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Moony the Cat

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Posts posted by Moony the Cat

  1. When im bored i listing to music and thinking about animated music videos which would be cool if there would exist like maud pie singing space jam and other ideas.


    And then im trying to animate and draw a few pictures until i realize that i simply just cant animate.Then i go to wikipedia and search things up.Like upcoming movies i want to watch or im just going to youtube.



  2. Second, Gen 3 had comics!?

    Um yes, just like g1 had.And i think G2 had also magazines with comics in it.


    G3 had reading learning books, a few picture books and two different kinds of comic books.

    One with a more Show like style and one with the style i have posted here.

    There also had a Manga series produced by Tokyopop.


    If you want to see more of the books follow this link and type in My Little Pony and push start.This shop has almost all books i think. http://www.amazon.de/gp/aag/main/ref=olp_merch_name_3?ie=UTF8&asin=0061234532&isAmazonFulfilled=0&seller=A1HMZLWHQGG98I

    I know, its the german amazon site, but i cant find one seller on the english site, which has more than 4 books  :lol:

    Well, i dont know if you could call this comic books or just picture books but they drawing style is very good.

  3. I have voted, the episode was okay.

    I have watched Toast Busters a YTP before and was very excited to watch the real episode since i liked the YTP so much.

    But the episode was a disappointment to me.

    Beside that one good quote that trixie said against Rarity, almost everything what she said wasnt that good afterall.Then there was Twilight who somehow had the feeling like defending her friends would hurt them for some reason, which i really dont understand.

    And then snip and snails, two characters that i personally find unnecessary, because its a episode about Trixie and not about 2 stupid fanboys, that are supposed to be funny because in the episode their seems to be not that smart.

    Still the episode was funny and the fight with the giant bear interesting ( altough i found the mother bear at the end scary :wacko:  )


    Well i still like the ytp much more, and i really hope the second episode with trixie will be better than this.

  4. I liked the episode, because of pinkie pies trolling on Gilda and that she found constantly new ways to catch up with gilda and rainbow dash.  :lol:

    I find it a little bit strange, that rainbow dash didnt anything to help pinkie or just hasnt seen, that gilda sabotaged pinkie pie very often.

    I really didnt like gilda because i can relate to that situation, that one of your friends had a very best friend that doesnt like you and wants that you disappear, so i was very happy after gilda disappeared.  :P

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I want to join this Fanclub too  :)


    Im a fan of G3 and have every short and movie on dvd, except 2 of the short movies, from them i have only comic books.


    My favorite Movies are Runaway Rainbow and Twinkle Wish Adventure.Runaway Rainbow because i loved the music in it and it was emotional as Rarity tried to find her friends back.I think that the movie had exactly a good message in it like the g4 episodes normally have, the lesson that, friends would never forget you, they will always search for you.


    But i like Twinkle Wish Adventure more, because Scootaloo is just perfect in this animation, she is more badass than her G4 Version in my opinion.She even argues with her sister ( if i remember correct ) and the movie was perfect to introduce G4, since the movie has also more jokes in it, goes a little bit faster with the dialog and has finally a villian again, for the first time in G3  :lol:  ( well, if you could count her as a villian  :wacko:  )

    But what i love the most, are the fantastic drawings in the comic looks, never has My Little Pony looked better :



    I personally find this style better than G4  :wub:

    • Brohoof 3
  6. @ sig hoovestrong  Thanks, i would make a brohoof back, but i have a microsoft keypad on my apple, and a few symbols are now on different buttons, and i cant figure out which buttons  :lol:


    @ rising dashie wow, thanks  :o  i feel honored  :)

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Any other old show fans? I've been a brony (technically pegasister) since I was in like 1st grade... So... 20 years ago-ish? I saw the reboot and squealed. My friends thought I was nuts. I did it again with the Sailor Moon reboot.

    Im a Fan of the older shows, because i have started with them.Ive never watched them on the Tv back then but whenever i start with a franchise, i start from the beginning.  :squee:

  8. My Opinion is, yes they should leave as alone, because most of that what they say, doesnt even make any sense.


    Im okay, if someone says, that he finds the show stupid or someone doesnt like bronies, than im completely fine with that, because its their opinion.


    But i cant tolerate them, when their come from nowhere  and just randomly insult everyone. First off,  insults are childish and most oft the haters and trolls are kids as far as i know, so the sentence " you are a manchild, grow the f*** up " doesnt make any sense.

    Second their hate posts come often from nowhere and are posted on Videos and sites that doesnt even have anything to do with it.


    Example: In one Video there is a shortcut for something in the game, which the lets players dont understand. A brony simple answers this and explains what the shortcut means.


    Hater : The autism is strong with this one.


    Another Brony : Could you please stop insulting people?


    Hater : Could you please stop jerking off to pony porn you fa****! "


    And i have tons of this examples.I would respect other opinions but most of them is just complete insulting and trolling, thats not an opinion.Thats cyberbullying.

    And what should i do now? Just respect this Haters? Why? Its even forbidden what they do,  they just randomly insulting people.


    If we would ignore them, than they would say ; "Ha, you cant even defend yourself" and their just continue with it.

    If we would argue with them, its just starts a neverending comment war which brings nothing.

    If we would block them, their just create new accounts and still continue.

    If we would only going to our sites, like this Forum for example, you still get trolled! You arent even save here.

    If we would build sites only for bronies, like ponytube or this tumblr sites that are specially for bronies, than they would say : " Ha, you think that your a so special, that you need your one sites?" And then they would troll this kind of sites and the comment war would go on and on.


    If someone has a normal opinion for disliking the show or the bronies, than its okay for me.Im not gonna say anything.


    If there trolling on every site which isnt even pony related and insult my friends or me like million of times, i cant tolerate them.I can ignore most of this comments, but sometimes i cant.


    So what i want to say is, it doesnt madder what we do, the hate will go on and on, because their would only stop, if we would stop using ponyavatars, create ponyvideos, create ponyrelated games and stop drawing art.Only then they would be happy, but that would mean that we arent allowed to be Bronys anymore.


    If someone hates us for reasons, im ok with it. If someone randomly insults and trolls, than i cant help myself and im fighting back.

    This has nothing to do with we are the same us haters, if we dislike them.

    The point is, that this things arent opinions, their are insults and trolling.


    So my opinion is, yes their should leave us alone.This kind of hate brings nothing, is stupid and only wastes time of people.

    • Brohoof 2
  9. @ fudging Please go back to Youtube, there you can hate as much as you want.

    Also, there is a ton of Videos of Bronys and other professional youtubers trolling and killing Haters on Youtube so what? 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I definitely give it a try, just like i did with My Little Pony. Also the Animation seems to be interesting and is something new.


    But i have one question, if this is supposed to be a series based on the Simba toyline, why isnt there a simba logo? They are a few studios, but the Simba logo is missing  :wacko:

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @ Sceethe Thanks


    @ Peikko Well your german sentence is almost perfect  :squee:

    I can only see one mistake, you have wrote " deutsche " which is the meaning of us as persons, we are germans but the language itself is called " deutsch " . So,you german is actually really good.  ;)

    And thanks  :)

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Many Videogames are just like many wonderful Paintings and Dreams in one Game.I mean, look at Myst or Riven, these Games are literally are journey to many wonderful and well made Paintings of wonderful unbelievable things.


    Its like a Journey to a another World, a world which an artist had imagine.I mean they are Games that are based on Books and Movies and sometimes the Games can even show much more, since there not just telling the story, you are part of the Story, the game is the Story.


    So yes, of course i believe Video games are art.I mean the Game Makers make drawings, concept art and wrote story books for the games, which is completly different from the past, when only one single person worked on one game. But even back then, there was text Adventures which told completly Storys or the Atari Series Sword Quest, in which many puzzles and mysteries were included and the players needed to solve them to win real artifacts  :squee:


    So in my opinion even some of the really old Games could be considered Art and the new games for sure.  ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Wow really good pictures  :o


    For some Reason here look, the way she is looking at me reminds me of Aryanne, the only difference is your character has black hair.But really good drawings  :D

  14. Well, if it possible, mayby Rising and Rainbow Dash kissing or cuddling? If it is okay^^ And I like your style, or why should I ask? XD


    Well i just finished this :




    So,now i have time to look forward for your picture  ;)


    But i should maybe open an art tread, since this is only my welcome post  :lol:


    • Brohoof 1
  15. Umm, i have not really finished the last one ( since my first try looked stupid ) so im actually drawing a new request which is not quite finished. But sure, after that i can draw your Oc too, if you are ok with my art style  :lol:  I havent draw for one year or so. And please tell me, what i should draw exactly, just your Oc? Or any specific wishes?

    • Brohoof 1
  16. I guess i have started to watch MLP somewhere in June 2012 i think.


    I have already posted why, in my introducing but i wanted to have a new franchise to collect, which had various series, mini movies, movies and games and was not so expensive like anime dvds.And then i have found MLP and now i have the Gens 1-3 complete and the first 2 seasons of G4.


    But what me really got, was the Cover for the My Little Pony Tales Dvd Sweethearts Birthday, because it was so well drawn and cute i just had to start watching MLP.And My Little Pony Tales is still my favorite to this day.


    Im talking about this picture :




    This Picture made me a Brony  :muffins:

    And maybe the fact that i like Furrys and had searched for a series with cute furry like creatures in it, i guess thats why i found that Picture so interesting  :lol:




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