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Blog Entries posted by RainbowTashie

  1. RainbowTashie
    Opinions on 'joining the herd' or any other fandom.
    I needed to write about this because it's something that's close to my heart even though I can be considered a hypocrite whilst writing this...
    So you loved a fandom for as long as you can remember... for me it's pokemon(this is relevant I swear) and then people suddenly start rushing to it because it's deemed 'poplular'

    Just imagine you were those first few people on 4chan, the original 'bronies' and then suddenly everyone joins the bandwagon, the question i'm asking is do you feel salty about it or are you just happy that the franchise you love is gaining popularity? The best example I can give you is Pokemon go.

    I've loved Pokemon since I was old enough to read, heck Pokemon games probably taught me to read properly. I had to tolerate all the bullying from pre school to high school. Then suddenly this little app gets loads of attention then the very people who gave me a hard time when I was younger are downloading it and playing it is it really okay?
    Now I joined the MLP fandom purely by accident. I had a faze when I was about 15 about collecting my little pony toys this was during G3 guys (don't judge McKay?) and I would be the nerd in school with the MLP umbrella that was designed for 5 year olds and they would mock me. Then years down the line me and my special somepony were out of town and were in a toy shop. I saw a theme deck with a pony in the front I recognised as Rainbow Dash (little did I know how much she's changed since G3 lol) but I actually mocked the art style and thought it looked too cartoonish. But for a laugh me and him bought two decks cause we were staying at his family's pub and we needed to kill time.

    When we got back I had no idea how complex this freakin game was! I mean last I heard MLP was for under fives. So hours later we figured it out had a few games and really enjoyed it and wen back the next day to buy some boosters (and by some I mean pretty much the whole case) now I've been known for fazes, I once had a thing about mine craft and animes such as death note an bleach but they fizzled out (which was probably what my boyfriend wanted to happen) I spent too much of our wages on poke merch as it was)

    But as you do you have a Google and change your Facebook picture to whatever you're into at the moment and the more I delved into the Internet the more I realised that 'bronies' adult males of this kids cartoon was a thing.

    So we got back from holiday pony cards and all and I remember having a couple of extra days off than him. And out of curiosity I watched this hyped up pony show and boom it was the second most hooked I'd been on anything. And I encouraged my normal adult male boyfriend to watch it too and Suprise Suprise he loved it. (Rarity is his best pony) I will insert a placeholder here of why I think Rarity is important for another blog...

    So tangent over when is and isn't it okay to board a hype train? With Pokemon go everyone had heard of Pokemon and have a basic idea of what it is about and I'm peeved it got so much popularity in pokego even if it is helping their stocks(Pokemon was my thing goddamnit!) if you go to my profile you will see a really derpy picture of me in my poke shirt when I was about 8... But then i joined this pony bandwagon with no remorse... Was I being too harsh? Because everyone has different experiences when joining a fandom was it right for me to assume people just want to get on board the latest trend only to leave it when it fizzles out?
    Lemme know what you think about the issue and I apologise in advance for my gibberish...
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