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Posts posted by VanillaChip

  1. Sounds quite likely. But I hope it goes weirder. 


    What I love about it is that it could conceivably go anywhere. I've joked around with a friend that it would end with Shinji competing with Ramiel in a tennis tournament, or feature a scene where Unit-01 and Unit-02 perform a dance routine to Beyonce's Single Ladies. Honestly, those sound about as plausible as any other theory at this juncture. x3

    He's probably going to give us a bad ending on purpose.

  2. Switch 2.0 and 3.0 around and you have my reaction. That third movie is the one that made me properly interested in Rebuild.  :P


    By the way, get used to calling the upcoming fourth movie Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0, because our overlord Anno is clearly not done trying to drive us insane.

    I bet everyone is going to die in the end and everything is going to blow up and there's gonna be a lot of crosses.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. You're applying the "freedom of speech" card inaccurately. Freedom of speech means the government can't prosecute you, but it doesn't equate freedom of consequences. If you're going to say something, expect some kind of consequences, good or bad.


    And not every country has it so thoroughly. Many European countries have hate speech laws, and calling something "gay" to mean "stupid" could get you in trouble for violating it.

    And you know what, I will accept those consequences. Hate speech laws are pointless, are you really going to fine someone for saying or thinking something?

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Why should they? Because some people like to use such a phrase that's known for it's vile implications. Calling something "gay" marginalizes a specific group of minorities. Yes, even yourself as a bisexual. I'm straight and white, and this phrase is disgusting thanks to its demeaning connotations. It's something the offender should be called out for using: It's harmful.


    By admitting to using it and using the "grow some thick skin" strawman, the pot's calling the kettle black.

    Because our freedom of speech is worth more than some guy's feelings. "Your freedom ends where my feelings begin".

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I had it this morning. Its not scary when you know what it is, at least for me. It felt like some creature crawled on my bed and sat on my back, but when I stopped thinking about it, it went away.

    I imagine it's just the fear manifesting itself.

    Well I had no idea what it was, I had to Google it.

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