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Twi The Totodile

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Posts posted by Twi The Totodile

  1. I think it really just varies from person to person. For people like me it is just a phase, they have other things that take up their time/interest and MLP turns into a thing of the past that they just think about every now and again. There are also those people who get completely sick of it and never want anything to do with it ever again. Then there's the people who make it their big thing and only let that change for a little bit at the most.

  2. So I'm currently doing a mono-water run in Pokemon Omega Ruby and this whole time I've just been thinking, "this is supposed to be difficult?"


    The biggest challenge is having a super underleveled wingull and tentacool, and even then tentacool is doing an amazing job as is.

  3. Omg, guys....I have, for the first time in Pokemon's 19 year history, COMPLETED THE ENTIRE NATIONAL POKEDEX! 718 pokemon!

    What an exhausting task! But I did it!


    *double fist pump*





    I've never completed the national dex myself and I probably never will, but it's always super awesome hearing about other people completing it.  :pinkie:

  4. It is but take note that it's a bit of a slow Pokemon so Trick Room, Tailwind or a Baton Pass from Ninjask/Scolipede can help make it outspeed more Pokemon. That's my advice.

    Sounds like it would be much better in double battles due to it's reliance on trick room/tailwind, seeing as those are both really common moves in most competitive double battles. Plus, like someone mentioned earlier heal pulse is boosted by Mega Launcher, so that makes it even more useful in a 2v2 situation.



    Or maybe I'm wrong and I don't know anything about Pokemon battles anymore.

  5. and it can mega evolve with an item called "7 emeralds of chaos" and when it does it turns gold and gets even faster.


    I think we're onto something!

    It has to be a very special mega evolution though! After a set amount of turns in this mega form, it faints cause it's just weak like that for some reason

  6. DOTA 2 - imbalanced... thing with extremely low variety overfilled with jerks, who will not struggle to point at your smallest mistake with all their rage. Seriously, there are more fun MOBAs around, why play this?

    From past experience I can tell you that this comment right here is going to start a war my friend. I don't like DotA myself, but there are people who will get really defensive over it.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. You mean... you don't know about the best worst translation of Pokémon Crystal ever existed (aside from the Bing Translator Edition)? What rock have you been living under?

    Hey! Don't judge me just cause I don't know your fancy new translation thingies!  :okiedokielokie:

  8. There's so much talk of competitive play here I want to make a new competitive team.

    To my room to dig up my 3DS and Alpha Sapphire, awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


    Found it, and I've already confirmed two pokemon for my team: Mega Manectric and Flygon

  9. Nice ^^ Soraka seems pretty fun, although I haven't really played her much since her rework.


    I would suggest a different build from your current one, though, as cooldown reduction is capped at 40% and any additional reduction is just a waste of stats ^^; With so many CDR items, you'd definitely be better off replacing Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Boots of Mobility. As for the other items, I'm not quite as sure since I'm not really a support player and I don't see many Sorakas, but I think you could replace Frozen Heart with Randuin's Omen.

    Oh my gosh, I didn't even realize I was building more than 40% cdr! Thank you for pointing that out

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Question guys.


    When you first finished* Pokemon, what was your Main 6 (lolololol) Pokemon and in what game?

    Let's see, when I completed Pokemon yellow for the first time my team was Rhydon, Pidgeot, Charizard, Zapdos, Pikachu, and Graveler. I would've had a Golem but I didn't have friends :(

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