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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by rolle

  1. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    Leo woke up again this time to be in best condition even after being attacked so heavily he took out a knife that was engraved with dark magic and holy magic together in resonace ¨i will seal you again BEAST¨ Leo yelled out as he tried to stab the wolf but it just shook him off with the tail continuing to summon more of the wolves Leo was knocked out again (hes weak becouse of the field lol)
  2. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    the wolf howled and an army of lightning, Fire, Water and earth wolves started appearing it howled a command then the wolves started to attack Leo woke up just when that happend really weak bleeding ¨d-dont let it es.....cape¨ he fell down when his words were clear enough his whole body had been totally damaged from the time zone dimension.
  3. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    as Leo was turning human again four wolves appeared flame lightning water earth ¨Combine!¨ they yelled as they flew together creating a thing that was of all the elements combined ¨we will defeat you now¨ it said cold bloodly swiping its paw at the three knocking em back with tremendous power (its his spirits basically they are being controlled but by what?)
  4. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ¨well well it seems i gotta destroy your souls¨ he was behind keshamaru ¨i would so want to see you resonance but¨ he took out a needle that glowed sticking it in his neck preventing movement ¨i know more pressure points than you¨ he swiftly moved to avoid any attack.
  5. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    Leo just walked right through everything at this moment ¨you have no chance¨ horns started to grow as he turned it 3/4 turn at his stomach ¨now ill show you my total power¨ he dissaperd and reappered faster than anything in the room the pack of wolves started to hold down free with lightning and fire
  6. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ¨haha who said i needed to fight alone¨ he said as if nothing had happend ¨time to show the packs strength¨ Leo began to dissaper then reappear until 15 wolves 4 bigger than the other 11 matralized ¨welcome to the feast¨ the wolves started attacking everyone with fire and lightning at the same time meanwhile Leo walked infront of Seth punching right through him grabbing his soul slong with oni.
  7. ¨Leo, i dont feel so well its like something is gnawing me from the inside¨ Gigimon said with a sad tone ¨huh?¨ as soon as they spoke Gigimons face turned all devilish smiling looking at the enemy ¨so you want a piece of me i guess hehehe¨ he said with a demonic voice
  8. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ¨getting fiesty aye?¨ Leo said as he seemed to be totally unharmed (zonic realm ) ¨time to finish this off¨ Leo got something white boxy in his hand and landed it on the ground expanding it around the whole castle ¨welcome to THE zONIC PALACE the most controlable place i have¨ he said as he turned his whole body into standing at the wall ¨time to unleash my true form¨ he transformed into a werewolf then switched something on his stomach to the left side of his thunder and fire started to swarm him as he rapidly attacked Kilik ¨if you wonder whos side im on this time im on my Packs side¨ (ultimate attack stronger than ericas prison nothing can enter or leave without losing their brain in a whaco psychic attack)
  9. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    Leo flew to the wall but with his head upside down then moving it back into place ¨you got some left in you after this¨ he said as his eyes turned red and he opened his mouth howled sending a dark beam right at her in amazing speed he then jumped there to kick her with a zonic kick.
  10. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ¨you think i react to the electricity i dont anymore¨ Leo said as flames started to pour from his arms ¨this is the end Kilik¨ his face turned and his whole body seemed to have lava in it ¨MAGMA CRUSHER¨ he shouted (creative name) as he punches his arm in hyper sonic speed destroying any sheild or absorbation he had.
  11. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ¨yes i am an academy student but im not just a student i am a pack leader and im just here to take care of some buisness keshamaru if you give me the the honor...¨ he said as his voice turned more into a wolves howl he appeard behind Kilik ¨if you move ill destroy you¨ he said as his face turned into a wolves with demonic eyes.
  12. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    Leo zoomed to the castle like he knew everything (spies) that was happening he arrived at the broken gate and just walked in ¨missed me Keshamaru whos that anyway¨ Leo said with a blood thirsty voice ¨and if you dont answer ill just gotta make you to¨ Leo continued as his hands was transforming.
  13. ¨But thats no fun¨ Gigimon said back to sakura as he was looking more and more dangerous, ¨Gigimon it can be dangerous if we dont wait for them to attack us¨ he whispered to him ¨but i want to battle¨ Gigimon whispered back ¨just deal with it¨ Leo commanded his partner (i spin mah tail right round right round when we are virus when we are are virus)
  14. rolle


  15. ¨well Jyarimon i guess we are out of this battle this time¨ Leo sighed seeing the tough enemies ¨dont be like that Leo we can still help the others why would we go with them anyways if we was not going to help them¨ Gigimon replied with his usual annoying voice ¨well i guess your right in 2 ways of 1 but they are still too strong for us but we can do it anyways right¨ Leo replied ¨Yeah lets go!¨ Jyarimon said as he got ready but suddenly turned into Gigimon ¨Jyarimon digivolve to....................Gigimon!¨ he had no symbol this time but he was different somehow. ((ooooooooooh guess what hes stronger becouse he ate some of Shellmons data by biting him with Hot bite ))
  16. I would probally go for Army of the Dead which is an attack spell for tanking issuies in World of Warcraft so it is a weapon yes and no but if not i would go for Hiddenblade Frostmourne a small Frostmourne assassin's creed hidden blade you can also revive the dead with it i like smilies !
  17. ¨well thanks for the little info i got but i still have no clue who this lady dogymon is¨ Leo said when opening his bag to get the spare fish from yesterday ¨i got some salty fishes perfectly fine to eat well all but the brain¨ Leo said jokingly Jyarimon bounced off to the cliff looking out on the ocean as if he knew he wouldnt come back after this battle.
  18. Leo sat down where he had slept by the camp fire (which he made) and replied to Axe or was it Keramon well whatever he responded like this ¨More than i was when we were fighting Shellmon but i dont really have an idea who that is hehe¨ Jyarimon just nodded his head in agreement not knowing either.
  19. Leo and Jyarimon woke up at the exact same time ¨Man do you always wake up at the same time as me now adays¨ he said to joke with Jyarimon but this was the actully first time ¨i dont know what your talking about Leo you woke at the same time i did¨ Jyarimon said hearing the chat with the four bouncing over there ((asuming they are near the cliff all of them)) ¨Hey what are ya all doin?¨ Jyarimon asked happily as Leo commented on him when he came there ¨Jyarimon isnt it obvious well if it was obvious it would¨ he said while petting Jyarimon on the head ((lol?))
  20. After eating Leo and Jyarimon fell to sleep but Jyarimon woke up looking at the moon as if it was something it wanted to be his ¨Hope i will see you again...¨ Jyarimon thought while looking down jumping back to the side of Leo sleeping remembering something, Something serious.
  21. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ((Dusk the lightning wolf IS HIM the three other wolves are the other spirits that are his so called pack sorry for confusing hehe) Leo was resting not seeming to do anything but meditating and sleeping he had zoomed to his home some minutes ago he had nothing there but himself there were nothing nothing but a howl deep inside him wanting to come out shreeding them all apart becouse now it was the packs buissness.
  22. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    (okay ill play along...) The wolf erupted into a howl and magically disapperd into Leo again ¨ow, What happend¨ Leo said with a bit squeaky voice that sounded like if he was 5 years old but he noticed Seth and zoomed away faster than ever to get away noticing that he have no power left.
  23. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    as they speaked the sword kesh was holding (aka Leo) was going insane and soon transformed from his hand onto the floor a 2 story building high Wolf shooting lightning from every part of his body it growled at the five as if it would attack them with everything it got. (( difference between wolf and leo it has way more power but has alot of pressure points that are fatal.))
  24. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ¨okay¨ he transformed into a sword that looked alot like 40 swords combined very jagged not so heavy he fell right into Tobi's hand but he remained silent as much he could to not let the lightning wolf get out of control in the weapon form becouse then he would split into 4 Leos with the same power! (most becouse the lightning wolf is 1 of the 4 wolf spirits inside Leo)
  25. rolle

    private Soul Eater

    ¨As you should have noticed during the kishin fight my weapon form is unstable but yes its strong only one have mastered it.¨he mumbled the last of the sentence ¨But i can i think¨ he said with a very chilly tone as lightning started to form on his hand.
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