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Posts posted by AspenSwift

  1. If you've seen the most recent episode, you'll know that the CMC finally got their cutie marks and realized their special talent: helping others find themselves.  I may not be the only one who picked up on this, but with the scene at the end with the picture and the letter going to the princesses, I thought "wow, this would be a good spinoff show."  Is anyone else thinking this?  The whole plot would center around the CMC, and they would go around meeting ponies and helping them to discover themselves.  Overall, I think it would be another big money reel-in for Hasbro, and we all know how much Hasbro loves money.


    So, is this a good idea or not?  Do you think it should happen?  Personally, as mixed as I am with CMC episodes, I would definitely watch the show.  However, it's possible that the new show would either 1) steal time and writers from MLP:FiM or 2) get the "B-list' writing and animating team, leading to an incredibly poor show.


    Internet points to the poster with the best name for the spin-off title of the show.

    • Brohoof 3
  2. I can't be too critical, as I haven't...*ahem*...come out of the stable yet, if you know what I mean.  However, if you feel that it's really important, the best way is to be nonchalant.  If something similar is brought up, you could just mention it in passing.  Something like:

    Them: Man, I remember when my sister used to play with those My Little Pony horses.  You remember that?

    You: heh, yeah.  Actually, did you hear that they've restarted the franchise?  I've watched an episode (haha, you lied, you've watched every episode), and it wasn't too bad.

    Them: -sneer- you actually watched an episode?  You gay or something?

    You: -chuckle- well, a friend recommended it, so I watched it.  You should try it out!


    Other than that, I guess some advice would be to not let it control your life.  Don't be that guy who annoys the crap out of everybody else with it.  It gives the normal ones a bad rep


    Good luck!

  3. I have two daughters, ages 5 and almost 2 (next month). They both love the show and they have toys, clothes, etc. My oldest just started school this year and she absolutely loves Rainbow Dash. She wanted a Rainbow Dash birthday party and cake, she loves to talk about Rainbow any chance she gets to anyone who will listen. 


    I don't know if I would say that they are bronies or pegasisters, but they are fans of the show, they might grow out of it through trends. But for now they love it, and I think a lot of that love has come from me as well lol. 

    Watching MLP with your kids sounds like the most adorable thing ever!  I think it's awesome that you can share an interest with your kids so passionately!  And I'm sure your kids love watching the show with you.

    • Brohoof 1

    Name: Alamo

    Race: Earth

    Male/Female: Male

    Looks: Wears a cowboy hat, mossy green fur and a tree bark brown mane, and often carries a tool box and guitar

    Personality: Kind, Smart, can be funny (I make up some good jokes as I go along) but often acts hardheaded 

    Cutie Mark: Hammer

    Special Powers: None 

    Spouse/Children: None

    Why was he chosen: He is a builder and a former farmer from Appleloosa, which means he is great with building homes and raising farm land

    OC page: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/alamo-r7066

    (If there is anything wrong do tell)


    Accepted!  Can't wait to see you on the forums!

  5. The blazing hot sun beamed down on Aspen Swift as he hammered the last nail into a window shutter.  The shutter now stood by itself, and Aspen practiced opening and closing it to make sure it worked.  Perfect.

    The blue earth pony circled the house, looking for the next job to do.  Paint the windowsill?  Check.  Stain the wooden logs?  Check.  

    "There's probably still something to do inside," he thought, and trotted back around the house to the front, where the ornate wooden door sat.  As he stepped inside the house, Aspen looked around for something new to do.

    "I finished the floor last Tuesday," he thought "And I installed the bookshelves yesterday."

    Aspen sat down as the realization hit him: he had finished his house.  Completely.  All by himself.  Everything was unpacked and moved, and Aspen could honestly say that he had successfully applied for land, cleared it out, and built a house on it.  Running back out the front door, Aspen took a second to compare his house to the others that shared his street.  Sure, most of them were more elaborate and larger, but Aspen still felt a sense of pride.  He went back inside, and walked through each of the rooms.  It wasn't big by all means, mostly consisting of a kitchen connected to an open space in the front, a loft, and in the back was Aspen's bedroom.  

    After all this time, Aspen could honestly say that he had adapted to the land.  It way have taken a few months, but Aspen felt ready to challenge the world.

  6. I thought Reaver let ya guys know, but maybe not... I can no longer participate in the roleplay... I'm so sorry. :( :( I've got too many other things going on, and there are a couple other roleplays that are just more important to me. I enjoyed this roleplay so much, but the fact is is that I joined too many roleplays, and now that school's started up again and I have more work than ever, I have to leave a few, even though it's hard for me.


    Thank you guys for the fun times. :)

    Aww, I'm really sorry, Red.  Thanks for sticking with us for so long, I really appreciated the awesome posts and everything.  I understand that keeping up with the posts and making your own is really hard, and I understand.  Anyway, thanks for being a part of the RP for so long!  I really appreciate it!

    Good luck in your other RPs!


    That sounds fine 

  7. This isn't too specific, but I'd like an episode that features two random secondary characters.  Two that haven't met before, preferably.  Since the show creates such good character designs for the cast, it would be fun and interesting to see the personalities play off of each other in ways that we don't see often.

    An example of an episode could be one where (and I don't know how or why it would happen) Cheese Sandwich and Zecora have to work together to find the Mane 6 or something.  Zecora's reaction to Cheese would be Priceless, and Cheese would think Zecora was really weird.  But, in the end, they become extremely good friends and the message could be that true friendship can cross any boundary, even opposing personalities.  

  8. So, has everybody received notices about it now?  I applied, but I haven't gotten anything back yet.  I'm sure the staff are doing their best to read all of the applications as quickly as possible :).  

  9. Before I start, I'm sorry if this is considered advertising.  If it is, let me know and I can take it down. However, I did reread the rules, and it doesn't say anything about linking TeamSpeak servers, so I think I'm in the clear.


    Anyway, some friends of mine and I have started a TeamSpeak server that anyone can join for free.  It includes an MLP section that I am in charge of, as well as Anime and Gaming sections.  There are not many people on right now, but we're hoping that will change.  The staff are extremely friendly and helpful.

    The server name is: ts.communitycrate.com:10060

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Of course, I'm not disapproving of an eight year old being a fan at all.  Anyway, an eight year old is much more likely to actually buy the toys and such, therefore keeping the show alive.  So, anyway, I guess the kid can be a brony if he wants, even if he might actually be part of the targeted age group.

    Here's a question: should the little girls that the show is made for be a part of the "brony fandom?"  If, say, a five year old girl loves the show, but knows about the brony fandom, is she part of it?

    Thanks for the responses!

  11. So, I was derping around on a brony Minecraft server (crystalempire.se to be exact), and I was chatting with this player.  The player asked how old I was, and I told them.  Then, I asked them how old they were, and they said they were 8.  Not surprising, as tons of kids play the game, but I was surprised that they were playing on a MLP-themed server.  I asked if they were a fan of the show, and the player said they were.  This was really surprising, as I'd always assumed that the youngest fans would be around 10-11.  8 seems ridiculously young.

    So, to get to the point, is this normal?  Are kids becoming bronies because of the show, or just so they can try to fit in?  Is an 8 year old actually part of the targeted age group, therefore not making them a brony?

    I'm curious, so leave replies please.


    • Brohoof 1
  12. @@Loud Opinion

    Aspen waved goodbye, and bounded off into the undergrowth.  It took him a while to find the camp again, and so when he got back darkness had fallen on the town.  Warm yellow light poured from the torches placed around the dirt road, illuminating the primitive shops and homes.  Aspen decided to tell the other officials about the sister camp in the morning, and trotted over to his tent for the night.

  13. @@Loud Opinion

    "Names' Gold Dust by the way, the Gold family's most competent rebel at your service,"

    Aspen returned the greeting, reaching out and shaking Gold's hoof.  "I'm Aspen Swift!  Thank you for showing me to this settlement, I'm glad to see that we have some more friends on the island!"

    Suddenly, Aspen looked up.  "Hm, looks like it's getting pretty dark.  I should try to get back to the town."  He turned back to Gold.

    "Sorry, but I might need to skip out on your offer of dinner.  I should probably be getting back to base, I don't want to lose my way in the dark."  

  14. @@Loud Opinion

    As Aspen and the golden-maned stallion made their way out of the camp, Aspen learned about the camp they were going to visit.  Apparently, everypony here came from a town back in Equestria, and they wanted to get away.  As the two stallions trotted through the undergrowth, Aspen realized he didn't even know this pegasus' name.  As he was about to ask, the sudden smell of smoke hit his nostrils.

    "Smells like supper's ready," said the pegasus, "if you have the stomach for it, we probably have enough leftover for one extra,"

    "No than-" Aspen was about to decline when he felt his stomach rumble.  And man, did that food smell delicious.  Aspen grinned sheepishly "Maybe just a quick bite."

    The two bushwhacked a bit until they stumbled into a clearing.

    "Huh," thought Aspen.  "Guess he wasn't lying about the camp."  In the clearing a handful of tents were set up, each surrounded by a ring drawn in the dirt.  "Probably marking off land boundaries," he realized.  

    The other stallion turned to Aspen.  "Welcome to 'Eternum minimum'!"

    Aspen looked around.  There seemed to not be ponies around, until Aspen realized they were probably getting dinner.

    "Well, i'd like to meet some of the other ponies from here," said Aspen, "oh, and I guess I forgot to catch your name...what is it again?"

  15. @@Loud Opinion,

    ​"Well, 'settlement' is a bit generous, but I digress. You seem like a nice pony, and any publicity is good publicity, so why not? Come on follow me, its not that far away: just northwest of here,"

    "Well," replied Aspen, "I appreciate the compliment!"  He smiled.

    "Hm, now what should I bring?" he wondered.  Then, remembering that he practically brought nothing here, he decided to just go without packing.

    "I guess that I'm ready to go," said Aspen.  "Lead the way!"

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