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Twi The Totodile

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Posts posted by Twi The Totodile

  1. Anypony else here got Pokken Tournament? I got it about a couple of days ago and I'm enjoying it.


    I gotta say, unlike Tekken itself, the controls and move lists in Pokken Tournament are easy to remember. Thank Celestia there is a Tutorial for us as well. If that wasn't in there, newcomers would have a difficult time learning how to play. I'm not familiar with the original Tekken series since the only game I got back then was Tekken 2 on the PS1.


    Might do some Online Play later on but first, I gotta get through the ranks with Lucario.

    I got it on release day and I am loving it a ton. I'm not really a fan of Tekken or fighting games in general, but this is one I can definitely make an exception for.

  2. I've been thinking about getting the newish Pokemon Rumble for the Wii U, does anybody know how good it is compared to the original? Does it play the same or is it totally different? I might have more questions later, but those two are all I need to know right now

  3. Woohoo! Twi made a mario level!  :love:



    It's not hard by any means, but it's got a few exits for you to find. Have fun finding them all!  :squee:

    So I have been dabbling with Mario Maker a bit  and while I still think I am not good at making levels, I did make a Mario Bros. level yesterday that I thought was kinda neat, so if anyone wants to give it a try, I will post the code. It is a short level that still manages to be challenging though I know it is not a very good level either way.


    Here is the code:



    The name of the level might seem familiar. :3

    That level is so rude! I kept dying on the first part D:

    But seriously, that was pretty fun!  :derp:

  4. Dear god, the Battle Maison is pretty hard.


    I do better in other battles, even if the other trainer has Pokemon with a higher level, but I can't seem to do well at the Battle Maison for some reason.

    The battle mansion has some pretty crazy strategies, but once you learn their move sets and start preparing for them it gets a lot easier.

    And maybe it's just me but I find the double battles to be a lot easier than the single battles.

  5. I am the queen of spiders! They are under my command! Mwahahahaha!


    Seriously though, I don't care too much about them since I have sort of a mutual agreement with the spiders in my house. I don't kill them as long as they stay away from me and everything is just wonderful.

  6. What are your opinions on the new Pokemon Go coming out soon. I think it's gonna be really good. Finally, our dreams of Pokemon living in our world came true.

    I was skeptical at first, but now it just seems really cool. I always have low standards for phone games until I play them, but I think this is going to be my first time making an exception.



    The only part I'm not excited for is having to go outside. D:

  7. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not too excited for the new Zygarde forms. I was at first but they're not all that great now that I look at them.

    Zygarde Cell and Zygarde Core look pretty much the same, Zygarde 10% is still pretty cool at least, and Zygarde Complete just seems like it's saying "Look at me I'm the most powerful Pokemon ever and nobody is going to tell me otherwise".


    Sure it's confirmation of Pokemon Z, but one form would've been good enough.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. 1 more month until the US release of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon! I'm so super excited!  :pinkie:

    And I swear I'm not gonna reset until I get Totodile on the personality quiz.

    Edit: Or 2 more months, cause little miss Twi can't do math apparently

  9. I don't really hate this episode, but I don't like it either. I know a lot of people like this episode by the sounds of it, but to me it was just kinda disappointing.

    The part where they explained how Rarity figured everything out was kinda cool, but that's about it.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Toxicity is actually a bigger issue than people are making it out to be. One of the big reasons I quit league awhile back is because I was sick of everyone raging and calling me an idiot or a noob just because I was still learning how to play. Sure trolls and intentional feeders are bad, and they deserve to get banned too, but there's really no good reason to be so rude to someone who's just trying to improve. Games are meant to be enjoyed, but if you're constantly being ridiculed for every single mistake it's really hard to find any enjoyment in the game.

    I completely understand if you like the game despite all the rage, but please don't act like it's just some issue that's less important than the rest.

  11. So I've been Super Training this Ralts with a Naughty nature to get a Gallade since February of this year (the only reason why it is taking so long is because I keep quitting.) Fast forward several months later to this current day, and I am now realizing I've been training this Ralts with the wrong gender the entire time. This upsets me so. Anyone wouldn't happen to have a "Male" Ralts with a Naughty nature so I don't have to go through the whole process of egg hatching again? If not, I guess I could keep it, but how much would the Naughty nature effect Gardevoir?

    If I'm right about what it does, naughty nature wouldn't be too good on Gallade or Gardevoir, for Gardevoir you typically want modest and for Gallade you want jolly

  12. I am a level 8 North America, if you ever want to add me I am alegitstalker (not kidding)

    Ooh! I'll try to get back into this game so we can level up together!  :pinkie:

    Next time I'm on I'll add you, my summoner name is twithetotodile

    lol, you reminded me of dunkey's recent video:


    I watched that video because people were talking about it everywhere and it is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Like, he thinks he has some special privilege because he makes youtube videos? I heard some toxic people when I played but he is by far the worst of the worst. If you say horrible things to people, you're gonna get punished just like everyone else, that's just how things work.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. What are some nicknames you've given them? If you don't nickname them, why don't you?

    Also, is "Blue Moon" a good name for a shiny Umbreon?

    I always name my Pokemon, whether it be something obvious like naming my Totodile "Twi", or something silly like naming my Swampert "Blaziken", I've always got something great to name them.

  14. One thing I hate about competitive is the fact that there's no diversity.


    People always use Landorus, Kangaskhan, Cresselia, and few other Pokemon. There's almost no diversity, it's annoying.

    Pokemon like Landorus, Kangaskhan, and the others that are common in competitive play are used so often for a reason. Whether it be high base stats, good typing, a wide movepool, a great ability, or a combination of any of them, they all have something that let's them outclass the other Pokemon that try to fill their role. For example, I could use a Mega Lopunny on my team for a high attack based mega, but Mega Kangaskhan does the same thing with less weaknesses and a much better ability in Parental Bond, so mega lopunny is nothing more than a wasted mega slot. Sure you could use some of the less powerful Pokemon if you have the proper team support, but unless you have enough knowledge to make those Pokemon work, your best chance of winning is by using the strongest Pokemon available.


    If you don't feel like reading all of that, I'm basically saying they're used so much because they make it hard to lose.

  15. Top 3? Well this is probably gonna be a shocker to anyone who knows me.

    1. Everytime We Touch - Cascada

    2. We're in Heaven - DJ Sammy

    3. Moonlight Shadow, although I'm not sure who that one is by


    I would totally do a top 5 but everything after that doesn't have a whole lot of order to it.

  16. So this whole mono water run went from really easy to really hard with just one Slaking at Norman's gym. Although it did give me the respect for Azumarill that it deserved after all the hate I've given it throughout the game.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. I'm gonna be honest here, while I was reading that article I was waiting for the part where they said "this is all just a joke." That never happened of course, but you get the idea of how ridiculous and stupid I find this idea to be. Making fan art illegal is stupid enough as is, but throw in the fact that they're also making cosplaying illegal and saying that all this is illegal whether the original creator is okay with it or not, it's nothing but a great big joke.


    Basically the point I'm trying to make is that I wouldn't worry about it at all, it's just another stupid thing that'll probably never go through.

    • Brohoof 5
  18. Yeah, Wallace at the eighth gym uses water types. You should be ok though with your tentacool. It's a relatively bulky water type with access to some pretty powerful poison attacks.

    Alright, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure.

    Thank you for the help Celtore <3

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