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Dark Bun

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Everything posted by Dark Bun

  1. Well normal Bronze players are just ~kinda~ bad. Low Bronze is like "no hope".
  2. It makes me wonder how low Bronze players feel right now. They must be getting annihilated right now.
  3. Yeah, I've seen my Plat and Diamond friends hit Bronze and low Silver, so it's really gonna be a grind this year. lol.
  4. Exactly why I'm staying away from ranked for a while. I'll let everyone else get back to the rank they belong, then I'll go through Silver again.
  5. Here I have a video for you to watch: I used to get tons of anxiety before a ranked, but afterward I thought it was silly that I was so anxious.
  6. Ekko is pretty fun, also Karthus, Azir, and Xerath. But these days I mostly just play Bard, because... he's amazing.
  7. if you put all the teasers side-by-side starting with Zed, it looks like its one bullet killing all 4 of them.
  8. O hey, I was right. http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/garen/ Anyway the champion doing this is clearly an adc, so is shooting with magic beams of light? I feel like this will end up being another celestial being like Bard and Soraka.
  9. Each DeadEye teaser comes out every 2 days, so the next one is tomorrow and the last is on the 3rd. Hopefully Deadeye or Jihn will be teased on the 5th.
  10. I honestly don't think its the existence of Alicorns that upsets people. It's that a lot of them are terrible or are completely unoriginal and generic The vocal minority of bronies just don't like bad ideas to be tossed around over and over, because seeing it over and over is frustrating. Of course that doesn't justify being a dick about it, but it;s understandable. Don't worry about what other people think. Don't worry about offending people over small things that have to do with ponies. My advice: Say what you want. And say it confidently.
  11. Dude, that's really fake. No one would right in "MoonDrop" into almost every episode and not even mention StarLight Glimmer. We probably won't see an episode list until a month before season 6 airs, so just relax for a bit during the hiatus.
  12. I imagine most people here have heard of this website. It's basically /mlp/, but with an EQD format, and they manage to generate some of this weirdest (and most ludicrous) drama. So now, I present to you the true "dark side" to the fandom. The paranoid bronies, that don't stay on 4chan, because it's all green text now.
  13. So I had this amazing match with some random bronies I met. I didn't do particularly well, but it was just one of those rare 1 hour long games that was really close till the end. And these days, with the current meta, they're even more rare.
  14. Yeah, I don't interact with the people in the fandom too much. I'm pretty casual.
  15. Given the finale delt with time travel, I guess this would appropriate to ask. If the show or fandom didn't exist, do you think you'd still be the same person? As for me, I'd say the show has made me a bit more liberal in some sense. However, I've always been easy-going.
  16. Yeah, I've noticed the past few games. New items are confusing and just as boring the current ones. I kinda wish they would introduce items with higher impact on the game.
  17. Starting to pick up the game again, what's changed in the past month and a half?
  18. Forever. Being a solitary person and being able to move past grief fairly easily makes it an easy choice. There would be ups and downs, but it would be quite the adventure ^.^
  19. "The Be-All and the End-All" this just sounds too epic. Maybe just "Faithful" for something more subtle.
  20. "Do Princess' Dream of Magic Sheep" was pretty dark. Most of it was in the middle of the night so, yeah. ;D
  21. My pick would have normally would've been ARK, but Undertale just blew that out of the water. And honestly, I think Undertale caught the world off guard. Who would have thought an Indie TBS RPG on Steam would make it this far? And to anyone who hasn't played it, play it. There's a free demo on the website.
  22. Yeah, I'm done with this game for a while. Someone tell me when all the broken champs get fixed.
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