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Everything posted by Mouse

  1. In Soviet Russia Equestria, you don't choose job, job chooses you.
  2. Wait, what's all this business about the fandom being destroyed by the episode? Did one of the mane six die or something? Otherwise, this speculation, or whatever you want to call it, seems ridiculous. From what I gathered from this thread, it just develops some of the background characters. If that's enough to make you leave the fandom, then you're taking your headcanon wayyyy to seriously. I'm curious to see this episode now, though.
  3. I cooled my laptop down to 50c while playing The Sims 4 with a desk fan I had laying around... So I guess that counts as free too?
  4. When hasn't the Titan X been an e-peen card?
  5. Sometimes it feels like people laugh at jokes that I think will be lame, yet ones that sound great in my head make everyone go silent. In short, not in the slightest.
  6. I wouldn't be too worried if they made a parody. In general, South Park just attacks certain parts of something, and for good reason, and they usually come to some sort of satisfying ending where they reveal that whatever they poke fun at isn't all bad. And let's face it, saying the brony fandom is absolutely perfect with no flaws would be naive. Making fun of the haters as well wouldn't hurt, though.
  7. For christ sake linus you gave me high blood pressure
  8. Well, I haven't had too many conversations with members here outside of regular discussions in threads, but the biggest exception would probably be @Lightning Dust. If it wasn't for him I'd probably never had joined this site, and he also created the Brony Skype Group. Stay awesome bro. But really, pretty much every person I've seen on here deserves a shoutout, I'm not lying when I say you're all great people. Cheers.
  9. If you can make a house out of legos, then you can build a PC.
  10. It's actually a widely known practice to block off GPU vRAM from use to provide the most cinematic experience. Someone on the IGN forums told me that the Xbox one actually has 8 Titan X's, but they're locking them off until DX12 so that current games run at a more enjoyable 30 FPS. Anything higher than that gives people headaches. It just goes to shows how far behind PCs are huh
  11. No, that graphics card is overkill. The human eye can't see more than 512mb of vram This would be better: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Cloudyy/saved/#view=dFHKHx
  12. Needs more thermal paste and a $1000 markup. Also, your CPU cooler is bottlenecking your optical drive. And don't forget to add in a dozen or so red LEDs. It will make the computer run about 500% faster.
  13. http://imgur.com/a/KuERk This is bad, very very bad.
  14. My OC can and will be better than your OC, because I said so.
  15. Samsung Reclaim, which is best described as some kind of hybrid between a dumbphone and a feature phone with a slideout keyboard ---> Nexus 4 (best phone ever btw) ---> A flip phone I got for 15 bucks since the screen on my Nexus 4 unfortunately broke back in November. I'll buy a proper smartphone once I have some money.
  16. 750ti's are good for putting in a pre-built desktop with a small power supply, because they don't take up very much room and have a low power requirement. But if you're starting from scratch, you'd probably be better off buying the 270 for the same price or slightly more for a noticeable performance difference. It's a great value.
  17. I hate to say it, but it really wouldn't. The R7 250x simply can't keep up to the graphics card in the PS4 or even the Xbox one, which are more akin to a 260x or a 750ti. Personally, I'd go with something more like this build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Cloudyy/saved/#view=R7Ckcf Instead of the Pentium, I chose instead an Athlon 860k. The Pentium is a great processor, but more and more games are having issues with dual cores and the Athlon will most likely prove to be a better investment at this price point. The other big change I made is the 270, this graphics card will run circles around the 250x and it's only about 140 bucks. ( http://anandtech.com/bench/product/1126?vs=1080 ) Still, the build manages to be only $411 dollars before mail-in rebates. This is of course taking some advantage of current sales, but similar deals for similar products can be found at pretty much any given time if you look on pcpartpicker.
  18. How late I can stay up depends on how tired I'm willing to be the next day.
  19. TheVerge, because they often have extremely biased "tech" reviews that are obviously paid for by Apple.
  20. Well, we own two laptops, so kinda by default they have to be pre-built. One of them is a Dell Inspiron with an i3 2000-something, HD 3000 graphics, and 6gb of ram. It is currently having problems booting, but I'm working on fixing it. So for now, that leaves me with this Dell Latitude laptop from 2007 that we resurrected a while ago. It's got a Core 2 Duo and 1gb of ram (I know, I know). I've had to install a lightweight Linux distro on it because Windows 7 runs takes up too much ram and makes the computer run like shit. I'll be building a desktop as soon as I have enough money.
  21. http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1799326 hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng Also don't hate on big rigs.
  22. You prefer going to the store and buying a physical copy over buying and downloading the game in the comfort of your own home? I hope they make it more expensive but with high-end components, maybe then PC gaming won't be held back so much by underpowered consoles. We're talking Sony and Microsoft here though, so that's unlikely.
  23. Digital only like the games will be streamed online? Or the games are just downloaded online onto the system, like Steam? If it's only 200 dollars, then I don't think it's the latter. :/ Also, my slightly less crappy laptop died. Looks like I'm even more worse off than before.
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