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Posts posted by Ricebug

  1. A little upset since I have to lone a lot of money to someone...again.The amount they owe me is almost back to a grand. Besides that I'm fine. Lonely as usual and a bit tired. Not sure why I am still awake at almost two in the morning.

  2. Bored and lonely. The one person I want to talk to is on vacation with her friends. Besides that I'm feeling pretty exhausted I've been sick nearly a week now and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. There are about seven people who are part of my "Followers" that I do not know. I've never spoke with them before and I'd like to remove them. Although, it seems I only have the option to remove everyone from my "Followers" or stop following the people I don't know. Unfollowing them only seems to work on my end, but their still able to receive notifications for when I post new content. 

    Is there a way to remove them individually and for them to not receive notifications from me? This problem might just be me not being comfortable with the new layout, but I can't find a way to do it.


    Also, if there are multiple messages from me please forgive my mistake. It was accident...Still getting used to the layout and I can't seem to find a way to delete my posts.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. why not just get a pound cake, if you hate the icing on cupcakes? 

    I enjoy pound cake and usually avoid cupcakes. I was just simply answering the question you started this thread with.



    Do you dislike ALL icing? On some cupcakes I can agree, the icing can be foul or far too sweet... while on others it really is the best part of the cake. On the other side of that... I have had some where the cake part is so bland and tasteless it really is like eating cardboard or the like.

     I dislike all icing. Even if the cake tastes like cardboard.

  5. Probably when my dad got drunk when I was really young. I want to say around five years old. I stayed with my grandma at the time and slept over at her house. When we got home I remember finding my mom on the couch sweaty, bloodied, and beaten. With my dad in the same shape. Although he was unconscious.


    Let's just say my mom was a bad ass and won the fight. It was rather brutal too. The phone was ripped from the wall, a hole where it looks as though someone was thrown threw it. The toilet seat lid broken over his head.


    They both had to seek medical attention. That was the last time I remember my dad drinking. There are several other accounts that could qualify for this post, but this is the one I picked.


    They are both happily married now and he's a really great guy. He kicked the alcohol a long time ago.


    It's just traumatizing to see your house and parents in such awful conditions after being there the night before and everything was normal. Especially since I was too young to fully understand what was happening at the time.

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