I've seen every episode so far from the reboot and I think it's good. Not great, but good. A lot of things changed that I wasn't very comfortable with at first, but you're right when you said that things grow on you (like the new theme and the new voices). The show is still funny and somewhat clever (it also has some nice feel good moments from time to time) so that's all that matters to me. I just wish the show had a little bit more action and ass kicking like the old show did, but oh well.
And about the meme thing, well.. I'm trying to like this show but I just can't handle how much this show is trying too hard to be hip and cool. The memes will soon be dated (hell, the "no me gusta" joke is so old) and adding random unfitting memes for no reason is a cheap way to be funny. The original show barely made pop culture references, and if it did, it was still able to be funny even after 10 years. MLP does make references to memes, but MLP actually makes it work. They're not too obvious about it, while PPG doesn't even try to be subtle.
The point is, the reboot's episodes have flaws, but the show definitely doesn't suck. It annoys me that there are lots of people who dislike the show only because of all the changes, so I'm glad to see someone else likes it.