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Posts posted by Vocaloid_IA

  1. Could you possibly make a signature for a friend of mine? 

    She would like Kagamine Rin on it, and for the background something bright and cheery. And for any text, she would just like "Kagamine Rin" on it.

  2. Could I possibly get an IA signature?

    600 x 100 pixels is my wanted size, for the background I would like something future themed (like hexagons or something) and you can use any IA picture if it goes with the background.

    Also for any text I just want "Vocaloid IA" :)

  3. Hello.... FRIEND BESTIE PAL! I'm so glad you agreed to join!  :D Yay! I hope you have a wonderful time, theres so much to do and so many awesome people to meet! And in honor due to you love Octavia....


    • Brohoof 6
  4. St Patricks Day.

    Even though I love showing my pride on St. Patricks Day, What do I get? a barrel of disrespect. Most people find St. Patricks Day a pointless day, and just based off a myth. Plus, I find Valentines Day has a lot more purpose.


    Here's the wiki for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine%27s_Day


    and here's St. Patricks Day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Day


  5. @Poetic Stone

    The more reason for me not liking Matt Smith is because I find that most people who began watching the show in 2010-14 ((Matt's run)) like Matt Smith due to he's the first doctor they see. So they kind of have that 'bond'. The reason I don't like this is because I find most people starting to watch Doctor Who should start on the earlier doctors first to know what to expect basically, then began watching the current doctor. Its a weird reason, but its just basically one of my own reasons that doesn't seem to say "Yo, I dun't like Matt Smith." I have respects for all of those who love Matt Smith, and trust me, I find he's a cool doctor, just not one of my favourites.

  6. I am really excited for Season 5. The trailer looks like the first 2 episodes are going to have an action packed adventure plot. Even if people say its gonna suck, ((Or its poorly made)) they don't know that QUITE yet. ;) I'm can't wait to watch MLP, its almost time until it gets released!

  7. Interesting! I never noticed the difference, I normally notice errors like speech, figures. o3o Anyways, my thoughts is that once Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, she needed minions. She transformed all of her army into Bat Ponies. *However they looked like stallions and pegasi, so Princess Celestia wouldn't notice her new powers so she can find a weakness and you know *cough* defeat her. ((I'm working on those parts ;)) Anyway... after that change, there was hardly many mares left due to Nightmare Moon turned most of them into her army, so Celestia recruited stallions, and it shortly later had an impact in recurition. Bassicallyy due to thats basically a story that I have work at, my theory is that there was a possibly shortage on mares, perhaps most of them were killed from a huge battle for example The Fall Of The Crystal Empire, or Nightmare Moon. So stallions were more in the army while mares ...got different jobs...?

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I like reading The Walking Dead comics, and mostly graphic novels. If anytime I pick up a chapter book I normally just lose my interest in it after 5 chapters. The book I'm reading right now that you could call a 'Chapter' book is the Learn The Japanese alphabet and write in Japanese! book.

  9. Crushes... Man, where do I start? Due to my enter key is broken as crap this is gonna look really bad X3

    - Beast Boy from Teen Titans

    - Len Kagamine

    - Kaito

    - Leon

    - Kyoya from Host Club

    - Tamaki from Host Club

    - Basically both of the twins from Host Club


  10. I don't really read books, but when I get the chance I fall into the deep worlds of storys.

    I would have to say my favourite book would have to be Ranger's Apprentice: Book 1, The Whole Warrior Cats series besides Omen Of The Stars (Which sucked!), and The Last Apprentice: Book 1.

  11. Its hard because I feel like I am likeable to 3 of the elements. Laughter for one because I always have been the clown out of my group of friends, but also Honesty because 97% of the time I'm honest, and don't tell a lie, but 3% is sometimes used for my own sake of survival. Loyalty because, I AM loyal to my friends a lot, and I never once backstabbed anyone of them.

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