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Everything posted by CandyStrike

  1. Mimic (g1), Toola Roola(g3), Nightglider (g1), Skydancer (g1), Princess Silver Swirl (g2), and Blossomforth (g4) Mimic would be like Pinkie Pie of the group, Toola Roola shy like Fluttershy, Nightglider would love to learn like Twilight Sparkle, Skydancer would love to fly and be proud like Rainbow Dash, and Princess Silver Swirl would be generous like Rarity. Blossomforth would be honest and hardworking like Applejack. edit: couldn't count before. Now have a team of 6.
  2. "Screw you guys, I'm going home." Do you like fruit juice? If so, what type is your favorite.
  3. Okay, I laughed at the title of this. I'm a feminist and yeah...anyway I don't personally want to see the show get into romance because I'm afraid it will all be heteronormative. I don't want to see every single pony happily paired off with a husband horse because then I can't relate to any of them. I'm single and plan to remain that way. It would feel like the show was being judgemental and unrepresentative if it insisted on only male and female monogamous couples
  4. I don't really know. That one Pinkie Pie book had the names right for her sisters and it was released before the episode they were in. So I feel like Berrow probably has more knowledge or instruction from the writing crew. Speculation, I know, but really the books seem like canon. We'll see...the upcoming episode would be a great opportunity to confirm Cadance's backstory that was addressed in one of Berrow's books.
  5. I'm just pulling this out of nowhere but here's what I feel they would be if from different countries. Twilight Sparkle: India Rarity: Russia Pinkie Pie: Jamaica Applejack: Mexico Rainbow Dash: Japan Fluttershy: Egypt and Spike: France
  6. More LyraBon. And lots of songs Same
  7. Team Rocket Best anime hero or heroine?
  8. I remember listening to cassette tapes, but I was too young to work them and I think CDs came about before I was old enough to understand how to use them. But, VHS I remember! I still have a VHS player and some tapes. I might have used floppy discs in elementary school, but I don't remember.
  9. Gee, I don't know. I think I'd need more money to be willing to do that. Favorite band?
  10. The only problem I could see with this idea, is it could easily come off as too preachy. I've seen cartoons do this before where they just get carried away with the whole, "just say no" and "drugs are bad, mmkay" thing and they come off as holier-than-thou overly-sheltered scaremongers.
  11. Start my life over again? Nope, the teen years are the worst. If you could be a little kid for a day what would you do?
  12. I don't think they should change to this style. I think the character designs wouldn't translate very well into 3d(or semi-3d). But now I'm just interested in this Star Darlings thing. I'm gonna go delve into the youtube black hole to see more.
  13. CandyStrike

    movies/tv New Ghostbusters Movie

    Look there are valid criticisms of the trailer. I did not find it funny. But talking about SJWs just looks bad to me. When you talk like that it just makes me think you are bitter at women and hate social justice. That is from a lot of experience I have with people who say the same things and are undeniably misogynistic. That or you don't actually know anything about social justice and just want to join the latest hate craze. I know you'll all probably jump to say #noteveryone, but how am I supposed to tell the difference when you all spout the same points? Please, if you want to convince people to not like the film then point out legitimate problems and not the SJW boogeyman. Otherwise, you are just alienating people that might otherwise agree.
  14. No. Do you like Quentin Tarantino movies?
  15. I'm not much into anime, but I really like Attack on Titan. Are you allergic to anything?
  16. Favorite Doctor: Second Doctor Least favorite Doctor: Fourth Doctor. I find him unsettling. Favorite companion: Martha or Jamie Least favorite companion: Rose. I freaking hate Rose.
  17. Somepony getting shot. What type of nut is your favorite?
  18. DIscord's song Only if being a fan of My Little Pony is a religion. LOL Do you want more time travel in the show?
  19. Bob Evans sour cream & chive mashed potatoes. They are the best mashed potatoes that I know about. Absolutely delicious.
  20. "Blind as a bat" and "Sweating like a pig" because bats aren't blind and pigs aren't very sweaty. Though I did a quick google search on the origin of the pig saying and it turns out that it has something to do iron smelting. "Hit the ground running" Because it just sounds like a good way to sprain an ankle.
  21. Me too. Though I might be closer to 5 ft 5. I'm the short one in my family. They were worried there was something wrong with me when I was young because I was so small for my age. Turns out I had constitutional growth delay. Which if I understand correctly, means you grow fine, but just later then is typical.
  22. I love drums What is your opinion on bagpipes?
  23. Oh, you're one of those people. Acting like being interested in social justice is a bad thing. Nice how you don't link to any of the actual offensive material like all of these quotes all from different songs. “Don’t you get it b*tch, no one can hear you?/Now shut the f*ck up and get what’s comin to you/You were supposed to love me {*Kim choking*}/NOW BLEED! BITCH BLEED! BLEED! BITCH BLEED! BLEED!” -Kim “But I may fight for gay rights, especially if that d*ke is more of a knockout than Janay Rice/Play nice? B*tch I’ll punch Lana Del Rey right in the face twice, like Ray Rice in broad daylight in the plain sight of the elevator surveillance/’Til her head is banging on the railing, then celebrate with the Ravens.” -Shady CXVPHER “Twisted-ass mind, got a pretzel for a brain/an eraser for a head, f*cking pencil for a frame/you don’t like it then peel off b*tch/every last woman on Earth I’ll kill off.” -Roman's Revenge “Slut, you think I won’t choke no whore/’Til the vocal cords don’t work in her throat no more?!/Shut up slut, you’re causin’ too much chaos.” -Kill You “I’m tired of the games, I just want her back/I know I’m a liar/If she ever tries to f*ckin’ leave again, I’ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire.” -Love the Way You Lie
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