@@Blitz Boom, @,
Brownie and Sundae coughed, waving their hooves to clear the clouds of smoke from the bombs. They walked away from the tree they were hiding behind and found their way back to the dirt path. Brownie opened his eyes and saw something odd about his sister in front of him.
"Sundae?" he asked. "I think the bomb turned you mane completely white."
"Yours turned it brown," Sundae pointed, then rubbed her eyes. "Brownie, you're green!"
"You just said my mane was black."
"No, your coat is green!"
"And yours is purple!"
Brownie and Sundae checked their coats, manes and tails and screamed in horror.
"You look like dad!" Sundae gasped. "You have his green coat and black mane!"
"And you have mom's purple coat and white mane!" Brownie told her.
"Too bad you don't have their cutie marks," Babs told them.
(OOC: Here's what their mom and dad look like for reference.)