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Everything posted by Malafax

  1. ATM, I'm about to play League of Legends. Currently though, I'm playing through Dragon Age: Inquisition, Alien Isolation and Fallout 3. I've been thinking about playing FTL again for a while, but I don't know how different it's going to be (last time I played it was in 2012).
  2. I should play Warwick more. I used to main him in season 4. AP/Hybrid jungle Warwick is that broken yet fun. I missed out on the penta by a well-placed Fizz E (or whatever his troll-pole is). http://matchhistory.oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/OC1/95839105/200368861
  3. Play him AP/AS jungler. People will have no idea what you're doing and try to report you, but you will get a penta. Everytime. Get Rangers w/ Devourer followed by Berserker's, then go Nashor's, Luden's, Lich Bane and Rabadon's. Start Q, E, W, then prioritize R>E>Q/W. Build Q or W depending on the enemy team comp. If it's AA heavy, build Q, but if it's spell heavy build W. If it's balanced, build Q. This actually works really well, and with full build your basic's end up doing ~1100 on a Lich Bane and Luden's proc, and ~800 without. It works. Don't deny it. It works unbelievably well.
  4. 6/10 Kinda boring TBH. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ib2k1w3ER0
  5. I came. I don't need to say more.
  6. You're on OCE? What is your summoner name? Mine is the same as on here btw.
  7. It will be. Ekko wasn't actually as broken as other champs (like Yasuo, Jinx, Braum, Gnar) on release. I still remember the Yasuo release... dear god it was painful.
  8. Well... it turns out I can make good music without my guitar... http://picosong.com/g5n3/

  9. AWW YISS. Someone that understands the Junglekaiser is good. He is one of the most underrated junglers out there atm. And also good to see a jungler that ISN'T building cinderhulk or any tank items. FINALLY. You sir, deserve that skin.
  10. I should catch up on the show...


    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Happy cake day! :D

  12. This song is drugs. Actually, so is the whole album.
  13. Malz pokes well. I don't exactly play Malz... conventionally though. Luden's works well with him I find, and whilst Void Staff is nowhere near as good as it once was, it's still pretty good. I normally end up building RoA first, Sorc's second, Luden's third, Void fourth, Rabadon's fifth and Rylai's last. The reason behind building Rylai's last is because that's the time when I find his power starts to fall off and he needs a slow. If you don't like the build and build order, you'd probably hate my jungle version (and my Warwick and Cho'Gath builds). I only do this because I've tried and tested it, and it works every single time.
  14. Dat Malz build though... That build pains me. RoA first is good, Sorc's second is good, but he should have bought either Void Staff, Luden's or WotA next, depending on how well he was doing at that time. At least he didn't buy a Morellonomicon like most Malz "mains" do.
  15. Bleed is kinda overrated IMO. SO much better stuff put out by Meshuggah.
  16. The Xilent album is out guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JASx6bvfxI4 <3
  17. Every now and then a me and a close friend of mine will burst out into song about giant Mexicans fighting midget African tribal warriors or other things of a similar nature.
  18. Guys... MY FIRST PENTA!!! http://matchhistory.oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/OC1/90411081/200368861?tab=overview Riven wanted me to build tank and Vayne kept telling everyone to report me for trolling (apparently I was building wrong...). I was struggling a bit, but managed to secure a few kills for Vayne and Riven. We got the advantage and then... 3v5 pentakill! I literally squee'd when that happened.
  19. Amon Amarth is probably one of the best bands you can possibly listen to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoeRe8IYWPE
  20. I'm in the mood for some Dimmu Borgir ATM... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck61ZX7MQ2Y And this... Oh, and yes I liked Abrahadabra. I liked it a lot.
  21. 5.5/10 Not too bad... Such a good song.
  22. IDK. Probably Morgan Freeman. If you could die any one way, how would it be?
  23. I'm in love with this song at the moment.
  24. What did I just listen to? XD Here, have some good black metal.
  25. It's amazing. I for one love the Bloothirster, especially on mana-hungry spell-based AD champs. Anyway, I played Sion for the first time today. I went total ham against Warwick, but I couldn't do any damage to him. That Warwick is the ONLY Warwick I've ever seen build AP (I used to main AP jungle Warwick). Sion is kinda fun though, tbh. http://matchhistory.oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/OC1/88511723/200368861?tab=overview I also tried out Lee Sin. This was my first normal with him (I played 1 custom before this). http://matchhistory.oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/OC1/88304565/200368861?tab=overview Vel'Koz <3. http://matchhistory.oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/OC1/88464456/200368861
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