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Symphony Rose

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Posts posted by Symphony Rose

  1. I wanted to be a broken doll. My idea is to have her dressed in lolita so, I will try to make a dress myself for that~

    Luckily I have a lot of things I have collected over time, like this wig with the curliest pigtails, red contacts, some really great heels with laces (one of them needs repairs tho :C), and a ton of scavenged black fabric. 

    I need more things tho and hopefully I get commissions so I can complete my idea ;w;


    I don't know if your still taking free requests, but if you are, could you draw my OC holding Rainbow Dash. Down below is a reference to my OC and a reference to their poses. Thanks if you do decide to do this! :D


    the OP states that he is closing the requests until he can get his first batch done.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. do you think you can draw my ponysona Sonata Rose??? She is not exactly up to date but if you go to this thread you will find copious amount of references for my ponysona!


    your style is neat and it would be such a pleasure to get art of my pony from you UwU


    a fullbody would be so great, in a casual pose with her wings open~

    • Brohoof 2
  4. welcome to the forums?


    remember that this is a board for welcoming new members and for new members to introduce themselves. 

    if you want to post a topic about looking for people who are going to babscon, I suggest going to the Beyond Equestria section and to the general discussion boards.



    Girls,  ladies and females of all kinds,  I have a good thing

    you might want to try: FREAKING CLOTHS!  Now I can get

    being sexy but at least if you wear something well skin tight,  but

    on some FREAKING UNIDES! I do not need to see your freaking

    pink tacos playing peek a boo or you camel toe shooting out!



    and the technical term is vagina.


    and ya know I have found a method to successfully avoid these awkward camel toes and "pink tacos"

    not looking :3

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I forgot about vomit. I actually have a fear of others throwing up. I'm not sure why, and it's not so much that it grosses me out. I've had this fear for as long as I can remember though. I just start panicking of someone starts throwing up and I'm near them or around them. There was one time I was at the hospital with my parents once, and I had to move to a different area because there was someone with a bowl for throwing up in. :/


    yes I feel you! it makes me so anxious to be around people who are prone to throwing up or even knowing that they are sick in the stomach makes me kinda nope the fuck out; and when someone in close proximity does throw up, or starts to show signs of it, I kinda walk like 30ft away from them and turn around or stare at a wall.

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