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Everything posted by ponylaces

  1. I'm debating whether I should post my first picture of myself on here today or not. Idk c: I think my laughing woke up my family
  2. Rewatching episodes makes me love Scootaloo more. Help.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Phanact


      I know, right! I'm about to re-watch the entire series again..

  3. Oh yeah, I forgot Lightning Dust almost killed them. :^) It's not like she meant to do it though, but it would make total sense if the Mane 6 were still mad at her for everything she did. I guess it could happen, but who knows. I'm just hoping it's not a new one shot character.
  4. Laugh tracks. But what are laugh tracks?
  5. I will one day have the courage to ask my dad to go. For now, I'll just fantasize about going and meeting other bronies. Sure, it'll be filled with little girls, no doubt about that, but seeing and meeting other bronies would be really cool. I'd go alone because I don't know anyone else who likes MLP, but I don't have a problem with that.
  6. I have more games on my wishlist than actual purchased games on Steam. D:

  7. The facial hair is the color of their manes, not their coats, so you can see what I'm trying to say here. It probably works just like human facial hair does, but with their manes. Ponies are weird like that.
  8. I wouldn't worry about it. The season isn't anywhere near halfway over, there's still a lot more to see and I'm sure the episodes will start to have some variety. It would be kinda lame if it was Lightning Dust, reason being because she wasn't really that bad. She just pushed herself way too hard and didn't care about her actions. Trixie was manipulative and did pretty evil things to all of the mane 6 (banning Twilight from Ponyville, making the Mane 5 work for her nonstop, etc). Lightning Dust only had beef with Rainbow Dash and the Mane 5 didn't even know her that well, so I couldn't see her being the focus of this episode. It needs to be a pony who the Mane 6 know well, or at least Twilight knows well. It makes sense that it would be Trixie because Starlight is also very magically talented, so Twilight might fear that she might befriend Trixie and become evil again. Also, I'm thinking Lightning Dust could be in Newbie Dash, but who knows. (jesus christ that was long)
  9. Duuuude, that would be crazy. I'm 99.9% sure that will never happen, but god that would definitely be something that no one saw coming.
  10. Great episode for being a Spike episode. xP

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlackWater627


      *gives Laces a brohoof* :D

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I didn't like the theme of it and it just felt like the writers tried to hard, to make Spike look like a super badass, by being a dragonlord.


      All i want, is that Spike looks competent, in a Slice of life enviroment, that's it.


      Also, this didn't felt like MLP for me.

    4. Sunset light

      Sunset light

      2they needed to do that to swap spikes love for rarity is the rumour and place it on the princess so the later storylines work better

  11. Happy birthday!! :D

    1. Bojo


      Thank you!!

  12. Having a personal Twitter is really weird. :P

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I really only have one so I can reply to other people's.

    2. BlackWater627


      I know what ya both mean. I mostly just use mine for certain newsfeeds. As for actually tweeting myself, I feel like it's just throwing droplets of water in a rainstorm, ya know?

    3. Phanact


      Yeah I never understood Twitter really

  13. I wish I wasn't so shy sometimes.

    1. BlackWater627


      Everybody wishes that at some point. Or at least I think so. I know I do, so you're not alone in that. :)

    2. ponylaces


      That's really good to hear.

    3. Phanact


      I know how you feel. Don't be afraid to talk to people~

  14. The new PPG episode today was good.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Attack of the Pwns
    3. Hazy Skies
    4. ponylaces


      Whoever hasn't seen it should definitely give it a try. It's not amazing, but it's not terrible either. It's pretty enjoyable and I have a feeling it'll improve more over time. Also, the pony episode was.. eh.

  15. A lot. I was a lot more extroverted, optimistic, and confident when I was younger. My life, now that I think about it, was wonderful back then. To quote my own friend's words, I was "a big ball of joy". Shit happened and it has affected me along with my personality. Long story short, I've lost my confidence now and I'm more self conscious. I was also pretty sensitive and kinda rude as a child. I guess being self conscious now is a good thing in some cases. .. All of that out of the way, I can now voice my own unique opinions instead of just following someone else. I'll admit, I got smarter as I grew up (obviously ) and it has contributed to my personality too. But I'm still kind of the same person as I was a few years ago. I feel like all that happiness and confidence is still deep down there somewhere, I just need to find it.
  16. That ending killed me xD So is Rainbow Dash not there with Rarity and Twilight? It would make more sense if she was, since she was hiding in the costume with them in Dragon Quest. Oh well.
  17. Using my phone to go on this site is super hard so I just use my iPad 95% of the time. I'd use my PC, but it's a piece of shit.
  18. I usually get nightmares when I eat late at night, so no thanks. Eating food before you go to bed is pretty unhealthy and I try to avoid it. But if I get home late and need to eat, I don't really have another choice.
  19. I'm doing okay. But I'm really sick and I'm not feeling good at all. I'll miss school and my game today which kinda sucks. Also my friend is going to be gone for about a week for spring break, so I'm dying inside.
  20. The new one rocks. Last show you watched?
  21. (insert boat joke here) When was the last time you got sick?
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