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Dark Bun

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Everything posted by Dark Bun

  1. Yeah I do, and I just never took the time to turn them off lol. (not that I even know how)
  2. That feel when Danganronpa V3 has 16 more days until release.
  3. Yeh, I always check my notifications (and I feel compelled to check everything), so whenever you make a status update I read it.
  4. I dunno if anyone really cares to talk about this game anymore but I'll just leave this here. (Also this thread has gone far off track lol) Undertale is a very difficult game to talk about. I am loyal and avid fan of this game, but all my friends around me at the time were disinterested or outright appalled by this game. Deconstructing Undertale isn't hard. It's quite a simplistic game, and if you don't like it you'll know immediately after playing the first 5 minutes. It's obvious that Undertale doesn't behave like other JRPGs/RPGs. Everything about the game's mechanics are more or less arbitrary, and as such isn't a game that you would play for it's intense gameplay. It's suppose to enthrall you in a world where the mechanics break the 4th wall, but not all the characters are aware of it. Undertale is a small indie game that was never meant to blow up. It got too big for its humble niche messaging to mean anything, and I feel like it would have had a better impact on people if it was a random game some guy stumbled onto and had the time of his life. Unfortunately it became more of a fad, and now it will be remembered as "the game that Tumblr wouldn't shut up about".
  5. It starts July 15th, with a 2 hour premiere that will act as a "movie", but it's really just 4 episodes. But yeah more episodes don't start until the Autumn like @PinkiePie97 said. I imagine that there will be a time skip as this will be the events for Star and Marcos summer, then in Autumn they re-attend school.
  6. Just got Darkest Dungeon the other day, it's been insane. Not only do my characters get stressed, but I do too when I run the higher level dungeons. As far as theme goes, its more chilling than Pluto in winter, and this is without the DLC.
  7. "Obligatory political post that attacks the other side of the political spectrum, while pretending I am above that type of nonsense."

  8. Anberlin: A Whisper and a Clamor. Alternative rock at its finest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bka2Jz_1J44
  9. Well the game has been slowly going downhill since season 4. It's far from a bad game, but nowhere near as good as season 3 and 4. League has just kinda lost its charm somehow, and with OW biting into the fanbase LoL's main playerbase declined. It should start to balance out now though. In my case, I still play occasionally for a few days, but I normally hop back into GW2 or Hearthstone fairly fast. None of my old friends play it anymore, so I guess I have no reason to continue.
  10. @Kyoshi You need to chill man. When president Obama was re-elected, I thought the world was ending too. It didn't though, and I'm glad. I just over-reacted to the stupid idea that "four more years of this will end America". And maybe if you would watch Trump rallies or listen to him before he started his campaign you could see he really isn't that bad. He's by no means perfect. Trump is a complete douche, has little to no understanding of some social issues, and lied on his tax returns. Hillary IS a globalist crook, a chronic liar, actively protested gay and black rights through college, had groups of people bird-dog Trump rallies, and is so clearly disconnected from voters that she only got 54% of female independents and 10% of male ones. Trump is a national prick with a history of small white collar crime. Hillary is a bought politician. I'll pick the douche/racist/islamaphobic any day.
  11. I feel quite sorry for you EUNE players. Riot already made the mistake of messing with the ranked system, but with this change they've gone too far. They're main market is casuals who want to ban and pick like a ranked system. Hopefully we won't see it anywhere else.
  12. So were getting Solo que again, replays, and Baker Pantheon. I think I might start playing this game again.
  13. Yeah, that's why I don't enjoy playing as much anymore. Someone on my team gets picked off or something and we get hard-engaged on under tower and die. It's way too frustrating to lose just because of silly crap like that.
  14. So apparently "Poodlecorp" took down the League NA servers today. Not only that but they hacked RedMercy's YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook (for those of you who don't know, RedMercy is a popular Youtuber and Zed player). So yeah, this is the biggest DDOS on Riot's servers since the DDOS during the season 2 world's semi-finals. You can find Poodlecorp on Twitter, also they're associated with those LizardSquad people. -_-
  15. People who don't have a gamer tag usually do this. They take their favorite character's name, so they don't have something like "xXxDragonMasterxXx". IMO, taking names that don't belong to you is slightly worse.
  16. Yeah, his Asgore cover was really good. Love violins.
  17. Well the OP would need to edit it. Maybe it would be better to ask the mods if we can make an [Official] thread.
  18. Guys, it's happening. Two more hours and OverWatch is out.
  19. While enduring my lack of OverWatch this past week, I managed to find this: Anyway, hows everyone's been? Has anyone else managed to find a game to fill the Undertale shaped hole in your Undertale shaped heart?
  20. Dark Bun

    general IQ

    133-149? I never was too fond of these IQ tests, but now I know they lie. I've met people who are far smarter than me, who, if the scaling was the same, would be somewhere in the 200's.
  21. You know, this might actually be the first good idea I've seen you share. Do some more games and post the results. That's why he's #1 on every ban list. Riot, even after all these years, can't balance the game correctly. Someone is going to be FotM. Someone is going to be insanely broken.
  22. You're the only person here who has a problem with it. Your average console player and average PC player don't care about what close minded individuals say. They play the games they like, and they don't say anything to the other party. And honestly telling a group of people who don't already listen to reason to stop being elitist jerks, isn't going to do anything. Yes, this type of behavior isn't good for a community, but last I checked PC gaming isn't a community in the traditional sense. PC gaming, and well gaming in general, has gotten way to big to be moderated. That's why we have smaller communities within PC gaming, because we can moderate those. Look, I'm not going to argue on this any longer. Me, and clearly many other individuals, don't find people of this nature to be a large enough threat to reasonably damage PC gaming as a whole. Elitist are a joke. Literally a meme.
  23. @Key Sharkz I feel like you're making this small problem seem way bigger than it actually is. Yes, there are elitist, but do we even see them anymore? Not really, they're very rare to come by. Sure there are those darn kids who spam "PC master race" everywhere, but they don't actually know what they're talking about. It's just a meme. I guarantee you more than half of the "elitist" are just people who like spewing memes all over the place. Even if were really a problem, what would you even do to stop it? You can't force people to change their ideals. Just learn to coexist with these people. It's much easier than trying to make a person humble (if that's even possible).
  24. Two words friend. Vocal minority. PC gaming is so big at this point, you'd be crazy to think that there isn't a group of people out there, who think they're better than everyone else. Don't listen to them, move on.
  25. I'm more in line with how most of the pros think of the new dragon system. It's an okay system, but the water and air dragon buffs are really underwhelming and not very useful. The earth dragon buff could use some tweaking too.
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