I know twilight is. But should the others in your opinion. Could they become princesses of their elements, which are all as important as friendship and love (in my opinion)
What do you guys think?
Were Celestia and Luna born Alicorns? (I would like to think so) or were they made similar to Twilight and Cadance.
Lauren Faust says they were born but the series isn't following her original ideas. Meghan McCarthy says Twilight won't outlive the other ponies, could this mean they may become alicorns or their life span increased? or are Luna and celestia natural born which is why they have a very long life span?
I have my own opinions I just would like to know some others
do me and my sis were doing it in the chip shop today even though the lady thought we were crazy, we were having a lot of fun with it. it's great fun!!!
I relate to rarity, especially in the latest series. Her sister Sweetie, didn't see how much she did for her and she didn't complain or ever bring it up and I love that, she has her priorities straight and she has huge ambition I love her loads!
em hello! My fave mane 6 is Rarity, overall I love princess Luna, she needs more episode's I live in England, found tis fab site on the great and powerful Google... em HIIII