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Everything posted by CandyStrike

  1. It was ideal except for the part where I exhibited signs of depression since I could talk and all the awful things that come with being chronically depressed your whole life.
  2. I can't say I know much about Gawker, but from what I gather on Hulk Hogan's case they seem to have posted a sex tape of him without his permission. Is that accurate? If so that is an awful thing to do and I don't feel sorry for Gawker at all. Why?
  3. Justin Bieber is such an arrogant jackass. So of course he does this.
  4. Yes, I have some Pokemon plushies. Including a giant Happiny that I got for super cheap! Same
  5. I hope it doesn't happen. Crossovers are sort of boring if you're not a fan of both works. And I am not a fan of Sonic. If I were to watch that cocky hedgehog interact with my beloved ponies I might gnaw my arm off. I'm sorry to everyone that likes the idea, but to me Sonic is just an awful, unbearable character. But I admit it would be adorable to see Fluttershy play with those Chao things.
  6. Well, they're a bit of a mystery to me. I don't understand the appeal of furry characters so I don't really get why they love it so much. And the whole sexual side of it deeply confuses me. But then every fandom gets someone fetishizing it. I haven't met or interacted with anyone that told me they were a furry. But some people I know and have met seem like they're probably furries and they've all been nice.
  7. I don't like Sonic the Hedgehog crossovers, especially shipping Sonic with ponies. I've never been a Sonic fan, he has always annoyed me with his freaking attitude. I'm okay with grimdark, if it is an actual story. Grimdark for the sake of it or for titillation is distasteful to me. For example, Fallout Equestria has a lot of grimdark stuff, but it is a part of the story. And that story is about fighting for a better future. But stories like Cupcakes just seem like the gore is the point. And any semblance of story is just a coincidence.
  8. I don't know why someone would be offended by it either. I liked it and I've been critical of Muffins's portrayal in the past. Maybe, they don't like that she sounds different and is named Muffins in the credits.
  9. Kill myself, because I'm a woman so I'm basically screwed. Which hat?
  10. Yeah, that episode with the buffalo seemed racially insensitive at best. Also, I think I've explained before why I found Muffin's first speaking role distasteful. Basically, I see it as playing the stereotype that people with strabismus are stupid.
  11. What? You're now in charge of Hasbro, what do you do?
  12. I saw they were selling some in a machine at the zoo when I went this year. I used to see them in malls when they were first around but I haven't seen one like that in years.
  13. The first time I watched it I didn't enjoy it because I didn't understand what the point was. Celebrate holidays or your homeland will freeze? But I've watched it again and was able to enjoy it, the songs really help. Though still not sure what the message is...
  14. https://youtu.be/JkxrLoYLjNA?t=31s If she is cast they should really put her singing skills to use.
  15. No. Well, maybe the feeling like destroying everything part. Have you ever been to another country?
  16. I'd say Victini. Jirachi is second most cute even though Jirachi is my favorite Pokémon.
  17. I don't particularly like children, but I think I can get along with them okay. I don't like being around babies or toddlers. I feel awkward with babies though because I'm not sure what to do with them. Do I just talk to them even though they can't talk back? Because I feel a little nutty having a one-sided conversation. Toddlers are unfun because tantrums and then you have to explain things to them like please don't kick small animals. Because apparently they just don't know these thing which sometimes makes it seem like they're complete psychopaths.
  18. Frozen is much better. It is more emotionally impactful. I could really feel for Elsa but I never really connected to Simba. Lion King is great and all but Frozen is just better.
  19. Well, maybe you if you don't want to be called a sexist then you shouldn't call people morons if they want to see women Ghostbusters or as you say "modern PC culture" . I'm not calling you a sexist, but saying things like that is what is getting you called a sexist not the fact you don't think it is a good movie.
  20. Why wasn't TMNT a line in the sand? Or Transformers a line in the sand?
  21. Shitty remakes get made all the time. I don't understand why you feel the need to get up in arms about this particular movie.
  22. #itisjustamovie I don't understand all the hate. So what it isn't funny. Most movies aren't and I don't pitch a fit about it. I think people are over-reacting with hatred.
  23. I enjoyed watching True Blood for a while even though it is so wrong (seriously, vampires as a metaphor for gay people WTF?).
  24. I usually don't have a song stuck in my head when I see this thread pop up but right now this is in my brain
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