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Flight Force

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Everything posted by Flight Force

  1. I got your footage downloaded so you're all set! And PM stands for Private Message, but that's not really necessary since you already sent in your footage. Thanks so much for being a part of this!
  2. Well would ya look at that... we made it to Season 7! (Sorry for not posting this 2 weeks ago when the first two episodes came out, been super busy with school :/ ) That means it's time for another round of MLP Forums Reacts! If you're unfamiliar with MLPF Reacts, it's basically just like Bronies React by ACRacebest, except it's starring forums members just like you! If you're interested in joining in, send me a PM and I'll fill you in on the rules and regulations. Also, consider joining the MLP Forums Reacts Discord server, where we discuss ideas for any future videos, post memes, and just have an overall good time! Join here --> https://discord.gg/cQaxvVH If you want to see some of the previous MLPF Reacts videos, here's a link to the entire playlist compiled by one of our own, Gamer_KM! Once again, if you're interested in participating send me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP. Let's get a big group together this time around! (Don't forget to join the Discord ) -ff
  3. Hi Lonely Fanboy48, of course you can be in the next video! I'll put you down on the list of potential participants. I've created an official Discord server for anyone involved. If you're interested in joining, here's the link: https://discord.gg/cQaxvVH
  4. MLPForums Reacts: Season 6 Finale has been released!

  5. It's finally done! The 4th installment of everyone's favorite Bronies React ripoff with nothing but MLP Forums members! This time we had more participants, 10 not including myself to be exact, and everyone did a fantastic job! Thank you to all that participated, whether you're a veteran of the series or just joined for the first time! News on the next MLPF Reacts will come out shortly. If you're interested in participating next time, send me a DM and I'll jot you down for when the time comes! Oh, also, we have a Discord server going for all those who were involved, but if you're keen on joining in next time, drop into the server and get to know us! We don't bite! --> https://discord.gg/cQaxvVH<-- Anyways, enough chit chat, grab your favorite plushie and a big bowl of popcorn and enjoy! Critique is always welcomed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcCYQ0DTqk0&ab_channel=FlightForce
  6. I just noticed you havent joined the server yet, probably since the link to join expired Sorry bout that, here's a new link that should work: https://discord.gg/cQaxvVH
  7. MLPF Reacts: Season 6 Finale is underway. If you'd like to join in as a reactor, please check out my post under video creative resources: https://mlpforums.com/topic/158192-want-to-participate-in-the-next-mlp-forums-react-lots-of-reactors-needed/

  8. Okay everyone, if you're interested and have downloaded Discord, join the MLPF Reacts server by going to https://discord.gg/cQaxvVH. I can start explaining more detailed stuff there Usually I specify for people to upload their footage to youtube and give me some time stamps in the description. Basically just let me know where in the original episodes each reaction takes place by either describing the scene or just giving me a timestamp like for example "5:26" meaning 5th minute, 26th second. Then I can accurately match up where each reaction goes. Good question! Great, you're on the list! If you can, use the link I put in the previous post to join the Discord group chat. The GoPro sounds like it should make for a decent camera. It could also allow you to move around which could make things interesting. If you can still participate that would be great! (Also join the Discord group as well ) Okay sounds good, can you maybe get Discord as well and use the link I provided in the previous post? That would be awesome Glad to have ya! Great! You have plenty of time to do so, so don't feel rushed to throw something together Also like I said to the others, the link for the Discord conversation is live, so I'd suggest joining it if you want to get some more info on the project and help come up with some fun ideas for the video!
  9. Yeah, I'm sure the camera quality of your phone is pretty decent. Recording in your car might be kinda cool lol, could make for some funny moments if you're creative enough also if you haven't already, download Discord, I'll probably be making a group chat pretty soon and will ask for all of your usernames so we can think of some fun ideas for the video
  10. Ah, I see that it's been released in other countries (and on Dailymotion) but I'm going to hold off and watch it when it airs in the US anyway, I like to not rush things but glad you're on board again! Sounds good, hopefully we can work around the time zone difference lol. I'll check out Discord as a means of communication as well... I've heard good things about it but havent experienced it yet. As I finish writing this, I'm immediately downloading it lol Yeah, might be a slight issue, but thats group chats are for I guess haha. Let me know if you're still able! Would love to have ya! Perfect! We may be using Skype or Discord as well, whichever works for everyone. Glad to have ya this time!
  11. Hey, everyone! I have decided to do another episode of MLP Forums React, which if you are unfamiliar, is a YouTube series similar to Bronies React by ACRacebest where those who choose to participate show their face and "react" to a particular MLP episode/movie/fan-made video/etc. Except this series involves you guys! You don't have to be "horse famous" to participate in this series (though it would be pretty sweet if you were ). I have already put together a few episodes of MLPF Reacts, which I will provide links to down below if you'd like to get a taste of what being an MLPF Reactor is like. For this episode we will be reacting to the Season 6 Finale, which should be out fairly soon. I'd love to get at least 8 or 9 people to participate (including myself) but if we go over that number, I won't turn anyone down either! All you have to do is have a good sense of humor and camera presence. Speaking of cameras... try not to use any webcams or any other cameras that lack in video and/or audio quality. Not saying I'll turn you away if you use a camera with the video quality of a radish, but keep in mind: better recording quality = better video overall! Also, I'm looking for people who are comfortable behind the camera. Your voice needs to be loud enough for everyone to hear, and you need to have a fairly good sense of humor. If you've ever seen an episode of "Bronies React" by ACRacebest or "Brownies React" by JakeWhyman, you'll know the kind of humor I'm looking for. The previous MLP Forums Reacts episodes were meh in terms of humor (including my own performances), so I'd like for this one to be quite the step up in terms of comedy. Don't be afraid to include some of those memes of the dank variety as the kids say! Another important thing to know if you're new to the reaction scene, most of the time peoples' "reactions" are scripted, or well thought out and written down ahead of time and just performed on camera. Not only does this make your content generally funnier, but it also saves me the time of going through 40+ minutes of footage for every person and only using a few parts. If your footage is simply a compilation of all of your scripted "reactions", it saves me tons of editing time, which is already very limited for me since I'm a sophomore in college studying engineering, and work piles up like crazy. IMPORTANT: This time around I'd like to start a group conversation with anyone who would like to be involved. If you're familiar with the "GroupMe" app for smartphones, this could be a way for all of us to communicate and come up with some pretty great ideas for content between the group. If you have any other ideas of how we can all chat with each other easily, let me know by replying to this thread or throwing me a PM. Communication during the previous few react videos has been lacking, which is probably why I wasn't too happy with the final product. Let's do something epic this time around! That's about it in terms of things you need to know/be aware of if you're interested in participating! Oh, also, when you finish recording your reactions, please upload them to YouTube and make the privacy setting unlisted and PM me the link so I can download it. Of course, no one can start recording until the episode releases . Until then, I hope lots of you decide to join in on this super fun project! -ff Oh and here's those links to the previous videos! Grab some popcorn and enjoy!
  12. We can... but remember the season 6 finale is coming out fairly soon so I was thinking we could focus on the finale and then once that's done and the show is on hiatus we can do Legend of Everfree Cool! I'd love to have you in the Season 6 Finale react! I still have to put the official post detailing everything on the forums, but I'll write you on the list! If you've seen the previous MLP Forums Reacts, we only have one other person from the UK among the main reactors, being 1Bit, and he's absolutely hilarious lol.
  13. Yet another episode of the unofficial MLP Forums reaction series. This time we react to the Season 6 Premiere! Sorry for the lateness, usually I'm a lot quicker at editing this stuff, but I've been really busy and just haven't had much time, and to be honest, kind of lost interest in the series. But hey, it's done now and that's all that matters! If you are interested in being in the next one, please send me a private message and I'll add you to the list of potential react people! This time we were lacking in reactors, so I would like to see a bigger turnout next time
  14. Hey everyone! The new video is almost done, and I was wondering if any of the other reactors would want to watch it together for the first time on youtube? We could start a Skype call and comment on the video as it went along and just have a good time (after this extremely long wait, sorry about that, been really busy with work and a summer class). If you wanna try this let me know so we can work out a day and time and I can publish the vid accordingly. If no one want to do this, that's Okay, I'll just publish the video very soon!
  15. Great! Think you can get it to me by May 15th? I'd prefer if you used a nice quality camera that shoots in 720p 30 fps or better, but I'll accept stuff of less quality If you're still interested, try to get me your stuff by May 15th, and write a script to ensure that you're as funny as possible!
  16. Yep! You got it! Glad to have you participating!
  17. Yep! Exactly! Make sure you include an funny "intro" scene to introduce yourself as well. Once you're done, just upload it to youtube as unlisted or share it with me on OneDrive.
  18. I guess I posted this topic in the wrong spot a few weeks ago, as I only got 1 response xD Anyways, hopefully this gets a little more attention under Video Creative Resources. Hi everyone! I'll be coordinating a special forum member based reaction collab to the Season 6 Premiere! I previously made MLP Forums Reacts for the Season 5 Finale and more recently the Season 6 Preview. I'll put links to those down below if you're curious. A lot of people turned out to participate previously, and I'm hoping for another great turnout, if not better, this time around! However, I will put a few ruled and regulations in place this time. 1) If you've previously participated in Forums Reacts, you're welcome to join again! The only thing I ask of you this time around is to try and amp up the comedy aspect. While I was very pleased with the previous two react videos, I feel like we can step things up as a whole in terms of comedy. While the video is mainly about "reacting" to the Season 6 Premiere, try to do less of the unscripted reactions and write down a script beforehand so you know exactly what to say and how to say it, making the video more polished and easier for me to edit. 2) If you're new to this whole thing and want to participate, the first thing I'll say is welcome! There's a few things you need to know before filming your reactions. First off, before doing anything, make sure you have a decent camera and microphone... that means no web-cams! unless your webcam is some ultra high res meta-camera, then go ahead. But otherwise, keep your video as nice looking as possible. Next, know that while this is technically a "reaction" video, I'd prefer if you don't record your initial reactions to the premiere (if you've ever seen the YouTuber Jinx, who just sits in front of his camera the whole time and looks like he's having a Vietnam flashback and shows zero emotion to just about everything. Don't be like Jinx). Sometimes it's hard to think of things right on the spot, so I strongly suggest writing a script with timestamps on it that label the spot where you will perform each "reaction". Also, and I mean this in the nicest of ways, try to be funny. Some people just don't have it in them when it comes to being entertaining behind the camera. If you feel you've got what it takes to make viewers laugh, whether it's your sheer randomness, tone of voice, witty comments, dank memes, etc., go ahead and get started reacting! 3) Another thing I'd like to make sure everyone gets in the habit of doing from now on is making a lively and witty intro for the first time they would appear on screen. The beginning of the video is sometimes what can reel in or detract viewers. It needs to be filled with humor and action, so get creative and don't be afraid to be too weird! Thats about it everyone! Oh and also if you do end up submitting footage, share it with me on OneDrive or by email at kevin7bugatti@gmail.com for both options listed. Or post it to YouTube as unlisted and give me the link. I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with! -Flight Here's the other MLP Forums Reacts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G2rjERIKJo
  19. Hi everyone! It's that time once again! I'll be coordinating a special forum member based reaction collab to the Season 6 Premiere! I previously made MLP Forums Reacts for the Season 5 Finale and more recently the Season 6 Preview. I'll put links to those down below if you're curious. A lot of people turned out to participate previously, and I'm hoping for another great turnout, if not better, this time around! However, I will put a few ruled and regulations in place this time. 1) If you've previously participated in Forums Reacts, you're welcome to join again! The only thing I ask of you this time around is to try and amp up the comedy aspect. While I was very pleased with the previous two react videos, I feel like we can step things up as a whole in terms of comedy. While the video is mainly about "reacting" to the Season 6 Premiere, try to do less of the unscripted reactions and write down a script beforehand so you know exactly what to say and how to say it, making the video more polished and easier for me to edit. 2) If you're new to this whole thing and want to participate, the first thing I'll say is welcome! There's a few things you need to know before filming your reactions. First off, before doing anything, make sure you have a decent camera and microphone... that means no web-cams! unless your webcam is some ultra high res meta-camera, then go ahead. But otherwise, keep your video as nice looking as possible. Next, know that while this is technically a "reaction" video, I'd prefer if you don't record your initial reactions to the premiere (if you've ever seen the YouTuber Jinx, who just sits in front of his camera the whole time and looks like he's having a Vietnam flashback and shows zero emotion to just about everything. Don't be like Jinx). Sometimes it's hard to think of things right on the spot, so I strongly suggest writing a script with timestamps on it that label the spot where you will perform each "reaction". Also, and I mean this in the nicest of ways, try to be funny. Some people just don't have it in them when it comes to being entertaining behind the camera. If you feel you've got what it takes to make viewers laugh, whether it's your sheer randomness, tone of voice, witty comments, dank memes, etc., go ahead and get started reacting! Thats about it everyone! Oh and also if you do end up submitting footage, share it with me on OneDrive or by email at kevin7bugatti@gmail.com for both options listed. I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with! -Flight Here's the other MLP Forums Reacts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c2F4x-UnLg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G2rjERIKJo
  20. YAY!! We made it onto Equestria Daily! Thanks for submitting, guys!
  21. Go check out MLP Forums Reacts to the Season 5 Finale! Official post is in Octavia's Hall under video and animation or search Flightforce on YouTube! Much appreciated, and thanks to everyone who helped!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flight Force

      Flight Force

      Yay! You gonna be in the Season 6 preview react?

    3. Purpalame


      Yes, I just haven't gotten around to recording my reaction. I will this weekend though! :)

    4. Gamer_KM


      Speaking of Reaction Do you have a ETA for the release date?

  22. Lol I sent it in too, and they told me they're adding it in. Still don't see it on there though, any idea when you think they'll add it? xD thanks! I'm quite proud of myself for that one!
  23. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to present the first ever official (Ok not official official, but you get my point)! MLP Forums Reacts! After about a month of organizing, recording, and editing, the video is finally done, and I'm so proud of how it turned out! This is only the first of a series, and if you were in this video, missed out on being in this one, or just found out about this now and would like to be a part of it, our next reaction video will be to the Season 6 preview released not that long ago. Get reacting! I'm also sorry if you were going to be in this react but haven't submitted your footage yet. I simply couldn't wait any longer since we're already almost 3 months past the initial release of the finale. So sorry about that, but hey there's still plenty of time to record your reactions to the preview! It's only a 24 second video anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard to come up with stuff! Anyways, here it is! The finished product! Hope you all enjoy!
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