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Sidral Mundet

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Everything posted by Sidral Mundet

  1. Just saw the new movie. Really liked it. Has a few issues but the cast is great ^^


    Wait we have to wait about a year for more? Son of a $@^%! 

  2. Really like this movie! Has a some flaws, like a kind of weak climax and the resolution is a bit pat but overall the new cast is great IMO ^^. The chemistry is really well established for them, (Though Pipp could use less of the Millennial Gen Z jargon (Make it feel like a "Hi fellow Kids" kind of thing)) and it looks to set up a new series pretty well, though I'm not quite sure what it'll be about. But yeah overall really good first outing for the new generation ^^ Something something Star Trek TNG. Engage ;P
  3. It's...decent. It feels very much like a continuation of the better parts of season 6 and has more of a focus on humor, background of the world and secondary characters. The problem is that there is a distinct lack of focus on the Mane 6, ie the characters and reason I watch the show. So while it's not bad, it's not as appealing to me as past seasons because I don't watch this show for Celestia, Windy Whistle, Flash Magnus or Trixie. I watch it for Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity and this season while it does feature them, has them constantly separated and not interacting with one another. Spike has almost been left by the wayside after such a strong showing last season. The CMC conversely have been on fire. They've really come into their own. If Fluttershy wasn't so freaking amazing in her episodes, they would be the crowning point of the season so far. This is why in my opinion the better episodes of this season have the Mane 6 interacting with each other or heavily featured secondary character. Top 5 episodes (so far) Discordant Harmony Perfect Pear A Health of Information (Yes I watched the Russian Leak) Parental Glidance Fluttershy Leans In Bottom 3 Rock Solid Friendship Fame and Misfortune Honest Apple. Season ranking (best to worst): Season 2 Season 5 Season 4 Season 1 Season 7 Season 3 Season 6
  4. It probably wouldn't be McCarthy since she's had limited involvement writing for the show since Season 5. More likely Haber in this instant.
  5. Yeah it's something not many expect but it would fit. Also helps when you read some PKD whose works tend to deal rather heavily in this kind of field. That being said, my money is still on some kind of mind control.
  6. Not really looking forward to this but at this point I probably should not get worked up at all for the two-parters. They've had seven seasons to have the Remane 5 do something, yet each time they fall back on having the Light's be the one to do everything and this doesn't seem to be an exception. By all looks the Mane 6 are going to have some shit thrown at them by Chrysalis, that much is certain, cause she wouldn't need their photo's or hair otherwise. Best guess is mind control/voodoo control to use them to get revenge on Starlight and mess up the Mane 6's lives, also because mind control is an established power Chrysalis has (See Canterlot Wedding). Other thing is evil clones, but that seems to similar to the season 6 finale. Third option is memory alteration, in which Chrysalis somehow affects the memories of the Mane 6, most likely altering their perceptions about Starlight or the like, like thinking she's still a villain or that they don't even know her, stuff like that. Either way it's very clear the Mane 6 are going to be hit hard by her, and it seems to be another episode where Starlight is the main star of the episode, either as the one who will fix everything and save the day, or as the one who the show decides to give the emotional focus and attempts to be the sympathetic POV for the audience, perhaps both. Not looking forward to that. That being said Spike wasn't in this at all so that's something I guess. That being said it does appear that in the season 7 finale Twilight is going to be opening some kind of school for friendship or the like and the Mane 6 are going to be teachers there. Seems a bit odd, but whatever.
  7. I have no idea. Best guess is that it is AK Yearling as that is what Dash calls her when she get's to her house, which I remind you was isolated and all alone so it's unlikely she wouldn't call her by her real name in that situation but that's all I got. It could go either way.
  8. This episode in 5 minutes https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/trekkies/n9511?snl=1|
  9. Faust above, Tempest Shadow's real name...

  10. The Cutie Re-mark is pretty much the opposite of Keep Calm and Flutter On, which is my favorite episode. Remark completely focuses on Twilight, Starlight and Spike that the rest of the cast has no role here, unlike in Keep Calm where they play a decent role. Flutter On also has the main character not be Twilight instead having it be Fluttershy. And Flutter On has much grayer morals, such as why everyone is doing what they're doing. It also helps that everyone's motivations make sense and have that degree of grayness to them. You can understand why Discord is doing what he's doing even if he's an ass. The plot focuses entirely on the main focus of what the episode is trying to do, not play around with ultimately pointless scenes that don't really do anything for the main plot. And finally that ending. Instead of everyone just instantly accepting Discord, they make it abundantly clear that they still don't trust and like him save for Fluttershy, unlike with Starlight.
  11. Honestly I don’t know how to feel about the new Doctor. On one hand I think they choose a fine actress and she’ll do great in the part, but on the other hand I have concerns about it. Will Historicals keep constantly bring up that yes women were treated like shit for like 90% of history? If so I really don’t want that in my Science Fiction and Fantasy show, this is what I use to get away from the real world. Who is going to be the companion? Will it be a guy? Cause if it’s a solo guy, that has so many pitfalls to it. In the show, both classic and modern, they’re have been a ton of great well rounded female companions to compliment the Doctor. But with this new Doctor they’re going to have to establish that yes, she is the Doctor, so the companion is going to suffer some. This is not going to be like Capaldi where they can shove him aside for Clara’s subplot about Danny, they are going to make this Doctor look as good as possible and put her in the spotlight as much as they can (which will actually be a nice change, to have the show be about the Doctor) And most of the guys in the (modern) show are there to be a foil for the Doctor. Take Rory, he’s the mild, safe but lovable man compared to the wild, insane but sad Doctor. Or Jack, who is social and sex crazed to Nine who is isolated and generally distant sexually. So if they have a guy companion, he’s going to be nothing more than the butt of the show, even more of an imbecile than Harry Sullivan cause if they make him in some ways more competent than the Doctor in some field other than blunt strength (which is slightly sexist as well), people are going to say it weakens the new Doctor. What is in store for the 14th Doctor? What happens next? So pretty much I feel a massive amount of pity for whomever the BBC decides to cast as the 14th Doctor cause there is a no-win situation with it. Do you go back to a white male actor? Well so much for diversity, BBC you racist, only casting a women for publicity. Another woman? You just did this, do something different. An actor of color? You’re only doing this for PC points, to make sure you’re portfolio is diverse enough. You’re not hiring because of the actor’s merits, you’re hiring them because they’re X. Just who ever gets it next is going to face criticism no matter what. Are people going to judge it fairly? This seems to already be happening, that both sides are now going on to opposite extremes, one side saying "Well it’s Doctor Who’s first female Doctor, there can be nothing wrong with this. If there something bad it is not on the Doctor, she’s perfect, it’s the screenwriters and directors being misogynistic in not being able to tell good stories with her and the ratings don’t matter because the audience is sexist and can’t see past her gender." or "Well it’s Doctor Who’s first female Doctor, there is nothing that can go right with this. If there is something bad it is on the Doctor, she’s not the right call, it’s the screenwriters and directors being overly sensitive to her and not being able to tell good stories with her and the ratings don’t matter because the audience is blind to storytelling, only wanting "racial diversity"". It seems like there will never be a fair and rational discussion on this because both sides want to point the finger at the other and say "You’re the problem with everything and I’m completely right." Basically it comes down to I'll wait and see how she does cause there's not much else I can do at the moment.
  12. Also it wouldn't meld with the other seven seasons. With the movie they can get the animation bump but for the show they'll probably stick with flash for consistency and budgetary reasons
  13. Unlikely IMO. Did you see what happened? More likely that all of Equestria is conquered (in this movie it will solely be represented by Canterlot) and the Mane 6 are going to get away because the villain blasted a hole underneath them, causing them to fall into the river allowing the to escape. There is no fort to hold down
  14. So with the trailer in hand I think I can take a rough shot at the plot: It’s a better Twilight’s Kingdom ;P Okay but seriously here goes. We open in Canterlot (which will represent all of Equestria in the movie) where Twilight Sprakle is preparing for a great celebration where her role as Princess is important. She’s stressing out about it, but no time to worry as Tempest Shadow strikes, crippling the capital in the name of the Storm King. The Mane 6 resist but are shot at by Tempest who means to destroy them but the Mane 6 are "somehow" protected and only get flung away form the city, leaving the rest of Canterlot at the mercy of Tempest and the Storm King. The Storm King arrives and sets up his B-plot of cut backs to the rest of ponykind under his rule, to show what is at stakes for the Mane 6. He sends Tempest Shadow out to hunt down the Mane 6 as they have a powerful source of magic. Regathering themselves, the Mane 6 are dishearten to see their home conquered and Twilight feeling especially responsible for it. The vow to go search for other allies to help them in their cause, first going to the seaponies, but running into pirates along the way. The Mane 6 try to get them to help but both parties say no, only looking out for themselves. Tempest finally catches up with the Mane 6 and catches Twilight, leaving the rest behind as Twilight is a Princess and the only real magic user in her opinion, or possibly that Twilight gives herself up to save her friends. Not caring about the odds, the Remane 5 go to storm the castle, despite what the Pirates and Seaponies are saying, the Remane 5 saying their not going to leave their friend behind, inspiring the people of both groups to join with them despite what their leaders say. Thinking he’s won, the Storm King prepares for his ultimate goal, taking over the world (of Course!) but is unable to as Twilight does not possess the magic he seeks. Then the Remane 5 and the seaponies + Pirates attack, taking Storm King unaware. The Remane 5 free everypony in Canterlot, and a massive battle ensues. Tempest takes on Twilight, who is constantly trying to talk her down, manages to do so, while the Storm King is finally defeated when the Mane 6 use the magic he was so desperate to get, the Magic of Friendship, against him, either imprisoned or banished, and Canterlot is soon restored thanks to the friends the Mane 6 made along their journey. Ends with everyone feeling great.
  15. Well can confirm Starlight cameo if nothing else.Otherwise good trailer. Weird seeing Canterlot so… open for lack of a better word. I mean there was a lot of sky and empty space it seemed in the city shots, probably to show off their new budget and assets. Animation was super fluid, almost like they greased up all the characters in butter. Also nice to see they didn’t give away the plot, just maybe like the first third of it at best, like how the Mane 6 got away from the destruction of Canterlot.
  16. THIS WAS FUCKING AWESOME! Holy hell Fluttershy best pony! Fuck yeah now this is an episode!
  17. I think my biggest problem with these episodes was best summed up by Heir of Rick (image below)
  18. So just going to combine these and keep it short What I liked: Celestia: Great to see some character work from her and her wise if not a little humorous advice was well appreachated. Twilight: Nice to FINALLY see an episode where she's in the focus again, hasn't really been one of those since season 5 Trixie: Episode 2 was pretty funny with how she acted. The Song: Nice and catchy tune there. Too bad it's only 1/5 we'll get. Flash fantasies Starlight: Okay so who else would have loved to have Changeling Starlight or DragonBro Starlight in the show? Starlight: This is bottom since it's very close to the meh side of things but it was nice to see her finally get some shit kicked her way and the world not coddle her for it. What I didn't like: The constant reminder of the Season 6 finale and praise for Starlight: I hate the season 6 finale and do not care for Starlight so to see the first episode (and a small reminder in the second) go on and on about how great Starlight was freaking annoying. The fact that both parts revolved around this was extremely frustrating for me. The Mane 6's subplot: They didn't really do anything, it was filler. The only reason it was there was because they had to mandate the Mane 6 being involved with the premier episodes somehow. What was a missed opportunity: Celesetia's memories: Hey DHX you know what you could have done here? Added a flashback to Sunset Shimmer. I mean FFS it wouldn't have been that hard. So not a bad start to the season, I'm torn between the two episode but I think I'll give it to 1 over 2 since it had Twilight who's was so underutilized in season 6. Here's to the rest of the season
  19. New story I wrote is up: Link to story

  20. Well this might as well be DOA for me. Just great, yet another premier (and not even a two-parter) focused on Starlight. Well at least we know Delanice lied to us about Discord. Hey Hasbro you remember that message you gave out that said the Mane 6 were still the focus? Did you give that to the writers or were you just lying as well? For Fuck Sake, you have the season 6 finale have them get booted offscreen with no explanation and now we're getting the next season where the Remane 5 are going to do jack all YET AGAIN FOR THE WHO KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES (it's 9 now) and instead focus on the super magically special unicorn with socialization problems AGAIN. FUCK!
  21. Best premier: Return of Harmony. With a great villain as the anchor, this is the only two-parter that focuses on the Mane 6 instead of the super powerful unicorn with bad socialization skill as is the case with so many other two-parters. Best finale: The Best Night Ever. For a very similar reason, the only finale that focuses on the Mane 6, and gives them all moments to shine instead of being damsels in distress with the slim possibility of having some Dues Ex Machina role that tries to say that they're all important but really just gives them a scene while the previously mentioned unicorn does pretty much everything else. Also it finishes up an arc that was building throughout season 1 as well as being a nice slice of life episode. And the song was pretty great!
  22. Best: Saddle Row Review Flutter Brutter Gauntlet of Fire The Fault in Our Cutie Marks Dungeons and Discord Worst: 28 Pranks Later The Cart Before the Ponies Applejack's Day Off Every Little Thing She Does To Where and Back Again.
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