that you type this code
    [member='SixShooterOutlaw'] @SixShooterOutlaw
    one way to do this is to place your mouse on their post and paint their text in blue color then a pop up should appear and the pop up has two options quote and mention press button mention and the user mention will be added into your post

    one way is to press Special BBCode button on the posting toolbar and then select member from the dropdown menu and then provide the members name into the field below and it generates the code for you =)

  5. 碇 シンジン's post in We need a link to attach YouTube videos to posts was marked as the answer   
    If you copy and paste the the address of the video into your post the board identifies it as youtube video and it is displayed as such

    youtu.be links dont display as videos and m.youtube the mobile version links don't display as videos automatically either
  6. 碇 シンジン's post in Help with adding image attachments was marked as the answer   
    I might be wrong but I think that you will need to reach next posting rank to be able to upload any attachments to the site, you can do this  by posting 5 posts in the forum. Posts in areas Welcoming Plaza, Testing forum, Fan Clubs, Everfree Empire Planning & OOC Discussion, Equestrian Empire OOC & Discussion and Cloudsdale colosseum don't add up into your post count. 
    You can see all ranks and how many posts they need by clicking the icon under avatars when viewing a thread.
    Adding attachments is done by clicking button Upload Files + More Reply Options and you will be taken into a page where you can write your post and choose the files from your device.
  7. 碇 シンジン's post in How do I change the name of my previously created topics? was marked as the answer   
    Go to your topic, and go to the first post. Press edit and then press use full editor.
  8. 碇 シンジン's post in How do I add content to my signature was marked as the answer   
    Hi =)=)=)=) 
    to make signature you need post 5 posts in the forums to reach a new rank, these posts need to be outside of welcoming plaza, testing forum, cloudsdale colosseum and roleplay OOC & Discussion forums in order for them to count towards your next rank
    after you've reached the rank you need go in your settings and then press signature button on the left menubar to be able to add one =)
  9. 碇 シンジン's post in Subscribers? was marked as the answer   
    Subscribers and Donors are those who have supported the site financially,
    To be a Donor you need to donate to the site, you can donate to the site by going to the front page and pressing donate button there

    To be a Subscriber means that you support the site with certain amount of money monthly. You can learn more about subscriptions http://mlpforums.com/store/category/1-subscriptions/ or by clicking the Subscribe button on the navigation bar

  10. 碇 シンジン's post in How do I change the font and color of my letters? was marked as the answer   
    You can change the font and color by choosing them in the posting toolbar pressing the buttons showed in the image =)

    You can also change them via BBCode
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Comic sans[/font] [color=blue]lol[/color]
  11. 碇 シンジン's post in Not recieving replies on profile feeds was marked as the answer   
    This happens if the user whose profile feed you leave this message into has their settings put to that every comment left on their profile will require approval And if they dont approve the message and still reply to it.
  12. 碇 シンジン's post in How do I create a signiture and OC page was marked as the answer   
    You can create signature by going into your settings. You can go into your settings by clicking my settings after you've clicked your username on the navigation bar. You can also go there by going into your profile and clicking edit profile there.
    After that click signature button on the left menubar

    after clicking that you can edit your signature
    You can add images to your signature by clicking the button highlighted below and providing the link to the image that you want in your signature into the box that appears. Keep in minst that Signature image limits are 600x100 pixels and if you are Subscriber or donor its 600x200.
    You can also enclose the link to the image between img tags
    [img=link] If you have the image you want to use in your computer you can upload it to image hosting site such as https://imgur.com/ to get the link to the image

    You can create page for your OC in the Roleplay character Database http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters
    Just press Add character button and you can submit your characters info there.
  13. 碇 シンジン's post in i really wanna post some of my art was marked as the answer   
    Hello my friend you can attach your paintings that you have stored on your device like this=)=)=)=):
    First You can see this button when you scroll down in topic =) Button says Upload Files + More Reply options =) Click this button =)

    After that You arrive in this page where you can upload your files press the choose files button under the posting box

    Pick your art from your computer after that and you can attach them after that =)

    Another way of doing this is that you submit your art to some image hosting site like https://imgur.com/ after you have uploaded your images there you can get them visible here by copying the link that leads to this image

    Press this icon while posting and box will appear where you can paste the link that leads to your image.
    You can also put the link between img tags like displayed below
  14. 碇 シンジン's post in Links was marked as the answer   
    When the address you want to link has http://prefix board automatically knows that it is a link and it is displayed as such.
    You can also use BBCode as suggested above 
  15. 碇 シンジン's post in Creating spoilers was marked as the answer   
    You can create spoiler by typing your text between tags like this
    [spoiler]text[/spoiler] another way of doing this is by clicking Special BBCode button and choosing spoiler from the dropdown menu
    Like this

  16. 碇 シンジン's post in Thread Approved? was marked as the answer   
    Hi here is a quote from @Jeric's answer on this other thread.
  17. 碇 シンジン's post in How do I customize my profile with backgrounds and such? was marked as the answer   
    You can edit your profile background by following these:
    Go to my settings 
    After that go to Profile customization and choose the image you want as your background from your computer

    To add a signature go to your settings again
    after that press signature button on the left menubar
    Press the image button and copy the ling to the image you want to use in your signature. If you don't have link you can upload photos into some image hosting site to get the link
    Images in signatures are maximum of 600x100
    For donors 600x200
  18. 碇 シンジン's post in What posts count as a number to becoming a muffin? was marked as the answer   
    You need 5 active posts to reach Muffin rank.
    You can view the other ranks and how many active posts they need by clicking the badge under your profile picture in any thread

    Your current active post count is displayed in your profile.

    Posts on Welcoming Plaza, Testing Forum, Roleplay OOC and Cloudsdale Colosseum doesn't count.

  19. 碇 シンジン's post in How do you type something above your avatar? was marked as the answer   
    It is called member title and it is donor perk which means it is available to users who have donated to the site. 
    You can change this field by going to your profile settings and then write desired title to the box.

    More information  about donation perks can be found here: http://mlpforums.com/page/faq/_/site-problems/subscriptions-donations/what-do-i-get-for-donating-r51
  20. 碇 シンジン's post in How do I use spoilers? was marked as the answer   
    You can make spoiler box like this :
    [spoiler]Content here[/spoiler]  
    Another way of doing this is click the special BBCode button there:

    After that choose spoiler tag from the list:


    You can also add spoiler inside of spoiler:
  21. 碇 シンジン's post in MLP Themed badge beneath my avatar was marked as the answer   
    The badge below your avatar resembles the amount of posts that you have contributed to the site. You can view other badges and how many posts they need by clicking on it =)
  22. 碇 シンジン's post in Where can I donate? was marked as the answer   
    It's on the index page you need scroll down a little here is image =)

    There is also a charity event currently running you can read more about it here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/115326-making-christmas-merrier-2014-childrens-holiday-crusade/?p=3280130
  23. 碇 シンジン's post in How is "time online" metered? was marked as the answer   
    I hope this topic explains it http://mlpforums.com/topic/113359-time-spend-online-statistic/
    Quote from Jeric's anwer
  24. 碇 シンジン's post in lock topics was marked as the answer   
    Staff here won't lock the old threads.
    About the reviving is stated in this FAQ entry http://mlpforums.com/page/faq/_/site-problems/can-i-revive-old-threads-r49
  25. 碇 シンジン's post in How do I filter recently discussed topics? was marked as the answer   
    You can edit which topics will show up there for you. To do this press the settings icon on the top of the box and you can exclude the forums that you dont want the content to show up there.

    The settings button is on the right hand side next to the text "Recently discussed topics:"


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