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Everything posted by WindyParadise

  1. I thought Cadence was adopted or something. Ah, here it is. "The chapter book My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell specifies that Celestia adopted her as a niece." -MLP Wiki.
  2. It's a book series, the sword of Martin the Warrior is somewhat important in the book and some characters are related to Martin somehow and it's vaguely hinted that his ghost helps to protect the (usual) main center of the books.
  3. Reminds me of Redwall, but maybe that's just me.
  4. Shining Armour motions for Bloodshot and Flash Sentry to watch the entrances to their train-chamber. The other two guards are free to do as they please(mostly make the Changlings comfortable). After finishing that he walks over to Mariposa and sits down across from her. "So... You seem like the more reasonable Changling, I'm sure you'll understand why I will be asking some questions as to what we should expect once we reach your homeland's borders. Will there be patrols that might attack us? Do you live in cities or Hives as your kind call them?"
  5. "So Twilight, when are we heading out on the mission? Unless I'm bothering you, then I can ask later..." Fluttershy breaks the silence as she finishes her food, turning to Twilight to talk before everybody else wakes up. She prefers speaking to other ponies one on one anyway. Less pressure.
  6. Interesting backstory, though I'm not sure how I feel about ghost-ponies.
  7. Who's Trender Hoof again? Nevermind, I looked it up. Head-canon here but I always believed that Natural Alicorns either had a really low fertility/birthing rate or were naturally sterile. So while I believe Cadence and Twilight(I hope it never happens but...) could have children they would either be normal ponies or natural Alicorns(and thus the low-fertility/birthing rate). Kind of a natural 'Harmony'/balance of power so to speak while also allowing the writers to explain why natural Alicorns haven't become the dominant species already. lol
  8. "The Changlings will know our peaceful intentions, Twilight and her friends have already been sent ahead to begin negotiations. I know, it's not an ideal situation but Celestia decided this was the best way and I trust her judgement." He pauses for a moment to think. "What kind of equipment are you suggesting Lordy?" He asks the overexcited guard on their way to the Train Station. "Well seeing as how we will be having our own cabin I don't see any reason to worry. The train almost always runs nicely and if people have a problem then they can bring it up with Celestia and her bureaucrats. But thank you for checking anyway Bloodshot." Shining Armour says to the pony after he arrives.
  9. Personally I think he will be to busy giving flowers to Celestia. :comeatus:
  10. "We are bringing you back to your homeland as a peace offering and representation that there are more peaceful ways to survive in this world for your kind." Shining replies with a minor tensity in his voice as he opens the 2nd cell. Shining raises an eyebrow at her question before responding. "I'm taking you for a train ride to the Crystal Empire so we can visit the spa's there, can't you tell?" He says in an overly friendly voice.
  11. Hey Santakopa, I already addressed the Changlings.
  12. Well I just think maybe the CMC would be immune to whatever causes the = sign cutie marks. Maybe Cutie Pox will be used to restore every ponies cutie mark? lol
  13. My new year resolution is not to have any resolutions... ... Dang it!
  14. "Calm down soldier, we will be leaving as soon as the Changlings are out of their cells." (Assuming they were not let out already.) "Cold climate, lots of travelling and possibly some changlings if we are lucky. I can't give you to many details but Celestia believes we have found a way to establish long-term peace with the Changling's." Shining says as quickly as we can before turning back to the Changlings to open their cells.
  15. Fluttershy wakes up from the knocking and momentarily freaks out before remembering where she is and what she is doing. *Sigh* "I hope Angel is doing okay. I wonder who is up already?" After cleaning up and preparing what she needs for the journey north Fluttershy leaves her room and heads down for some breakfast to find Twilight already down there. She remains silent as she gets an orange and some flowers out to eat so she doesn't interrupt Twilight's thinking.
  16. I think 'The Friendship Council' or 'Council of Friendship' is basically confirmed by the meeting room in Twilights Castle and by the fandom. lol I still think it will be a bunch of extras or the CMC's will somehow solve it. If it changes someone's cutie marks then what about those ponies who don't have a Cutie Mark yet?
  17. "Thank you Celestia, we will get moving out right away." Shining turns to his companions and motions for them into the prison. Approaching the two cells with the Changling's Shining addresses them in a polite voice. "Hello, I am Shining Armour and with Celestia's orders four guards along with myself are to guide you safely to your homeland. We seek to establish long-term peace with your people and believe that escorting you there personally will help us in this regard." ["You are not considered prisoners on this journey and once we have passed the Crystal Empire you are free to leave us to find your home on your own at that time."] OOC: I can remove the last part if you prefer Vital Sparkle.
  18. Lordy and Shining could always go in to talk with them. Having a guard missing is a bit annoying but we could just say Runic was alerted to the mission by another guard before we leave?
  19. Soo... Why does everybody think they will get in trouble for talking with the Changeling prisoners? Shining Armour indirectly said he already knew about it and we are transporting them to their homeland as a peace-offering of sorts.
  20. Shining Armour calls the guard dog over and scratches her behind the ears before handing the dog over to a guard. He then takes off after Lordy and if possible will keep the prison door closed with his magic. "What's with the hurry Snow? If you heard her in there then we can see her together." He calls out to Lordy Snow.
  21. "Alright, I will go check the prison cells then if you wish to split up." Shining says as he begins walking to the door that leads in the prison's direction. Lordy Snow might notice Shining Armour watching him through the corner of his eyes as he walks away.
  22. "Hold up Snow, I can come with you since I can pack at the Crystal Empire." Shining says as he steps up next to Lordy and with interest sparkling in his eyes after Snow's stammering after being questioned, not that Shining Armour didn't trust the soldier. He just likes to know what's going on. "So where should we start looking?"
  23. "At ease everybody, I'm just here to find Lordy Snow and Runic Signal. They will be accompanying me along with some other guards on an important mission to the Changling Empire." Shining Armour says in a friendly casual voice, feeling more at home around other guards than around civilian ponies. "You wouldn't happen to know where they would be would you?" He nods to Bloodshot before the colt runs off and turns to the newcomer. "Ah, Flash Sentry is it? I can do with another soldier on this mission but don't think this will help you get closer to Twilight. If your coming go get packing for a long journey in the snow past the Crystal Empire." Shining Armour says with amusement in his voice.
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