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butter scotch

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Posts posted by butter scotch

  1. Well for Science I can tell you one thing!

    Confused about anything then feel free to ask me...

    For History keep watching and also read up on Wikipedia or something.

    Maths. Try and do some sums related to what your doing or measure something...

    For Spanish you can just repeat the phrases for a few minutes at a time.

  2. You should just push your sister down some stairs.

    I found it works with everyone...

    Go off to Hot Topic yourself.

    Don't let other people control your life!

    If your dad gets pissed just tell him that you don't care what he thinks.

    If he blocks your allowance or whatever just steal the money from your parents!

  3. Well...

    Life advice is where this should be really...

    You should tell your parents you don't care about what others think of you.

    And that a lot of people like the show.

    Que the amazing figure and some photo's or something. (Don't over-do it!)

    Having a Plushie or something honestly isn't amazing.

    But then again that's coming from me so unless it's really to do with practical things then I'm not the man to ask...

    • Brohoof 1
  4. if i had $1000, i would be rely helpful for getting me to Brony con this year so i can be with my special some pony there tho that 1000 you be only enough for the flight

    Just get a bus.

    Then either:

    Bring a gun and hostage your way in.

    Sneak in.

    Borrow a wristband or whatever from a friend.

    I honestly think BronyCon is for people with no lives...

    I'd put $700 in my bank account for college. The rest would be spent on clothes! :D Because I love love love clothes. And I need more (who doesn't?!)


    WHAAAAT. Lucky. What do they do? Like, what's their job that they're so rich? (I might consider it, if it's anything fun. I want to be rich when I become older.)

    We're rich because we do everything ourselves.

    Me and my dad fix things like cars.

    We did our own electrics etc.

    My mum sows clothes and cooks good meals from nothing.

    Also we don't waste our money on shitty, expensive Apple and shit like that!

    My dad does have a good ranking in the local police force...

  5. New people shouldn't greet?

    The only reason you post IN THIS forum area is to WELCOME people.


    Anyway! Welcome to the forums enjoy your time here blah blah blah...

    I honestly don't see the point in welcoming people but anyway.

    Merry Christmas...

  6. Clopfics, if done well, are fine with me. I just hate the poorly designed ones (LOL hey Rainbow Dash! Wanna sex?). I'm definitely not a fan of gore fics (Cupcakes scarred me for life) but most everything else is just fine and dandy with me!

    HAHAHA. Scarred you for life? I want to scar you since it sounds pretty easy.

    Want to see a mouse filled with radioactive Radon then have a high-voltage passed through it?

    Note: Radon is a noble gas so it'll make a nice light bulb until it sets alight...


    Cloppers. No.

    Gore. Yes as long as it's not this:

    "Twilight was in a million pieces on the floor."

    That was a fucking waste of time reading...

  7. Reaction:



    What was the bet? Also you wouldn't be so bad at singing if you were louder.

    It's like listening to a mouse!

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I'll be 23...


    I'll either be one of the following:


    Drifting in space until I run out of supplies.


    Overlord of the world.




    A serial-killer.

    An evil scientist implanting Plutonium rods into your children.

    A notorious hippy killer.

    Locked away in a mental hospital due to some bullshit-makes-no-sense disorder. (If I visited a psychiatrist I would be diagnosed with a lot! I keep my distance from them...)




  9. Honestly people can like what they want...

    It's more of the Cloppers though.

    Most of the Cloppers are real dicks no joke!

    Not all of them but most; they're the real problem.


    I don't have a problem with things such as Cupcakes.

    Why? Well I've done stuff that would put me in Hell (If it exists!!!)...


    In reality ALL Bronies need to show respect as it's a kids show. The above statement is WRONG. Lauren Faust HERSELF said that the show should also be entertaining for the parents equally as much as the kids.

    But still though colourful ponies? Magical shit? Very strange indeed...

  10. 1. Will, William, Butter... Whatever really as long as it's within reason!

    2. A71william

    3. Epson816

    4. A long time that's all I know! I prefer Soldier, Engineer etc...

    I use all the classes and my decision is dependent on what my team are and how good they are!


    Note: Sustaining a conversation with me for over an hour will cause severe damage to your brain as I will have overloaded it with a theory on how a banana could fly to Venus!


    EDIT: FUCK THIS. Seriously; I don't spend money on the in-game store or anything and I'm a bloody millionaire!

    I'm only going to play on Mann vs Machine not Money, Man and Machine...

  11.  Humanity is the greatest threat to everything but also it's best hope.

    We've screwed A LOT up on Earth and as far as we know it's the only planet capable of sustaining life.

    We can spread life and destroy it...


     I'm leaving this planet as soon as there's a habitable world!


     Merry Christmas...

  12.  I built something a long time ago. It had about 6 buttons on a console then it was hooked up to some motors etc.

    It may have been to produce Hydrogen or something I can't remember. Anyway I had power going into it and couldn't remember what the little knob at the end did...


     There was a Hydrogen build-up and some of the sparks ignited it!

    I don't really regret it because it was junk filling up my limited lab space.


    Merry Christmas

  13.  I would happily proof-read anything for you!

    I'm actually not at school for a couple of weeks so now is the best time.

    I have great grammar and good spelling; I can also help you with plot development etc...

    I actually write some myself!


     Please tell me if I do/don't get the job since I'll start writing a new fan-fic if I don't get it and I want to start ASAP!

    Marry Christmas by the way!

  14. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Celestia lost. If you think about she's worthless without others, probably just to keep in line with the show's morals.


    Superman is almost invincible to the elements (Scientific elements and The Elements Of Harmony!) due to 2 things:


    1. Krypton is a gas even when it's very cold and it makes up a notable amount of Earth's atmosphere. Also it's radioactive and breathing it is not a good idea...


    2. The Elements Of Harmony can only be used against evil. Superman helps people so he's safe unless he starts killing random people! Hippies don't count.

  15. Well, be happy that you're getting much of anything.  And I hope it's a Duncan, those things are awesome.  I'm getting a meal for Christmas.


    What's that?  You're talking about just gifts overall, and that meals are what's to be expected on Christmas day?


    Oh.  Well then.


    I'm getting nothing. 

    A meal? Wait you have a computer and internet yet no food?

    Well I bought the WiiU back in November but I still haven't gone to the bank to pay back my parents so I'm thinking they'll probably just call it even.  Ill probably get a couple games and a movie or something to open up cause my mom likes putting stuff under the tree though


    And grandma-ma will probably get me more pajamas

    Pajamas? You lucky bastard! None of my clothes last a week or two because of my exotic seating positions; I wanted Yoga Pants as they're invincible!

    • Brohoof 1
  16. 1. The portal to the Money-Verse opening and James May throwing our socks into the portal!


    1. An experiment. Why you may ask? Well since I was born I have been doing mind bending things from joining atoms (Moar energy than splitting and cheaper!) to magnetizing everything in my house.


    2. The Type-25. When I have finished the power armour I'm nervous. If I get stuck in that thing or the radiation seeps through from the small reactor housed on the back I'll die (From a mix of starvation, radiation and bordom...)


    3. Organisms. I hate living things... Leave me in a forest with a strange looking plant and within 2 minutes I would have destroyed it with my patent Plasma Projector (A fancy name for a Plasma Flame-Thrower!)

    • Brohoof 1
  17. I'm getting a used Lenovo ThinkPad X301 Laptop. It's missing a few parts so I will "rebuild" it bit by bit, clean it up and stuff. Bascially refurbish it myself, I love doing that so I couldn't be happier. :D

    You and me are somewhat alike...


    I like fixing junk mainly because if I don't I can't be arsed to get a new one.

    Also it gives me something to pass the time away until the moment The Age Of Reclamation which will be quite a sight!


    Merry Christmas to you!


    Also if you want some help with fixing stuff or something else just ask ;) !

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