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Posts posted by Monsoon

  1. I don't know i could write anything however i would enjoy making an adventure crossover fic because there's so much potential I might consider making some fics with original characters lthiugh the only reason why I don't pursue writing fanfics is for a few reasons 

    Firstly I just don't have time I would to sit down and write a fic filled with lore but university keeps me busy and I don't want to leave a fic half done and forgotten for years like some creators do bexause i know the pain of getting attached to a good fic forgotten in time 

    2.Because I need to improve my abilities to create a fic that attracts readers because there are a lot of people who like different thimgs and may get turned off by certain aspects of the fic such as the main character turning into a pony or staying human vice versa

  2. 23 hours ago, kaiser5578 said:

    well mate, she is you know. THE GODDESS Of THE SUN. would it really be that hard for her to find you?

    Yea I know but that isn't the reason I'd leave the real reason is I wouldn't want to live as an errand boy with no other choice but if it came down to it I'd rather die fighting then be pacified

  3. Kratos because he's a beast

    Talion from shadow of war because he can't die so he can take the risks

    Thanos because ya know the infinity gauntlet 

    Scorpion from mortal kombat because he's awesome 

    An army of space marines just for the lolz 

    And renegade shepard from mass effect 

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