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  1. ...if your first thought when someone says they're rewatching The OC is to ask "Alicorn, pegasus, unicorn, or Earth pony?"
  2. Not very easily. It's definitely possible, but someone would have to do quite a bit of digging to see it. Basically the closest connection I have with my name IRL is a post stating my name and gamertag in a public document last modified a year or so ago. Someone would have to search that and find one specific out-of-the-way profile where I have publicly done pony-related stuff in order to know I'm a fan of the series (that is, unless they are as well, in which case I'd just tell them).
  3. The hatred towards those who identify very strongly with the fandom. That is to say, I hate the hatred but most other fans of the show engage in it. No, the more dedicated fans aren't "giving you a bad name"; instead it's the outsiders who apply the bad name to you that are giving you the bad name. Cases in point: football fans aren't given a "bad name" by the ones who always wear their favorite player's jersey (sometimes even not washing it) or paint their bodies at the stadium, and music fans aren't given a "bad name" by those who trash the concert halls while drunk/high and don't wash the hand the artist signed, so why should bronies be any different? Sure, there might be an article or two about obsessed football fans / music fans, but in the former case it's seen as a sign of dedication rather than a disgusting downside and in the latter case it's usually seen as a set of isolated events and not representative of fans of the artist in question. In all three cases someone on the outside who is uninformed might want to apply a bad name to the entire fan community, and in two of those cases that is quickly brushed off as incorrect because of the people's past experiences with the majority of the fans... but since we're the newest and least understood, other outsiders see the bad name applied by their fellow non-brony and go with it because they've never had any contradictory experiences. Hence, there's no reason to "brush off" the bad publicity as being just an overreaction, and suddenly everyone starts hating us for "valid reasons" that they have never even verified the validity of. In general, I hate that the community wants to bring down the level of involvement that the most dedicated fans have in the fandom.
  4. I can't think of anything to beat the message in "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" in this regard. Maybe "sometimes everyone would be better if you had never been born" would come close, but it's still not as bad IMO as IAEBB was -- oh wait that one was done too, in Fairly OddParents "It's a Wishful Life".
  5. It's a little bit of both. I agree, but to be honest most of the fans say the "but it's actually manlyyyyy" thing to "soften the blow" with people that may not appreciate the defiance of gender roles to begin with. In debate, one of the best tactics (if you can pull it off) is to assume your opponent's logic is true and then construct an argument that fits it. This is no different. There's a time and a place to say everything, and if all you want is to win an argument about ponies then it's oftentimes best to educate haters about their misconceptions rather than try to directly attack their belief system and/or claim that you're doing something that they don't even think is right.
  6. No, but I didn't vote in the poll, because none of the reasons given apply 100% to me. If "dislike" simply means "not liking", then I couldn't care less what a specific person likes (I want the fandom to grow, but I don't care who joins and I definitely won't do something negative to someone for not becoming a fan). However, if someone were to directly hate on MLP fans, and especially if they were to claim to be "uncomfortable" around those of us who are fans of the show, I would not be afraid of calling them out. Saying that a guy who watches MLP is weird/sick/sad is equally as bad as saying a girl who watches football is weird/sick/sad, and the fact that some people in society see berating male bronies as acceptable but (correctly) see berating female football fans as demeaning is itself demeaning... after all, the former is based on the backwards idea that women are weak and nobody should want to be like them at all. Even worse are those who claim to dislike MLP fans because it's a kids' show... those haters' logic is very demeaning towards children for a very similar reason.
  7. Coming up next, only on Discovery Family: Now introducing ROBOPONIES! They look like normal ponies, but then they transform into robots! What will happen to the ponies now that the Discordicons have obtained a monopoly over the blue district of Equestria? And, which of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is secretly a robot in disguise? Could it be Sweetie Belle, with the metal horn, in the library? Find out next -- on Discovery Family!
  8. A few months ago it was too hot in the house and my mom (who for some odd reason enjoys setting the thermostat above 80 degrees) asked me if it was too cold. I answered, "no, it's not too cold, in fact it needs to be about 20% cooler". She, thinking I was making a reference to my prodigious mathematical skills, laughed and said "is that what they're teaching you in school? How can I learn how to be 20% cooler?" I then burst into laughter and just say "Eeyup, and you don't want to know." (we kid around like that sometimes, especially since she suspects I might be secretly working for the government, so that's really nothing out of the ordinary) She then says "You're funny... I think my next Facebook status should be 'How can I be 20% cooler?'" in a serious yet lighthearted way. I should add now that my mom and most of her friends are quite conservative and think that gender roles should be fairly strictly followed, but I know for a fact that some of her friends have daughters who watch MLP. Long story short, she posted the status and someone noticed it was from MLP. She told me about it and asked "Why did you say a line from My Little Pony, and how do you even know a line from My Little Pony?" I said a friend who likes the show says it all the time (which is true) and explained the brony fandom to her (basically "Hasbro hired a good cartoonist who more than exceeded their expectations, and because the show is actually quite decent it has a following in many geeky communities", but a bit longer than that and mentioning the idea that people expected it to be horrible so they went wild when it actually was good). In the end, the whole thing turned out better than expected -- she thought it was strange but really not much stranger than Trekkies in the 80s and certainly nothing to get up in arms about like some of her friends did when she made the post. She said she has nothing against me having some friends who are into weird things as long as they're nice people and I also have "some friends who are normal". I digress on the second part (I mean, I do have some friends who are her definition of "normal", but having such friends is not in my list of requirements to be a good person). She still doesn't know I'm personally into the show (that's not going to happen), but at least she isn't railing against bronies like I thought she would.
  9. Show him Smile HD. It will push him over the edge and get him to join the herd.
  10. TheMysteriousMrEnter for sure. While I don't always agree with his analysis (for instance, I feel the reviews for Putting Your Hoof Down and It Ain't Easy Being Breezies would do better if they were each swapped to the other episode), I like it that he always has a well-thought-out reason behind whatever he says.
  11. Doesn't matter. Applejacks are asleep, post Pinkie Pie.
  12. Rainbow Dash: Fitness forums, how to get into the Wonderbolts, and (in incognito mode) Daring Do fanfics. I can also see her being an avid competitive gamer, though that would be relegated to "mainstream" games because of her desire not to be an egghead. Pinkie Pie: Social media, with multiple accounts on each site. Also casual gaming; Candy Crush in particular would be one of her favorites. Also she would use a Mirror Router to get on the humannetz and talk to her friends from Canterlot High (whom she strangely knows everything about despite them being in another world). Twilight Sparkle: Wikipedia, lots of other learning sites. Applejack: Agriculture forums, homestyle living websites, Farmville. Rarity: Etsy, Pinterest, also her own shop's website. Fluttershy: /r/aww
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