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Posts posted by VictiniStar101

  1. So I have a 2.6gh dual core centino 4gb ram and 512mb of graphics and 1mb upload speed, is there any hope of me streaming light games like FTL on twitch? I don't know how to set it up.

    You won't be able to do much streaming, your specs are a bit low-end, especially for streaming

  2. I forgot to post this earlier


    Last Thursday I got a notification that my upgrade is ready so in Friday I upgraded.  The process was pretty seamless and pain-free for me.  Overall, I like Windows 10, I wish the privacy settings were opt-in instead of opt-out and I wish that you didn't have to go into the registry to enable the Dark Theme, I like the look of Windows 10, especially since I have barely used Windows 8

  3. Umm..okay I'm just a bit confused as to what your point was. What are you saying exactly?

    He said this originally


    Enjoy having spyware on your computer now.  :P

    To me this implies that he think that Windows 10 will give you spyware, or he is referring to Windows 10 being spyware because of all the data Microsoft collects by default

  4. DONT PUT IT OFF, the free download is only for a few months after the release, so if you want it without paying 200 dollars, get it sooner rather than later. 

    The free upgrade is available till next year


    Anyways, you could use Microsoft's media creation tool to create an ISO image of Windows 10 and save yourself of the trouble of having to hunt down for a reliable "alternative" source ;).

    Just to let you know, you can't do a clean install right away, to obtain the free upgrade you have to upgrade first and then do a clean install if you want

    • Brohoof 2
  5. For those of us that built our PCs, here is a list of motherboards that have their Windows 10 drivers available, keep in mind this list is constantly updated



    Also I found this press release from ASUS


    Looks like my motherboard will in fact receive Windows 10 drivers, just gotta be patient

    (In case for whatever reason you want to know, the motheboard I am using is the ASUS M5A78L-M LX Plus) 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Why would anybody upgrade past 7, seriously. 8 sucks, and 10 will suck along with it.

    You can't say that without using it yourself


     Asus has pushed Windows 10-compatible drivers, or at least they have for their motherboards.

    Last time I check they didn't push out drivers for a lot of AM2/AM3 AMD boards yet, mine included

    • Brohoof 1
  7. After finally getting to someone else, they told me that the activation servers were completely overloaded and to keep trying.  Seems like Microsoft underestimated how much bandwidth they would need for this...figures.  Hurry up and wait.

    The reason microsoft did a staged rollout was so that their servers wouldn't be overloaded, I'm pretty sure that they kinda had no choice when releasing the Media Creation tool, on one hand if they released it then the activation servers would get overloaded, on the other if they didn't release a media creation tool people will complain, hell some people on reddit are complaining right now.


    I'm going to wait a week or two before upgrading my main desktop, I want to see if ASUS publishes Windows 10 compatible drivers and and for Microsoft to fix even more bugs.

  8. Ehh, I would say that you take any sort of "Minimum System Requirements" with a grain of salt.

    A mechanical keyboard should be just fine, as long as you can connect it to your PC, same goes with the monitor

    As to whether a gaming PC can handle video editing, it depends on the parts, in the case of video editing the CPU matters more than the GPU, considering that not all programs support all GPUs when it comes to a GPU's ability to encode video.


    Keep on mind that this is beihg made in the Forum Lounge. Here you can post anything that doesn't fit into any other section of the forums, as long as it meets the global rules. It's allowed and doesn't harm anyone, so what's bad about it?


    Oh, nevermind then

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of social interaction.  I am a little shy though and have difficulty with communication skills, I can only engage in small talk, I talk fast and screw up sentences a lot, and I sometimes don't know what to type on the internet.  Part of it may be that I'm not that outgoing

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