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Posts posted by TheDashingRainbow

  1. I'm becoming less of a closet Brony than I use to be. I use to keep it hidden from my family, but then my sister caught me and told my entire family.. I now somewhat open with me and they even occasionally buy me pony merchandise. In public is where I'm more in the closet. I don't wear or do anything pony related in public (Although I wear my Brony necklace once in a while).. at least when I can help it.. I have caught myself heavily quoting the show without even planning it..

  2. When typing messages such as this one I type using all my fingers. But when I type short messages, such as a quick reply, I will type with five fingers on my right hand and use my left hand to press the shift key when needed.

  3. Can you give a tutorial on how the name is pronounced?

    The name means 'Black God' in Russia.. >:-P



    Does he play checkers?


    Nice design. Are you looking for feedback?


    Thank you, and feedback you be great! Just don't go to rough as I am still new to shading and backgrounds. :P

    • Brohoof 1
  4. A world without memories. A world where you're condemned to born, live and die, without any memory about your life, a world where you're alone, without a life to relate to, without a future to prey for, and without a present. Nothing would matter, since everything, at some point, will be forgotten and erased forever without you even knowing. Your biggest dreams and hopes you would have given everything for, erased, and you wouldn't even remember it.

    That's pretty deep... That is a world I would not want to live in...
    • Brohoof 1
  5. A world where people never sleep.. Or a world where people never get tired/fatigued.. This would be both good and bad.. People would probably have longer jobs, we wouldn't get to experience the wonderful thing known as sleep.. But we would be able to do things for as long as we want to..

    • Brohoof 1
  6. While drawing my OC I was thinking.. Try to imagine a world without an undo button... This could be an eraser, the backspace key, or the magical key combo Ctrl + Z... This would change the world pretty dramatically for such a "small" thing.. Since we undo things nearly everyday.. What other things couldn't you imagine living without?

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Yes.. this fandom has completely changed my life. Not only has it made me happier, but it has also made the people that I hang out with happier, as it seemed to have made me a lot more social. It has gave me a bunch of new things to do, such as drawing and collecting. Gave me new music to listen to, and new videos to watch. If I have not ever been introduced into this fandom, I probably would have been 20% more boring/bored and not have met all the friends I have today.

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