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Lucky Star

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Everything posted by Lucky Star

  1. I've been known to drink soda on occasion. But more often then not I prefer non carbonated drinks. I think it's because I didn't drink much soda growing up. The carbonation in the drinks tends to burn my throat and I've accidentally choked on it on it a few times. Lol xD not the most pleasant experiences. Soda I do like are Sierra mist, Pibb, and ginger ale (I hope that last ine counts lol)
  2. I was writing a post on a thread discussing whether Diamond's reformation was forced or not. Spoiler, I didn't think it was that bad. The music in the episode was awesome
  3. I had one of those chicken rice meals you make on the stove and I mixed shredded cheese into it. It was freaking tasty. I'll be having mac and cheese tonight. I like cheese.
  4. Twilight is still thecsame pony she was before she ascended to alicornhood. She just happens to have wings and more responsibility now. I don't see any sense in making a big deal about it.
  5. There will never be too much Rarity, Darling. They may as well turn her into an immortal alicorn princess so that all generations of Equestria can know of her fabulocity
  6. It might have been a little forced. But at least it wasn't Sunset Shimmer levels of forced. Plus for the time they had allotted to them to pull this off I think they did quite well. I still like listening to the music from that episode, abd the music did so well in pushing the plot forward. If anything it made the episode worth it even if it came off as forced. Plus we have more room to work with Diamond x Applebloom >:3 CMC Shippers rejoice. Hopefully DT will stay tsundere.
  7. I don't think Spike is that kind of dragon. And goodness knows how many varieties exist within the mlp universe. I wonder if they'll ever name any of them. Most of the ones we saw could possibly be mix breeds. it could just like with dog breeds. Though it's purely an idea from my own mind and isn't canon at all. I like to think that at one point in pony history the dragons had been subservient to ponies which might help explain some of the resentment they seem to hold. Or at least some of them seem to hold. Though it's not some serious gead canon I have. Just a thought I happen to like.
  8. Applejack and Twilight are ny favorite ship. They're both just so neurotic in their own ways and I love the way they play off each other. If you doubt the ship read The Homesteading on fimfiction. It's the fic that got me into the fic and it's one hell of a good read.
  9. There will be a lot of purist bronies who will dislike gen five and leave just like the Twilicorn incident no doubt. But to be honest I have confidence that it will manage to be as good. Hasbro has got to have learned it's lesson from the success of this gen and want to continue it. As for what it will be like, I don't know. But I hope it will take place in the same workd we know and love. With Celestia and Luna sti doing their thing. Maybe a time jump and a new location. People who doubt gen five annoy me. They have been going on gens, success isn't a sign that they'll stop. It's a sign of continuing.
  10. I'm quite sure that Equestria doesn't have TV so the odds of anime existing is extremely low. So that would definitely be on the list of things I would miss. Then there are the games like skyrim and minecraft. I miss those games right now whike my laptop is down, so odds are I would miss then in Equestria. I'm will to bet that Equestria has it's own books and conics as well. That being said though I would miss the stuff I like reading here on earth. I like to think that Equestria has pony versions of our boks and manga though. At least our books. According to the comics they definitely have table top rpgs so maybe The Forgotten realms is in Equestria too I have some friends that I woukd miss. I'm not the kind of person to be able to forget a friend so thoughts of how they were doing would probably haunt be for a long while.
  11. I would of course be happy to oblige as long as she didn't have me executed for the slap I would have to give her. She told me to do it after all
  12. My favorite songs from the fandom have either gotta be Lullaby for a princess with it beautiful melody and depiction of Celestia's backstory. The real pink pony, for being a rap song I actually enjoy listening to. Normally I can't stand rap, and as a final comment on the song. The singer sounded just like Pinkie Pie. Flutter by 4everfreebrony is a nice relaxing love song about our very own Flutters so cute I also love his chant songs, along with here on the moon. I had that song turned on repeat for like days when I first heard it. And then there's Faster then you know and Crusader by BlackGryph0n Out of all of them right now though, I think lost is my favorite. It's another from 4everfreebrony https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JwTNH2gD3cI
  13. The way I see it, people just didn't like the idea of Twilight getting a love interest. Especially an out of the blue one. To make matters worse, it was with a human. I suppose to some people it was like Hasbro giving the thumbs up to cloppers and shouting "Yeah she's into you too, bruh." I don't quite think there's any reason to hate him. More often then not it feels like people hate him because they feel like they need to hate him. Even the comics have caught onto the-fun-to-hate character angle for Flash and poke fun at him whenever he shows up.
  14. Probably just a standard pistol under my pillow. :Flutterhshy: Or a trusty nepalm blaster. You break into this house, you burn,
  15. The Mare of fashion is clearly in on it. "Thanks for making my ritual uniform, Rarity. I don't know what I'd do without your help." "Think nothing of it, Darling."
  16. I want to start watching Grey's anatomy for some reason

  17. If I was going to say that there was anything wrong with this episode, I would say they messed up on the part where Rainbow Dash began to change herself into her friends hoping that one of her friends personalities might win over the wonder bolts when her own hadn't. This would have been much better if they had portrayed it as a mental break. So far most of the main six have had one. Fluttershy at the gala, Applejack during apple buck season, Twilight has the most insane mental break in the show as far as I can see. Then finally Pinkie Pie. But they didn't. All through what's going on we see that Rainbow is clearly in control of her actions and doing these things not because of a mental break which would not have just been entertaining but would have given this more reason to exist, no, she did it because for some reason ungiven she seemed to think it would work. Though I must say that it wasn't nearly as bad I thought it was going to be. Though he didn't give any spoilers and he's a dear for not doing that sort of thing. My friend did warn me ahead of time to not expect too much from the episode. While I can see why he would cring at this. My reaction ended up being more akin to "Meh, could have been done better. Moving on." I didn't find anything about the overall episode cringe worthy. Not that I'm saying I don't believe that you cringed. Not that there is anything wrong in finding fault in an episode. There are many ways they could have done this, many, many, many ways that thing that could have made this episode great. The episode was fine. But that is just it though. It was just fine. (Wow, I probably sound all over the fence here.) This is the next step in Rainbow's Dash's whole story arc. This is where you're supposed to go up and beyond. Take some risks. But it felt a little safe at times. Now for the goods things about the episode. I do like that Rainbow Dash didn't go join the Wonderbolts and become the greatest Wonderbolt ever the moment she sat hoof there. I read through some of the posts here yesterday before I saw the episode, (Sorry, Bucky). One of the posts made a really good point. I'm sorry I have no idea who you are and I'm feeling pretty lazy, too lazy to go back through the posts and find ya. But this person said it was like the smartest person in a school finally going to college and learning that there will always be someone better. No matter what you go into there will always be a person one step above you. The point isn't to give up, the point is to work harder and improve. And I think it is wonderful that it got touched on in this episode. Though at the same time I must say There were a few times it felt like they might have lowered her skill level to furth that point. I would have liked to see more moves from the wonderbolts. Maybe one of them did a trick that Rainbow Dash was supposed to replicate but failed at, and that could have started the Rainbow Crash nickname. Side note; Isn't it kinda dark that Rainbow's foalhood shame came back to haunt her here? Though I guess by the end of the episode she had taken the nickname back and wore it as a badge of honor. "Ponies called me Crash, but even though ponies back then doubted me I still made my dreams come true!" Seems less dark if you think about it like that. No longer a past insult but a reminder that you can fufill your dreams if you keep working at them. So those are my thought on the episode. It may not be going into any lists but it certainly wasn't the worst poissible thing that could have happened. At least not the way I saw it. So I will remain happy and looking forward to more steps down the road if our beloved elements making their dreams true. "But Celestia help them if this happens with another main six story arc episode."
  18. Lyra is clearly the only one doing bedroom eyes. Bon Bon is smiling after a twelve hour shift at the office. Damn she tired. Too tired at the moment for bedroom eyes, you dang horn dog Lyra.
  19. If you want to go back and check them out, there is a link to a forum where you can download them. all you gotta do is make five posts to gain access to them
  20. Wow, the princess ember group on Fim Fiction already had like 56 stories. Damn she got popular, didn't she?

  21. It's almost like I can hear their thoughts. Rarity is like, "This is about Spike, Darling. Spike! Not studying." Spike is like, "Oh Twilight, not again." Luna be like, "Our sister did not jest when she told us of your over zealous study habits." And Celestia is just giving that motherly smile she always does thinking, "Oh Twilight, you never change, do you? That's why I'm secretly in love with you."
  22. What this peep said pretty much sums up my thoughts on the question, and since I'm feeling lazy to day... I'll just quote and say I agree.
  23. Dang it Celestia! You're burning me to death today.

  24. It is burning up today.

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