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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Yoshi89

  1. Well, depending on where you are, it might not work. In you live in the US, for example, you can see an R-rated movie if you're 17. I'm brohoofing that because I remember that joke from SpongeBob (back when it was good).
  2. @, @@Blitz Boom, "At least she isn't one of those Pinkie Pie clones from that mirror!" Apple Bloom giggled. "I remember the doozy you went through trying to find out which one was the real you, Pinkie." "Guess we should have been watching where we placed our bombs," Chip blushed through his now green coat. "Is it safe to check where they placed theirs, Blitz?" Babs asked. "The smoke seems to have cleared."
  3. @@Mand'alor Dash, "All right, good sir," Thrilseeker agreed as the other earth pony excused himself. "I didn't get to see a whole lot of action while the shooting was taking place, probably because I was on a cloud thirty feet in the air. One of the bullets did graze the cloud I was on and that's when I decided to investigate. That could have been me, too."
  4. @@Blitz Boom, @, Brownie and Sundae coughed, waving their hooves to clear the clouds of smoke from the bombs. They walked away from the tree they were hiding behind and found their way back to the dirt path. Brownie opened his eyes and saw something odd about his sister in front of him. "Sundae?" he asked. "I think the bomb turned you mane completely white." "Yours turned it brown," Sundae pointed, then rubbed her eyes. "Brownie, you're green!" "You just said my mane was black." "No, your coat is green!" "And yours is purple!" Brownie and Sundae checked their coats, manes and tails and screamed in horror. "You look like dad!" Sundae gasped. "You have his green coat and black mane!" "And you have mom's purple coat and white mane!" Brownie told her. "Too bad you don't have their cutie marks," Babs told them. (OOC: Here's what their mom and dad look like for reference.)
  5. @@Mand'alor Dash, Thrillseeker covered his mouth with an "Oop!" as his eyes widened. I can't afford to make another slip like that, he thought. I'll be toast if they ever find out my affiliations to the griffons back at home. His fears turned to silent rage when Lockjaw began his racist rant. He wanted to snap back with a comment on the worthlessness of Grounders because of their supposed "magic" and why there were so many of them but thought better of it. He then turned to Greyshod, hoping to sway the conversation into something he was more comfortable with. "Were you there for Nightmare Night that year?" he asked, recalling what happened. "That was when the Manehattan team called for snow on that day. Said they wanted to make Poney Island a little more "ghostly" before the park closed for the winter. I'll say that wasn't one of their brighter ideas. We had ponies falling all over the ice and refusing to get on the rides because they were so slippery. I was 13 at the time so I had no control over it." (OOC: "Grounder" is Thrillseeker's derogatory term for an Earth Pony. Just thought I'd explain that.)
  6. @@Mand'alor Dash, LOL. I just realized my mistake when I typed "hand" instead of "hoof". I'll leave it in there and have it be part of the story. I have something in mind that could make it work out.
  7. @@Mand'alor Dash, Thrillseeker kept his mouth shut until spoken to, though the thought of him being connected to a shooting produced a lump in his throat. When the conversation slipped away from the murder, he felt more at ease. "Yes sir," he nodded. "Born and raised in Manehattan. I work at Astro Park in Poney Island, you know the place I hope. The park's closed until Winter Wrap-Up so I'm out and about during the off-season. I'm in Ponyville to visit my cousin. He needed a little hand in weather control and I just couldn't say no to him.
  8. That's the Cowboys and the 49ers actually. The Patriots have 3 victories against 4 losses. If they lose, they'll tie Denver for most Super Bowl losses which I hope they do. I can't take them seriously after the DeflateGate scandal. Cheating in a blowout win is low.
  9. Seattle all the way. Belichick does not deserve another ring.
  10. I hope Seattle wins. I can't stand the Patriots.
  11. Why didn't the tomato cross the road? It couldn't ketchup. How come Dry Bones from Super Mario Bros. can't play church music? They don't have organs. Knock knock. Who's there? Ach. Ach who? Gesundheit! What do Sonic the Hedgehog and Attila the Hun have in common? Same middle name. A struggling quarterback walks into a donut shop and asks for half a dozen donuts. The cashier says, "Pick six." Where do stallions go to pick up dates? A-mare-ica.
  12. If I had the money, I'd move to Australia. It seems like such a nice and friendly place to live.
  13. Self-explanitory for those who love Pop-Tarts. For me, it's S'mores.
  14. I sneeze about a dozen times a day, usually in fits of three to five. I think the most I ever did in a row was seven.
  15. I've known which is which since the first grade. It bothers me to no extent if the wrong one is used.
  16. @@Mand'alor Dash, "Why, thank you," Thrillseeker said, adjusting his tie as he walked away from the desk. Making his way down the hall, the pegasus had only heard of ponies who got interrogated in the movies but never thought he'd be the subject of one. He kept his wings folded to avoid raising suspicions until he saw the door labeled Interrogation Room #1. An audible gulp dropped down Thrillseeker's throat as he walked inside. His entered the room with his eyes never leaving the earth ponies, even as he sat in the chair underneath the only hanging light in the room. "You asked to see me?" Thrillseeker questioned, sweat dripping from his brow.
  17. @@nx9100, @@Gloomfury, Ruby gave a weak smile, acknowledging the fun she had despite being sick to her stomach. Refund hailed a taxi from the city street and helped his wife climb aboard. As the cab pulled away from the nightclub, Ruby passed out in his forelegs. I wonder what sort of project he was talking about, Refund thought, holding his wife close. If Ruby remembers this night, Bucklyn will be buzzing about this.
  18. I probably wouldn't know where I would wear one, much know what kind I want.
  19. In school, 1/10. Towards the end of high school, I'd say I was teetering towards a 3. College, 6/10. I had it a lot better there. I work at a small accounting firm so with employees and clients figured in, they love me there. 8/10.
  20. @@nx9100, @@Gloomfury, Refund wrapped one of his forelegs around his wife and ushered her out of the mares' room. They looked around and found the usual party had diminished so they went to whoever was left. He sighed when he noticed Ennex was missing then turned to Sakuya and Malachi. "We'd better get going, too," he told them. "I guess Ennex isn't faring any better."
  21. @@tKestrel, "Well, you're here," Thrillseeker told Silver. "That's what counts. It's great that you can spend the holidays here. I had to travel pretty far from Manehattan to get here but it's pretty easy by train. It's just a long commute. So, what do you like to do aside from the weather?"
  22. @@Mand'alor Dash, Thrillseeker sighed as he followed Bittehorn away from the murder scene and towards the station. He knew he could never be too clever around the police, knowing he had gotten a pegasus in uniform last time. He approached the station, opened the doors and made his way to the front desk. "Okay, I'm here to give my statement," he acknowledged.
  23. Seeing that it's getting a reboot this year and Tara Strong is in it, why not Inspector Gadget?
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