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Status Updates posted by ScribbleSquabble

  1. *Slaps stickers on face* Bwap Bwomp!

  2. Best part about a long weekend, short week :)

  3. *watches the clock count down* I hate sunday, it means monday is comming... wait, it's the labor day weekend, I'm off! Woo!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScribbleSquabble


      Best part about a long weekend... a short week :D

    3. Shine Racer

      Shine Racer

      Yeesss BBQ Ribs, Burgers and Hot Dogs :D

    4. DragonKing235
  4. Something to do today: Format my tumblr-comic archives to a sequential state for reading on my new Android tablet (Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF700T). It's fun Fun FUN!)

  5. So I just marathonned Legend Of Kora Season 1. I was worried they wouldn't be able to out-do Last Airbender seriers, but DAMN DID THEY EVER!

  6. So I'm going to start consistant journaling now... woot.

    1. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Turn it into an audio drama.

  7. despite some stomach issues, today was good

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Shit, I'm sorry you have to go through that. Have you been seeing a doctor?

    3. ScribbleSquabble


      I Did, they did biopsies and found nothing, so they are equating it with stress and gave me anti-spazm meds for some of the pain that's put me on the floor.

    4. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Sounds terrible man. I hope you get better.

  8. Just saw the new Sin City movie. Gave me a lot of answers for stuff from the first, and left me with a few more questions, enough to make me want another one.

    1. DragonKing235
    2. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      I thought bruce willis being a ghost again was rather funny.

    3. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      I really want to see it so bad xD

  9. Oh, so THAT'S how I post status updates!

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