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The Awesome One

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Everything posted by The Awesome One

  1. Alright,I think I'll do a Halo F-15 next.Also,this is the actual thread for this airplane:http://ysfhq.com/php...pic.php?p=47976 My username there is 'Crazypilot' I'll get to work on that Halo F-15 now. NOW FOR SUM LUNA! More specifically the Lunar Republic Air Force Su-35 Terminator.
  2. Thankyou,I like the drawing style on that avatar.Especially the wings. 10/10.
  3. No it's not an offence,your writing is fine.
  4. Since I'm left handed I can write like nightfall and I can write like sheaksphere.It just depends on how much effort I'm going to put in my writing.
  5. I like you already.Welcome to MLP forums.
  6. *sees title* *sees tag* Best be getting the hell outta here.
  7. Heh,not too bad but not my taste. 7/10 Profile:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/nocturnal-r101 TL;DR backstory:Parent's were assassins.He became an assassin and got his cutie mark on his first job.
  8. I've seen you 6 or 5 times in my one and a half month here.So therefore,you get a decent 7/10.
  9. The problem is I hate to look at the toy versions.They look ugly to me.
  10. I would do nothing since I don't want any butter What would you do.....to get a Mazda RX8 with Rainbow Dash decals.
  11. ''Has everyone fooled into thinking she is the real Cadance'' ''Blows her own cover''
  12. Let's look at it in this way: 1.They live on another planet within the Milky Way but it's way too far from our solar system for us to ever find it.It has it's own sun which Celestia has managed to control and probably create as well and it's own moon as well.Humans and Ponies live in one dimension but they neither know the other exist or maybe Ponies see them as a myth and humans have never heard of them. 2.They live on earth but in a parallel dimension where Ponies are the dominant race and humans were never created.Equestria is probably somewhere Europe and there may be other Pony kingdoms and ofcourse the Griffon kingdoms scattered all over their earth but were only told about Equestria. 3.Humans died out in a humongous war.Animals became dominant.Griffons,sea monsters and other mythological creatures had always existed but they were afraid to come out because of the humans.When the humans were gone all animals came out and started their own kingdom and some how developed human like brains.
  13. Was expecting evil looking dragon. Was not disappointed.
  14. I'm not really a fan of avatars like those so therefore,you get 7/10.
  15. I'll be Night Flash,that annoying,arrogant Pegasus. http://mlpforums.com/topic/11007-night-flash/
  16. He,Shining Armor,Fancy Pants and Soarin are the only sensible stallions in MLP.Would be nice if all of them came on the show in their own episode.
  17. *cocks Tactical Friendship Assault Rifle and looks at Speedy* Oh...Your are now in a world of humongous pain my friend.
  18. I'm not a fan of completely dark-colored OC's but I like this one.
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