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Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. I still care about them. It's just that for some reason I'm not emotionally attached to them.
  2. I certainly know I'm loved by others. The only problem is that I somehow seem to struggle with loving them back.
  3. Imagining that I'm flying on a Windows 95 logo because Vaporwave.

  4. I'm not afraid of mistakes. I'm afraid of how people are going to react to my mistakes.
  5. I'm not scared of needles since I'm scared of diseases, and vaccines protect against diseases... so yeah.
  6. Why do you think these friendships are so rare? I thought it was commonplace for girls because there's more emphasis on sharing and identifying feelings in others and themselves. I understand what you're saying though. I wish I could articulate my own feelings properly because I see the value in having a proper interpersonal relationship with somebody, and watching MLP has helped me re-evaluate the relationships of those around me compared to the ones that I have for the characters.
  7. Sometimes I wish that the things I do for people would actually help me get closer to them, but instead it feels like I'm trying in desperation to find closeness that clearly isn't there.

    1. Malinter


      you'll find it eventually. Not everyone clicks together like that, no matter how hard you try.

    2. Odyssey


      I know how exactly how you feel, Giygas. -3-

  8. From what I can tell personally, I haven't come across anybody who I know has a personality similar to that of the mane six, but I hope I find somebody who is similar to either Twilight Sparkle or Pinkie Pie. My own personality is very similar to that of Twilight Sparkle with the only exception that Twilight obsesses over organisation. I remember one of my friends telling me that he was great friends with a girl he met at high school who had a personality similar to that of Pinkie Pie, but that's about as much as I know so far. It would be amazing if I found somebody who had a personality that was at least similar to the mane six.
  9. Grand Theft Auto IV (at least the console version) was the most disappointing game I have ever played. Bought it on release and after two months I sold it without even finishing the campaign.
  10. I'm diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and even still I'm on the milder end of the spectrum of AS. I think it has more to do with the fact that I've learned to socialise with others quite well and I was able to make a whole heap of friends for many years, but I still have some things I need to look into. Struggling to find emotional attachment in people (but not the characters of MLP) is an issue I'm having at the moment.
  11. Non Pony You play as an OC pony on an ironing board while fending off killer cupcakes on legs while avoiding the pit of floating Discord heads.
  12. That's what I'm interested to know too. I liked that episode because it had an excellent moral and it was delivered well, and even though the CMC were doing something stupid, despite their good intentions, they took responsibility for it and made amends. Maybe I missed something else?
  13. Luckily there's enough snowfall in Mount Kosciuszko to ski on, throw snowballs with and make snowmen. I don't get any snowfall here because I live in South Australia.
  14. I hate weather that mixes hot weather with extreme levels of humidity. It's been a long time since I remember being in conditions that feel hot and sticky at the same time and I hope I don't go back to it.
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