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Posts posted by Razpul

  1. Well, for those of us who are fortunate enough to live in a democracy let's never forget that we are the government and, rightly, all those in power are accountable to us but only if we actively participate and take part in the system.

    That is true, but they vote Democrat and republican, or liberal or conservative not " I like what he/she stands for." And I appreciate that Obama is at least trying, but now the two parties have split so far we can no longer agree on anything.
  2. We were once Wonderbolts, but after Luna's return, we realised she was left without protectors, so we split from the Wonderbolts and became... The Shadowbolts. We go where the Wonderbolts fear to go, carrying out missions specifically mandated by Luna. Apply today, send in your application to xShadowboltsx, along with a friend request to Razpul on Xbox 360. Remember we're the Shadowbolts, We're Too Awesome for Celestia.

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