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Lucky Star

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Everything posted by Lucky Star

  1. because the story wouldn't be interesting if the mc was so perfect that she/he had no challenge in defeating enemies or over coming obstacles.
  2. I'm a baker helping out at sugar cube corner who writes stories on the side.
  3. hate isn't really a proper term, but I never really liked the hype for a lot of background characters, I never pay attention to them and when they get brought up, I can't help but feel weird for not knowing who their talking about. I know the ones like derpy and miss cheerilee. but only because I've seen tons of Derpy fan art, and Hearts and Hooves day is one of my fave eps. if their not featured in the story my brain skips over them. I've seen every episode and talk of background ponies make me feel like an episode-one-noob. me no likey
  4. I think it's cool to meet older bronies, it just shows you how great friendship is magic is. though I can understand why you were creeped out. no matter what group or fandom "first impressions are everything".
  5. I don't want her to be taken off the show, I do think that she could use some character development. I really would like to see some redemption from her, like get bullied and see the error of her ways. a good taste of her own medicine.
  6. we're celebrating my mom's birthday today :3

    1. kanashimi purinsesu

      kanashimi purinsesu

      oooo I hope she has a really great birthday!

    2. Lucky Star

      Lucky Star

      thank you for saying that, I'm sure she will. :3

  7. oh I see.. xD I would have been scared though. lol
  8. Mining is magic. be back soon

  9. Mining is magic. be back soon

  10. just this morning I dreamed of a small restaurant with a soda machine. apparently on of the soda's would grant a wish, when I drank it I turned into a little kid. -_- it's weird now that I think about it. I don't remember making a wish and I have never wanted to return to that age. well the dream progressed fast but in a way that felt like a while had passed. I would have to get more of the soda because it would wear off... at the end of the dream I was going back for another can of it, I was still in little kid form but I was slowly turning back. I was going there with my sister's boy friend... (he was an OC... my sister would never date a hippy) well we got there and he apparently knew the owner of the place because he went up the her and started joking around. can I by this? he asked. (I wonder why he sounded so sarcastic... inside joke? idk O-O) I kept trying to rush him to get the soda for me, I had given him the money. finally hi said he would do it. but before he did, he went up to the owner and did the can I buy this? thing... >.> but she was suddenly angry. those are for me, she said. I yelled for him to get it, he did... more to spite her than anything.... >.> I really wanna know what that was about. he handed me the can and we ran out as she yelled after us. we stopped and I started looking at the can, it was decorated with Japanese kanji. slowly the kanji disappeared along with the magic. I sat there wondering what to do as the dream ended and I woke up. a fear filled nightmare of a frequent WoW player?
  11. what tweet? please don't reference something like that, without quoting it or showing us screen cap of it. not all of us here use twitter, (I do, but that's not the point) and as for the ones who do use twitter, that doesn't mean that they've seen the tweet in question. also, how has the humor changed? it seems pretty normal, perhaps your taste in comedy has simply changed?
  12. yes I've tried contacting him, but the only way I have is through this forum. so he might not have seen it. I'll give him another week.. I mean his rank is super high so I doubt he would just randomly leave the forum, especially when he's in the middle of helping someone with a fanfic.. or at least not with out saying goodbye. thank you for the advice.
  13. to start this off, I wasn't sure whether to put this here or not. so sorry if I put it in the wrong place. I recently started writing a pony fanfic and I found a good editor, and we put out the first chapter. it got some pretty nice reviews so I started on the second chapter. after I sent it to him I waited for a reply and so far I have not gotten one. I'm not sure what to do, it has been days and I wanted to get the chapter out as quickly as possible. as far as I know he hasn't even gotten the chapter. so I ask you, what should I do? should I wait a bit longer? or should I find a temporary replacement until I hear back from him? I'm really, really confused, I'v never worked with an editor before now.
  14. "I wouldn't write a story with you if you were the last pony on earth! what made you think it was okay to shrink me in the first place? My magic is nearly good enough to restore my size, but there are plenty of unicorns around and I'm willing to wait for one. you will just have to write this so called story on your own." said Lucky as he jumped out of Riley's hand, disappearing into the darkness and eaten by rabid squirrels. his blood forever stained upon Riley's hooves. Flutter Shy, who witnessed the whole thing, sobbed tears of sorrow. H-how could you do that to a fellow pony? END scene brohoof. good job everypony.
  15. Lucky fell to the floor with a thump. "that was unnecessary!" Lucky said with sudden anger. " I'm starting to get the feeling that you have no intention of actually writing a story!" fumed Lucky. "so unless you begin to behave seriously I shall take my leave, and don't bother blocking my path again, unless you want me to call for the authorities! in all my days I have never met such a pony." and with a huff Lucky left, down the stairs and out of the door.
  16. Lucky took the cider and after a long drink he sat it down. "thank you" Fragments... oh for Celestia's sake, at least tell me them. "well I really can't help you unless you tell me what those fragments are. so would you mind telling?" said Lucky as he took another drink of cider.
  17. "how very interesting" said Lucky as he sat down. Novelty shop? whoopee cushions? well that certainly explains Riley's personality... I can't imagine a normal pony would work at such an establishment. "anyway, what kind of story do have in mind? please explain the plot to me.
  18. I'll be back soon

  19. "forget what I meant about other ponies.... so it seems you already a have a room. well in any case lets be off, I want to have a room rented before too late. Lucky could already could sense that this was going to take a while. what kind of story did this colt want to write? If lucky was what his name implied.. this story would be as short as the other one.
  20. chant of mirth is amazing! made me tear up a little. flutter So Cute! mother changeling epic! awesome! what more does a brony need? https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mother+changeling Here on the moon this one is my fave
  21. "Riley! stand up this instant, ponies might think things" said Luck in shock. "also I don't have a house, I haven't even wen to the ponyville inn yet. if you must know I was going to head there when I was finished here. so if we must do this, I suggest we WALK to the inn so I can rent a room. I may be old, but I'm perfectly capable of using my hooves." said Lucky in aggravation.
  22. Hahahaha true that! there are even fan games about kicking his butt! Like the waifu thief... classic.
  23. My waifu? nopony said I had one.... I certainly don't have one.
  24. If twilight is unavailable, I shall grab an book and be unavailable with her. we would study while we trash talk FlashSentry. lol JK
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