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Posts posted by 10InTheTardis

  1. Quartz would try to accept the offer as casually as she could, though she'd most likely stammer once or twice....or three times. She would also attempt to avoid eye contact to hide her blushing face. Later on, she would berate herself for being so awkward.


    What would your OC do if they came across a treasure map?


    Shamrock would probably find someone capable of, well, anything, and try to find it.

    Although, knowing his luck, it's probably just directions to a laundromat or something.


    If a package got mailed to their door, containing a strange-looking egg?

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Actually, in the season 5 finale, all the mane 6 become Donald Trump. Alicorn Donald Trump. And spike is Eric Trump. Everyone is trump in some way, shape or form. All the pets are a different one of Trump's children, and all the background ponies get trump's hair. So, if you count trump as a politician and not a meme, then yes, I suppose they are.

  3. All star in my pants

    I'll make a man out of you in my pants

    Medic! in my pants. (Wasn't that on dirty tf2 confessions?) 

    More gun in my pants


    Wait, I'm gonna do it

    I'M gONNA Do IT


    Crawling in my skin in my pants






    • Brohoof 2
  4. Safe and sound in my pants

    All this time in my pants

    The Doctor is Dying in my pants (As long as that isn't literal, and it's the same doctor as it is in the song, I'd be alright with that.  :smug:  :comeatus:  )

    With You in my pants

    My way in my pants

    Hurt feelings in my pants (Wasn't that an episode of Seinfeld? You know, the one with the lobster and all that?)

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I have a few, "What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?" 

    “Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?” 

    "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problem with just potatoes."

  6. Well, I remember when Despicable Me came out, I forget how old I was, but I think it was around grade 5 (Just take 14 and subtract how long ago the movie was made), I remember I watched it, and I didn't even find the minions that funny, I mean, in the commercail they looked like they would be the funniest part, but even as a kid I thought Gru was the only thing that was really funny.


    The first annoying fart joke or whatever the minions do was somewhat funny back then, because I was little, but after that, the jokes just kept repeating over and over, and I only really found two "LOL minon moments xDXDDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXX" (Or whatever people call them) funny. I found Gru funny because he looked like some big intimidating guy, and I found it hilarious when he would do something that seemed way out of character, like dancing to the beegees, getting his face painted, whatever.


    a while after that, but before the second movie was a thing, I was at a carnival, and I wanted to win some prizes or something, so I went to the basketball game (Well, if you'd call that basketball), and I assumed I would be good at it since I play basketball, but when I won, I think I got enough for a small plushie, they were almost all minions, I had no idea why they were there, since I hadn't heard anything about the movie for months, so I didn't want any of them, so I just picked a bunch of smaller prizes (Kazoos, Rubber Balls, fake glasses, stuff like that).


    The second movie was terrible, and I don't even want to see a single clip from the minion movie, or I might get brain cancer.

  7. Well, I honestly don't even know what kind of music I like anymore, I've made so many ironic "Mad this song is the best" jokes I forgot what songs I like unironically. Soon everything I do will be ironically, and no one will be able to tell, and they'll think I actually act like that, and then, the cycle repeats. My body dissolves into a pile of smash mouth, if I try to speak, I end up acting darude, If I try to stand, I cannot, I am never gonna stand up, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

    I try to stop, but I can't, I am the dancing queen, and it's time to slam now, we've got a real jam going down. 

    Speaking of which, here are the "Jams", not raspberry or anything like that, I mean music.






    And I'm just going to put the theme song from my favourite anime, because it's a really good song and I recommend you check out the show as well, especially if you like anime.



    • Brohoof 2
  8. Actually, now that I think about it, a topic probably would be better, so that I'm not spamming up the New blog entries thing. I suppose it isn't much different from a normal ask topic...

    Well, I'll go make it when I'm done lunch, if anyone thinks it's a bad idea, and that I'm stupid, you'd better do so soon, otherwise I'll be the only one I know who thinks that.

  9. I have an idea that's been floating around in my head for a while, you know, bouncing around, re-arranging furniture, ect. Anyways, it's about making an ask blog on mlp forums. I mean, the website just seems to be set up perfectly for it, we have a fairly big community, and with the recent posts thing on the front page, it's almost guaranteed to get noticed. At first I thought a topic would be the best place to put it, but then I realised, the best place would be, unsurprisingly, a blog


    I know there are ask a pony threads, but I mean for a story-based ask blog, with pictures and such.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I Main Pyro, Engie, And Medic.


    Why I play Pyro: I can't aim, so I'll just burn everything instead.

    Why I play Engie: I can't aim, so I'll make something else aim for me.

    Why I play Medic: I can't aim, so I'll get someone else to aim for me.

    • Brohoof 4
  11. Hmm, that's though...


    Maybe I'd send a letter to Lyra, with anatomically correct drawings of humans, including the placements of organs and whatnot, how humans live, and then a human book, so she can see a little more about humans, maybe Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Then again, if I send her a science fiction, she might think humans can travel large distances through space, and the reason why we're gone is because the Earth blew up, or worst of all, she might get a weird obsession with digital watches.

    • Brohoof 3
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