If you need help finding an OC name, just look at the list. Iv'e been picking up awesome names and writing them down but never got to use them all... feel free to take some, cause I'm not using them.
Earth Pony Pegasus Unicorn
Almond Essence Air Glider Adorna
Amble Stroll Air Sprinter Amulette
Ash Cake/Corn Tash Airstream Astro
Bangtail Air Wave Aureole
Belle de Nuit/Ipomoea Alba Arctic Blast Bling Bling
Bamboo Shoot Blizzard Blingy Bangs
Banana Blitz Bright Blue/Lazuline/Cerulean Bonnie and Gracie (cute for twins)
Banana Bread Bullet Dash Cosmic Dust
Bloom Berry Chilly Breeze Crystal Charm
Brussels Sprout Cloud Nine Crystal Clear
Bubblegum Cloud Scraper Ember Spark
Bulls Eye Cloudy Pear Flashy Fringe
Butter Bean Dusty Cloud Galaxy
Bouchee Feather Quill Ice Crystal/Pordrin
Burly Wood Feather Wings Lantern Light
Caffine Flash Card Laser Light
Candy Cane Flashlight Midnight Moon
Candy Kiss Fleecy Flare Morning Dew
Candy Tuft Fly By Orna Mint
Caster Sugar Glacier Petty Cash
Cauliflower Gleaming Glow Razzle-Dazzle
Celery Stick Gliding Glitter Ruby Red
Cheddar Cheese Gusto Saddle Light
Cherry Cheesecake Gusty Silver Moon
Cherry Ripe Hailstone Solar Eclipse
Cherry Tree Hang Glider Solar Flare
Chili Pepper High Flyer Spotlight
Choc Chip Hurricane Stardust
Cinnamon Jiffy Starry Sparkle
Cocoa Crunch Newsflash Tiptop/Top Notch
Coco Cream October Sky Twinkle Star
Coco Ganache Paraglider
Coffee Berry Photo Flash
Cola Nut Propeller Wing
Corolla Rainy Day
Cookie Cutter Rain Shower
Cotton Rose Rapid Rush
Cotton Wool Razor Blade
Cream Puff Roller Blade
Crinkle Cut Sea Feather
Dusty Rose Sky Blue
Expresso Solar Wind
Fairy Floss/Cotton Candy/ Sonic Boom
Candy Floss Speed Skater
Fire Thorn Silver Streak
Fluorescence Sunbeam/Sunray
French Fry Twister/Tornado
Galette Whirlwind
Gingerbread Zippy
Ginger Snap
Granola Bar Here are some extra names that i couldn't quite put in the right list
Gumdrop Bonfire Blaze, Sweet Dreams, Candle Flame, Price Tag, Penny,
Handy Dandy Jackpot, Lucky Dip, Coin Silver, Sweetie Song, Purple Tones, Semi
Honey Bell Breve, Solo Songs, Six Strings, Symphony, Rock Star, Sonatina,
Honey Cream Crotchet, Beatbox, Joy, Fairy Tail, Pop Quiz, Photo Mosaic, Arial
Honey Moon Mosaic, Pixel Ink, Slam Dunk, Sling Shot, Origami, Tutu, Pom Pom,
Iridescence Hula Hoop, Hopscotch, Sweetie Hearts, Holiday, Pop Art, Palette,
Iris Emblazon, Crafty Art, Burnt Umber, Bonfire/Balefire, Magma, Molten
Jelly Bean Rock, Kindle Flame, Lava Blast, Firework, Wave Rider, Cyclone Swirl,
Juniper Whirlpool, Sandstone, Sea Salt, Sea Shore, Waterspout, Sea Scooter,
Kickshaw Jet Ski, Coral, Silky Smooth, Maxi, Tuxedo, Taffeta, Floral Lace, Denim
Lammington Dust, Terry Cloth, Voile Velvet, Leatherette, Calamine, Paw Print,
Lemon Drops Waltzer, Arabesque, Belle-erina, Dazzle Dancer, Groovy Hooves,
Lemon Grass Carosuel, Chariot, Joy Stick, Spinning Top/Whirligig, Navy Blue, Pale
Liquorice Twist Blue, Burgundy Rose, Copper Bronze, Firebrick, Cerise, Cherry Red,
Lilac Pink/Violet Pink/Lavender Pink Sweet Sepia, Neon Green, Leafy Green, Saddle Brown, Blurry Beige,
Lollipop Charcoal, Iron Grey, Silver Knight, Ash Blonde/Platinum Blonde,
Maple Spectrum, Magenta, Scarlet Pink.
Oat Cookie
Patty Pan
Pastry Pie
Peachy Pie
Petit Four
Poppy Seed
Pretty Sweet
Purple Fern
Raspberry Swirl
Ray Floret
Razzle Berry
Rose Bud
Sesame Brittle
Short Black
Soda Pop
Sparkle Berry
Spun Sugar
Sugar Apple/Sweetsop
Sugar Burst
Sugar Shell
Sundae Syrup
Sunny side Up
Strawberry Ripple
Streusel Slice
Sweet Pea
Sweet Tooth
Taffy Apple/Toffee Apple
Tea Cake
Tea Tree
Toffee Coffee
Whipper Snipper
Zest and Rind (cute for twins)
If you have read this whole list, thank you, cause it took a long time to write!