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rainbow luna

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About rainbow luna

  • Birthday 1986-11-25

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Personal Motto
    friendship is forever
  • Interests

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. Playing Halo 5 upset that cortana is the main villain.
  2. applejack she's always nice to her family including may be possible family member pinkie pie
  3. pokemon omega ruby and dragon age inquisition
  4. what is every pony favourite game
  5. Happy birthday, dude ^^

    1. rainbow luna

      rainbow luna

      Thank you very much

  6. like gears of war 3 who was supposed to be the best shooter ever but i don't like it at all
  7. i am not trying to scream about it just thinking might be fun to play with other bronies pegisisters
  8. I am gamed my profile is Dragon King2 you should go is a good game if you like halo and call of duty you would like it
  9. Any bronies and pegisisters play destiny on xbox 360?
  10. thank you very much i will give it a try
  11. rainbow dash always will be 20 percent cooler than the other ponies and fearless but she always will be loyal to a friend and her pet turtle tank.
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