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About WishMaster

  • Birthday 1999-11-14

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  • Personal Motto
    I am a Brony....Not big surprise. ~ Tf2 Heavy,2014
  • Interests
    I like to talk about things such as Quantum Physics as well as Neural Science, i'm acutely studding so I can get a PHD in Marine Bio. as well as Physics, Chem., and Medical Science. If you have any questions about anything at all or just want to chat, feel free, all questions/comments are welcome. I am also a big gamer so if you wana play some games with me feel free to add me on Steam, but besides that I do also like to look at theories about games and see if I can come up with interesting things to look up about games, such as the fact that in Fallout Vegas Edition I learned that it is possible to survive a HEADSHOT! ( Link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNTCRBArJ38)

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My Little Pony

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Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Huge Doctor Whooves and Doctor Who fan. I really like the 11th doctor, mostly cause he has a cool Fez hat and I really love Fezzes But I do also like the 4th doctor as well
  2. To be 100% truthful I don't think Cheese Sandwich is the best stallion in the show, but I digress, he is up there with my top 10 favorite ponies. And to thows who say that Pinkie Pride is the best episode in the season, I give a seal of approval to.
  3. Its hard for me to pick. I would be gay for all of them but I guess if I had to choose one I would pick either Thunderlane or Hoity Toity <3
  4. Derpy Hooves is defiantly my favorite mare of the show just because of how cute she is with her lopsided eyes and because we both love muffins
  5. In my opinion Fluttershy is the best of the main 6 because of her shyness. I find it cute and silly how Fluttershy at times is even scared of her own shadow and at some times she's brave enough to face up to a dragon and a lion 0-0 I could never do things like that. I also love Fluttershy cause... well who wouldn't want to hug and snuggle somepony as cute as Fluttershy.
  6. Im not a huge fan of Lyra but I still think she is an amazing pony. I enjoy her obsession over humans, I find it creepy and funny both at the same time. I am also a fan of Lyra's musical skills with the harp, I have awls loved the sound of the harp and now I can listen to a pony play it. Tough I am not a big fan of Lyra she is BPFF (Best Pony Friend Forever) with Bon Bon and she is a good friend of Lyra's.
  7. I love both Octavia and Vinyl because i'm a fan of both kinds of music they play. I listen to dubstep/electro/trap/house/etc. more then I do classic but I still do often enjoy sitting down at my computer, plugin my headphones in and then listening to some classic or even some jazz or rock ( Like my favorite singer Elvis Presley) Love you Elvis <3 For ever and ever <3
  8. Cheese Sandwich is one of my top 5 favorite stallions in the show (next to Big Mac., Soarin, and Thunderlane). I find Cheese's brand of comedy funny and amusing just like Pinkie pie and i'm glad that they got together to sing the song "Make a Wish" for Rainbow Dash's birth day. I also like Cheese cause when I was young my mom would make me cheese sandwiches every Friday for lunch at school, she also packed a juice box and a small cupcake
  9. Oh where to begin on the long list of reasons on why I like Scootaloo so much. Ah, I know just where to start. I like Scootaloo because she is a passionate filly, she is awls working with her friends to reach the goal of getting their cutie marks and playing around with her idol Rainbow Dash. I find Scootaloo's resilience to be both heart warming and inspirational, when I watch Scootaloo playing around and working hard with her friends and Rainbow Dash I am reminded that I to must keep working hard to get to my dream of becoming a marine biologist ( I love the deep see ). I also love how there have been a joke going on around for quite some time about Scootaloo being chicken and then when I go to find out more about it I find a picture of Scootaloo in a bucket of KFC. I started laughing so hard my gut felt like it was about to burst. I guess I found it so funny cause back when I was younger I would eat at KFC a lot because I loved the way they cooked their food. So I believe that I have ranted on about Scootaloo enough but I would just like to also say that I do love the other CMC ponies, its just to me their no where near as cool as Scooatloo
  10. Ok to be 100% honest im not a really big fan of lesbian shippings (mostly because im gay) but to be honest Rarijack is probably on my list for one of my top 10 favorite ships. The reason I enjoy this ship is cause in a way rarity and applejack have a almost incompatible relationship, applejack is a hardworking, strong, and spends most of her days apple bucking or just doing work on the apple farm where Rarity is a independent worker with massive amounts of fine craftsmen skills and a extensive knowledge of fashion. It just seems like these two ponies are complete polar opisits (thats just a fancy way of saying oposits) but yet they still do have a enomous amount of similarities that brings them togther. And that my fellow bronies is why I like Rarijack in more or less then a nutshell.
  11. Princess Cadance is (in my opinion) the best princess because she is the princess of love, I remember back when I was younger and it was the first time I had seen Cadance on the show and I had instantly tough that she was the coolest pony EVER (but unfortunately I have moved on and found other ponies to love). I belive that the reason I liked her (and still do) so much is because she acts as an important character (not saying any of the other characters are less of an importance) she is a trustworthy, kind, and caring leader/friend/companion and she deserves the be the wife of Shining armor and the Princess of the Chrystal Kingdom. In conclusion Princess Cadance really is the best princess.
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