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Posts posted by Po-Nonimous

  1. No, I'm not asking if Bronies are now the true demographic targeted, and yes, I know that the show is meant to be enjoyed by anybody who watches it. But I mean the target demographic.


    I was reading a conversation on an other site and sombody said that the show seemed like it was most targeted to to '5-7' year olds initially, but at this point it seems more like its for '8-10' year olds.


    I'm not sure what to think, things have gotten a bit more complex since season 1. But the show wasn't barney and friends in season 1 either, what with the Hydra and things. Maybe its just that the show simply got better as time went on so the target age group never changed, and that the age group is for kids of all ages rather than young kids VS older kids.


    I think a little older but if they decide to pick a target-age audience between the ages of 12 and 25 I'm all for that! I mean, look at Gravity Falls. That's an awesome show and they have the right target audience age group, I think.

  2. Wow, I put a lot of work into that sims 4 Rarity file and not even one little note saying thanks. Well, that's that! No more! Hate me if you want but a little gratitude's nice but I guess I'm expecting that from the wrong people.

    • Brohoof 6
  3. "There is a massive disconnect because the passion, motivation, quality, and respect for the characters that the animation department has for the MLP brand, and the completely vapid crap the toy department puts out. These girls look like they've been given a large amount of champagne and forced to smile weakly at gun point."


    Terrifying. Just... Terrifying!

  4. Po-Nonimous     Putting episode 23 together with episode 1, I thought Twilight lived on campus at the school.


    I can see why you'd think that since, in EP 23 (The Cutie Mark) different scenes show that same building from both the outside and the inside, showing a large classroom or lecture hall on the inside. So, if that's where Twilight lived then there must have been dormatories or private rooms in the building as well.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I don't exactly know. What would you think it is?


    Looks rather female to me but that's just my opinion. Ultimately, you're the one who'll decide whether it's a mare or a stallion. Although, come to think of it, it does look cool as a stalion, too.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Thanks. I am surprised to see all the people that like those two colors. Usually people don't love purple and black. Thanks though! I love those colors too.

    Thanks. I love purple by itself, but when I finished the pony, I loved the product even more because it was very vibrant and lively which I really liked.


    You're welcome! You're right. It's difficult to pull off black and purple together and make it work but you did and that's just too cool! :D Again, good job! :D

  7. I really can't draw, but when it comes thinking things up, I'm good at it


    I don't think you give yourself enough credit. I saw your work and I think it's good. You have great potential for becoming a great artist someday but not if you give up. I think you also have some interesting ideas and concepts. I always enjoy when people share their artwork and ideas here, it shows me that there are still people in the world who are, at least, trying to do something with their talents. :D

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I've recently heard a rumor about NASA ans the sun. It has a big solar filament, the biggest recorded solar filament and the second biggest thing in the solar system, only the sun itself being bigger. Solar filaments cause solar flares, just like sunspots, but the solar filament will cause a huge one, and maybe it'll point to Earth and wipe us all out. :( Farewell, at least a possible farewell. Be prepared to die a very painful death, and prepare for blindness too, it's extremely bright and hot.


    First, relax. The Earth gets hit by solar flares all the time. This is nothing new. Now, if it helps, we have the Ozone layer, which helps to absorb excess ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Even better than that the Earth has its magnetic field which totally deflects dangerous solar radiation and keeps us safe.

  9. @Astral Blitzen


    As a retired professional I think your work has merit and is well done, considering that the vast majority of people in the world can't even draw stick figures. That being the case you can think of yourself as part of a select relative few in this world who actually do have talent and are working to build and develop their skills. Keep up the good work! Keep on developing! Don't let anyone or anything descourage you!

    • Brohoof 1
  10. dcePW.png


    She needs more muffin


    That's definitely one way of looking at it but have you thought about that the meanings of a word can change according to how most people come to use the word? Point: the word 'gay' used to mean excitedly happy and very cheerful. Now, because of how it's been used so much, it means someone who is a homosexual.


    'Derpy' or 'derp' doesn't have to mean something hurtful, insulting or negative. If that word is used enough to mean something or someone who's cute' adorable, loveable, sweet, fun then that's the meaning the word will eventually have. Think about that.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Well, since Hasbro has already strongly hinted at phasing out my favorite pony, Derpy, I can only imagine that we won't be seeing much of her in Season Five. That's disappointing for me since she's a truly unique character just the way she is and is horribly under-used except as a background pony and even then not enough.


    Seems to me there's enough Derpy fans on this and other forums that, if we joined together and put some pressure on Hasbro things might change a little bit, especially if they're brought to realize just how many Derpy fans there are in the world.

  12. I can see streaming TV eventually replacing cable and broacast TV. In fact, I think it's already happening. US Congress passed a law some time ago that says the US has to keep broadcast channels on the air so that's why we HD airwave broadcasts, now.


    We're big streaming fans at our house. My wife still watches some shows on CBS and my daughter's a huge Survivor fan but, other than that, it's mostly streams now. I mean, between Youtube and Netflix we don't need anything else.


    TV sure has come a long way from the days of black and white TVs with antennas picking up only six broadcast channels. Looking back it all seems stone-age primitive but fifty years ago that's all we had. I can't even imagine what life was like for people in an even earlier time who only had radios.

  13. Okayyyyyyyyyyyy, well, I haven't found a download link to MLP sims and I'm not sure there is one but I did find this: It's Super Derpy Muffin Attack and there is a download link! Yep! I love Derpy. I love muffins. Derpy fighting with muffins? YEAH! Gonna download and install this later! LOL

    I would upload vids of MLPFIM Sims 4, but the first several episodes will be fairly boring, as they involve all 6 forced into a crappy house I built while... not playing at my best. However, I recently went around and grabbed some good mods that should help this issue.


    Glad you found some mods that'll work. You should show us your vid, anyway. Sounds like it'd be fun. :D

    Update! I downloaded the Super Derpy game and extracted it to a temporary folder. It doesn't need to be installed, just run the batch file and play the game! Yeah! This's gonna be fun!

  14. That's absolutely sickening. Have a brohoof.


    For the record, the house where Twilight and Friends live is called... The Mane Stay. HA! :D


    "Sickening" was what I was going for when I created Griselda so it works! LOL Brohoof back atcha! :D


    Ooh, love the name! :D "Mane Stay". Yeah! I like that! :D

    I can't resist posting this video, it's the first sims done MLP-style. I would so buy this if it was a real game:



    Thanks for posting that! Oh, and, it is a real game! Someone totally modded the original Sims and replaced all the original Sims with Ponies! (I'd love to know where to get and download it! I would so play it, myself!)

    Okay, so, I've decided I'm going to try to find a download site for that MLP:FIM Sims game. So far I've managed to track it down to this site and the name of the game creator, which is listed as Yudhaikeledai. Next, I'll do a search on that and see if I can come up with a download link. If I do I'll post it here.

    • Brohoof 1
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