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Everything posted by AkiraLeeJounouchi

  1. Lets be honest here even if they had a problem with it you would kill them.
  2. So Temporary Means Perminantly. Interessting.

  3. The hate that i have for dubstep is so real that I Wub bub woob bub sreech

  4. Frredom of Speech. Something the Admins of this forums NEEDS to learn.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AkiraLeeJounouchi


      it should be called MLP Safe Space, MLP PC Bruh or MLP SJW.

    3. Black Sabbath

      Black Sabbath

      You do know that they only locked the thread temporary, right.

    4. Gestum


      You do know that they most likely locked it because of the unfunny jew joke. Maybe my response also played a small role in it.

  5. ^Oh it was hot here as well. 1st time I've ever had to open my window at QUARTER MASS!!! O.o My country is close to the southern hemisphere. I say we need more alicorns! MORE!!!
  6. Introvert. I wasn't always this way but eventually I got tired of people's stupidity.
  7. Thing is about being alone is that it often stereotyped as something bad. What's worse is that the suggestibility of others, wanting to get their approval and naturally feeling the need to be wanted heightens this. In reality being alone is not bad. If anything it's better. You don't have to be worried about other people, their opinions or their problems. You don't have to worry about wanting someone to appreciate you or pay attention to you. I am a lonely person, but i didn't instantly became this way. After years of being used and manipulated by people I eventually shut the world out, and even though I still hate being alive and I really do want to die, it's much more bearable than with people. Generally people only give a damn about themselves and they will always make assumptions about you to make them feel better, and eventually you have to learn that the only person that cares about you is you. And that is what makes being alone a gift than a curse. How do I deal with it? Well thanks to the internet every singe TV show and movie is at your finger tips. You can literally spend time discussing similar stuff with people online than in real life, though I'm rarely on social media. Just two forums that I rarely visit and Instagram. And now that I'm studying more time is filled up.
  8. Saw the Cristian Bronies thread and thought it would be cool if there was one for atheist bronies such as myself. Agnostics are welcome as well. Heck this is an open forum so anybody can post here and I won't have it any other way cuz you know free speech. Just be ready to have your opinions challenged. So, logically speaking, how are you doing this evening?
  9. Welcome, Love your oc. It kinda reminds me of me. :3
  10. It would be nice if we get a villan who they'll actually have to kill otherwise she'll go all super sayan on people and then they'll have to get dragon balls to try revive all the dead people...wait what are we talking about again? XD But seriously though, someone needs to die.
  11. Last night I had a dream where my cousins and my brother was going on a trip to see my uncle. And my mom and aunt forced me to go. So we went on the road trip and reached by my uncle's home which was a shack inbetween buildings, but it was the size of a cabin and it was next to old rusted railway bridge. (This is literally not the 1st time I drempt of this house. Hell dream me pointed this out. How's that for braking the 4th wall) Anyways we all got settled in the house, which is bigger on the inside but not that much, it's like your typical flat house, similar to the one Matilda's from the movie Matilda. So earlier on in my dream before we left, my brother took my laptop and was using it and I was controlling the mouse on it until he saw what I was doing so he turned and crouched up with the laptaop, so he could be in the corner of the lounge chair with it. He did that so I couldn't see what site he was going too. Though it looked like a FB url. Anyways I was so bored and wanted to die until surprise my mom visited us. The dream then cuts to when she was leaving and a few mins later I realized that I could go home with her I don't have to say here. So I ran out calling her trying to find her and I did, she was way down in the back ally of the street. The dream cuts again, same location, but now me and my mom is on the opposite end of the rusted railway bridge. And I was a kid again. Turns out there was a elevated subway station (Like in NY) on the other side of the bridge. Part of me wondered why we didn't see it before, cuz the stairs to the elevated subway station was opposite to my uncle's place. To get there we would have to cross the rusted bridge and my mom knew I loved these old timey things, cuz in real life trains don't run in my country anymore all that's left are the rusted old bridges, so she piggy backed me across the rusted bridge, even putting her had over my eyes when we reached the part of the bridged with a half collapsed beam and no inbwteen boards on the floor (Meaning she would have to shimmy on the side.) We eventually made it across and was on our way home. And then I woke up. I loved this dream despite the beginning part. I get to feel what it felt like to be a little boy again. What it felt like to have my mom looking out for me when I was young. How innocent and adventurous I was. How even the smallest of things like crossing a rusted bridge would make me feel like I was doing something wondrous. It make me miss being a little boy all over again. But I'm glad that a got a glimpse of what that time in my life left like again.
  12. Each Day And Each Night A Memory. Take Care And Please Don't Forget Me.

  13. Well seeing as how Disney thought that this name defined "the becomer" I'm gonna go with Freeform. Or Freeform Crusaders.
  14. Aww *Kisses you on nose so that you feel better* :3
  15. Me singing the What's New Scooby-Doo theme song: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1md4he2CgLt Aww you sound so cute. I'd kill to have your voice. I still sound like a 15 year old. D:
  16. There Was Stories About What Happened.

  17. The Force Is Strong With You.

    1. Randimaxis


      As with you. *bows*

  18. Yey new story. Loved your singing. You should sing this next time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94h2L9oBOHM Also how do you fancy my singing? Aww you sound like a kawai ketteh. Hahahahahahahahaha XD XD XD Dude post the Trump one on youtube. You sound sexy. :3 You are fast though but I don't care. You sound very 50's old timey and dramatic. Oh Bender, I knew you couldn't stay in that basement forever. XD I love the russan accent as well.
  19. We're Gonna Take You Out In A BLITZ!!!

  20. I too am a person who doesn't get the hate. I have no problem with Human Flash getting together with Human Twilight. And I also have no problem with pony Flash hooking up with pony Twilight. It's the human X pony thing I have a problem with, but sightly and EG knows not to hook them up cuz it would be bestiality. But now that we've got human twilight in the mix, they're gonna hook her up with human Flash and nothing is wrong with that. MLP however will be more difficult. Pony Twilight is more empowered. Hell we all know that their 1st date is gonna be pony Flash trying to act all heroic infront of pony Twilight and Twilight is gonna have to put her hoof down and explain that she doesn't need saving & etc. And honestly I still wouldn't have a problem with that, cuz it makes them look more realistic that way.
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