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Everything posted by Xeltor23

  1. Hummm, aren't you dead? Ohh, you must come from a parallel universe...
  2. Hmmm... I'm not a demon or the devil, I'm just evil...
  3. But... that's ... a very bad story
  4. Yes, but if there is an end, then you died?
  5. Hmmm... Okay then, tell me about your childhood! :DD
  6. Sure? I don't see any horsing here
  7. Well, hello then! How is it going? :grin2:
  8. Hmm, I don't think it'll be darker, but what's sure, is that we'll be sad that the show will end with that :c
  9. Hmmm... if I didn't have anyone to love... yeah, probably, just for curiosity
  10. I already told you, experiences! :DD Don't worry, go on, you'll be just finnneeeeeee, I'll cure you, I can cancel my own magic stuff! :DD
  11. No, I used a spell on all the plastic wraps to give you random viruses! Don't worry, I'll cure you soon after!
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