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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Elegance

  1. Welp I guess this is goodbye. I'm going to miss all of you! I'm going to miss sharing Rarity fan arts and fangirling over her fabulousity. Life has been busy lately. I've made new friends and have been living my life ever since. So yeah.... bye :P

  2. Welp I guess this is goodbye. I'm going to miss all of you! I'm going to miss sharing Rarity fan arts and fangirling over her fabulousity. Life has been busy lately. I've made new friends and have been living my life ever since. So yeah.... bye :P


    1. Elegance



      :D <3


      @Kyoshi(Turbo Button)

      Your banner is PERFECT! :D (I hope they make it permanent)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Mom I'm not violent! I just like to stab and beat people up, that's all.

  5. Most people will probably stab me but I wish it snowed worldwide :D But then we'll all die because we can't grow food and stuff o_o

  6. Most people will probably stab me but I wish it snowed worldwide :D But then we'll all die because we can't grow food and stuff o_o

  7. Most people will probably stab me but I wish it snowed worldwide :D But then we'll all die because we can't grow food and stuff o_o

    1. Elegance


      @The Snowy Lightning

      Meh :P



      Yeah. What's wrong with that? lol

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Elegance is back from the dead!

    1. Elegance



      omg hai :D


      @The Snowy Lightwing

      Omg i died XD

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. It's not called being gay. It's called being FABULOUS!

  10. Hey guys, I know I have not been on the account for a while, but i have a reason for this. I still love and respect the bronies with my heart, but the forums thing is not working out for me. I almos have no idea how to use a forums account. So I think I will leave this foum...for now at least. So would you know how to get rid of an account. I think I will express my inner brony by talking to people face to face.

    1. Elegance


      We'll miss you!


      You can't delete an account. Staff members can only ban members. You need a good reason why though. If you don't want to go through all the trouble, just don't go on MLPF at all :) Have a nice day/night!

  11. It's not called being gay. It's called being FABULOUS!

  12. Anyone else like Disney Classics more than the new Disney movies now?

  13. Finished making another flapper dress! So proud of myself! <3

  14. Finished making another flapper dress! So proud of myself! <3

    1. Elegance


      Sadly, no. I gave it to my client already. Sorry </3

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. A boy asked me to go on a concert with him! *squee* Problem is, my mother won't let me... Welp daddy, are you going to be my superman?

    1. Elegance


      @SCS true true. But its a Bastille concert :P

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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