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Hocus Pocus

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Everything posted by Hocus Pocus

  1. I would love to try cyan some time. But I hear that one's a real pain to do properly and maintain.
  2. I'm a university student, so I'm poor. As a result, the only games I've gotten are the daily holiday freebies from the epic games store. That being said, there have been some real gems that I've picked up from it, like Alien: Isolation, Night in the Woods, Metro 2033, Oddworld, and Darkest Dungeon. You just can't beat the price of free.
  3. Even if something is a cynical corporate cash grab, it's always nice to see a serious shot being made to enter an industry that is darn near a monopoly; so I'm on KFC's side with this one. It's a healthy move from an economic standpoint, even if the chicken itself isn't so healthy. That being said, I can certainly see it going wrong still, even if KFC succeeds. The last thing we need are 10,000 cheap Ouya clones from every corporation hoping to follow in KFC's footsteps and make a quick buck without putting in the effort or resource investment. I mean, the industry already has a bit of a problem with shovelware as software with every company trying to rip off the latest big thing without understanding why it's so successful in the first place, I cringe to think of what shovelware as hardware would be like.
  4. Darkkmane: A gamer with a nonsequiter-based sense of humor, makes guides on "how to play" certain characters in league of legends, but all of them are troll builds that more often than not rely entirely on a single gimmic (except for the one he made on April Fools day for Vel'Koz). Tech With Tim: Nerdy programming tutorials. Learned the basics of Python Object Oriented Programming from him. Lucky Gunner Ammo: An educational channel on anything and everything you want to know about firearms. Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer: a rap artist who spits all his ciphers with the vernacular of a proper Victorian-era English chap.... and actually makes it work Skallagrim: An educational channel on anything and everything pertaining to medieval combat, if you have ever played a game where you can unscrew the pommel of your sword and yeet it at your opponent (better known as "ending him rightly"), you have Skallagrim mostly to thank for making that technique a meme.
  5. Eh, tbqh, I don't know. 2020 was the year the Earth stood still in a way. Nothing has really happened since COVID hit, everywhere has been shut down, but the alone time has been nice and has afforded me the time needed to make great strides on many things I have wanted for a long time.
  6. An incredibly dark joke that would probably get me temporarily banned if I repeated it here... ... Also playing against my friend in Magic: the Gathering with an "Un" deck... He had never heard of any of the Un series until now...
  7. Injecting 7 hours of screensaver nostalgia directly into my bloodstream
  8. I lurk in the shadows... always waiting... always watching...
  9. I like just about anything, but for whatever reason, I tend to really enjoy hard liquor and spirits more than others seem to. My favorite is absinthe, a drink that has a bad rap in most places as the drink of choice for the mad, depraved, and disturbed. In fact, the drink was illegal here in the states until 2007. To explain why, I'll have to go into a little detail about a few unique properties of the drink itself. Absinthe is strong... very strong. Like lowest proof I've seen in real absinthe is 120, which is 60% alcohol by volume, and I've seen as high as 180 proof. It's not meant to be drank neat, and there's a whole "absinthe ritual" you're supposed to go through to dilute it. After this process is complete, the liquid turns from being clear and green to a cloudy greenish-milky color that we refer to as the "louche". Back in the 1800's, though, you could tell a cheap absinthe because the ingredients used were either cheaply prepared or in such small quantities, that this color change never took place. So what did cheap companies do? They'd throw in toxic copper salts that made this color change occur. These salts caused those who made a habit of getting drunk off cheap absinthe a multitude of problems: including hallucinations (which is why absinthe is often called "the green fairy"), madness, seizures, comas, and death. A few of them even went completely bonkers and went on murdering sprees. These absinthe-fueled drug-murders were blamed on the wormwood used in the distilling process (which does release very trace amounts of a toxic substance when distilled, though not enough to harm you), and absinthe was banned across Europe and the United States. Since then its reputation has never really recovered despite being legalized once again. If you even look at any mixed drinks made with absinthe, you'll notice that even the things mixed with absinthe will have some sort of dark tone to them, with drinks such as "Wharf Rat", "Root of All Evil", and "Death in the Afternoon". Still, if you're looking for something different, and you enjoy the taste of anise (black licorice), with a bit of mint and an almost fruity aftertaste; I'd highly recommend a dance with the green fairy. But just be warned, her spell is quite potent (even after the absinthe ritual). I've introduced a few friends to it before, and all but one's first experience has been "awww, I can handle it!", taking one shot of it neat (which I don't recommend), and then in about 20 minutes being completely floored as I watch the fairy work her magic and completely kick their flanks... not that they can remember it the next day most of the time, anyway. As far as brands go, I'd say skip the stuff like Lucid, that's just cheap stuff they sell to people so they can say they've tried it. Cheapest brand I buy is St. George's, which some aficionados may say is not real absinthe due to it being distilled with star anise rather than the traditional green anise, but it has a good taste especially when compared to cheaper brands, and is made in the same way, so for all intents and purposes, it's absinthe. My favorite brand, however, is Pernod, which is about 15 bucks more expensive, but is well worth it. Though, I tend to save that for special occasions, and St. George's for sharing with friends.
  10. For me, it's because renter's insurance is a heckuva lot cheaper than homeowner's insurance, and a landlord is going to have to be the one who takes care of any problems with the house, not me. A cheap apartment is just less expensive than a cheap house.
  11. heck naw. Just gonna sleep in it again. And the whole "It sets your drive for the rest of the day" thing is hogwash made up by parents as an excuse so they'd have some argument for their kid or kids when they point out the futility of such a task. If it really sets the theme for your work ethic, than you'd spend the whole day doing useless arbitrary tasks that don't make a lick of difference. I can see making it if you were to have company over or something, but if not, there's literally no reason to waste the time doing it.
  12. Unicorn. Her character was simply not written to be that of an alicorn, and despite what others say, her character has changed dramatically to fit this change. To be fair, these changes are to redefine her character as being appropriate for her new role as a teacher and leader rather than her previous role as a student; however, it was sudden, jarring, and made a character that was already a bit of a mary sue ("Your element is strongest and rarest, Twilight.") completely jump the shark with her role as a special snowflake main character princess wizard heroine super saiyan god super saiyan.
  13. Wow.... that post hit a little too close to home describing how relationships and friendship change from childhood to adulthood, and your journey along that road of discovery reminds me of my own. It's how I wound up realizing I was asexual. I just kinda realized "hey... I don't really NEED a significant other, I just need someone that I can actually TALK to, someone I can actually be friends with and do more than crack crude jokes in the cafeteria with." but enough about me, I understand that as the sun sets on G4, and only now you are arriving, it can feel like all this is about to be over soon, and just as soon as you arrived, all this is going to be gone. But from a long-time veteran of the herd, let me welcome you with open hooves. And let me ensure you that whether or not FiM lives on, I'll still be here to be your friend should you need me to. The fandom started with the show, yes, but it has grown into something so much more. We are here to celebrate friendship and the bonds we make with other people. Make no mistake, we still discuss the show, it is the thing that brought us all together in the first place, but what the meaning of this place has become feels more like a party of like minded individuals set out to.... rekindle in a way, a fire that has been lost and forgotten. We see friendship for what it truly is in a world that seems so superficial, we understand a deeper meaning to the loved ones with whom we spend time with, and when you boil down what it means to be a brony to its core philosophy, that describes us far better than any 22 minute series of events starring Twilight Sparkle and friends. So cherish these times together, but do not lament, because now that you are here, there are more to come. We came for the ponies, but stayed for each other; and because of this, it will take more than the end of G4 to tear us apart. On behalf of myself and Equestrians alike, welcome to the herd. -Hocus Pocus
  14. To me, Religion is sort of like a pact; a covenant if you will, in addition to being a respect for, and a relationship with the divine. I lead by example, and do good in the name of God, and in return I receive guidance and protection. Perhaps not as profound as many people would like on either end, but it's still certainly there, and I'm comfortable with it. I don't need some flashy neon sign from the heavens telling me what to do next, just like I feel God doesn't need me to go out of my way to cram my beliefs down other people's throats. I'm a Christian and I live my life as a decent person. Simple as that.
  15. my ban appeal...? The aristocrats
  16. Anything by: The Beatles The Beastie Boys Rage Against The Machine (Whom I feel are trying to emulate the Beastie Boys) Elvis Presley Most modern pop artists
  17. Hands down, "Dr. Horrible's SIng-Along Blog" As far as my favorite song from the musical, it's gotta be the final song, "Everything You Ever" I'm also a big fan of "Slipping", "My Eyes", and "It's a Brand New Day". I just love this movie so much, and feel there are too few movies out there like it. combining comedy with tragedy, complete with Shakespearean levels of irony. After all..... Doctor Horrible got everything he ever wanted. And it only cost him...
  18. Soda is the only acceptable name
  19. >It's Japanese >It's Animation >It's Anime Even though it's not made in the traditional 2D Anime style, the last anime I watched was a really messed up kid's show from Japan called "Popee the Performer" ...yes, you heard right, this was a kid's show in the early 2000's. The best way I can describe it is "Have you heard of Candle Cove...? Actually... yeah, it's pretty much that"; it's a kid's show with disturbing imagery, disturbing themes, and it plays the happy and bouncy theme song as the cast of bright and colorful characters are tortured, maimed, and killed regularly in just about every episode (and did I mention you can hear a really deep, almost demonic voice singing the lyrics in the background along with the main singer along side what also sounds like growls or roars from some sort of animal at times?) I swear, I'm gonna try to go back and find footage of this show 20 years from now and I'm only gonna find recordings of static... But jeez, I just can't stop watching it. Maybe it's just my morbid sense of humor, but I find it really bloody entertaining. I know all this sounds made up, but seriously, look it up. All the episodes are up on Youtube and there's plenty of information on the channel and date it originally aired on in Japan.
  20. "So I'm probably gonna pull an all-nighter cranking this thing out." (I swear it's not what it sounds like )
  21. Yeah... like I said, I have to keep flipping over several times before I can get to sleep (issues with nasal blockage and drainage) so any sort of clothing will inevitably bunch up and make laying down incredibly uncomfortable.
  22. Even the softest pajamas always bunch up on me as I have to constantly flip over several times before I can finally sleep. As a result, as lewd as it is, I can only sleep in the nude
  23. Not really. One was parked by a stop sign I went through a little quick once and he motioned me to roll my window down as I drove by, so I slowed down, opened my window and he just said not to do it again before letting me continue on my way. I'd not really call it being "pulled over", though.
  24. Motivation is hard... even for things I enjoy doing.

    I mean, I'd say I feel like I just need a break, but every time I take one I just wind up laying around and doing nothing, and I'd probably keep doing that forever if nobody came along sooner or later and yelled at me for being lazy, but that only makes me feel worse about things. I feel tired in ways I cannot put into words, and even the most menial of tasks exhaust me. I'm always wanting to talk to someone, but whenever someone does offer, it's hard to keep up a conversation... But I guess that's okay since most of my friends aren't online all the time like I am; besides, part of me just wants to be alone, anyway.

    How do people do this...?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DubWolf


      Yeah I feel the same way. I would move out but that’s impossible given how pricy my dream job is :L . Life has been slow..

    3. Hocus Pocus

      Hocus Pocus

      Here's to hoping and dreaming, huh? <3

    4. DubWolf
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