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Daisy Lovesong

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Everything posted by Daisy Lovesong

  1. Daisy Lovesong

    request Batpony Guard!

    I've had a character for nearly two years now. One I've adored, but one who's only visual interpretation was from a base mused by a friend. Sooo, since college is out for the remainder of the middle of he year and I've got more time on my hand I've been looking to put more time into her, yet it's hard to show her to others properly. So I guess it's worth a shot to look for anyone interested in drawing a batpone, though I expect no one to go out of their way for this. Just a few minor changes and something that'll actually make her mine. BecauseBatPoniesAreHot and give her that look of intimidation and difference she needs! I only got one ref, nothing too fancy except the armour, a friend did it when I was initially rushing and I never knew what base or anything they used, so, here goes here. But obviously due to said base, in desire of a change to the pony including a slightly darker but still clearly gray coat colour. The wings and the mane the same colour (#5b007c) as one another and, where applicable, a shorter smooth tail. Similar armour to other guards respectivelyyy. And also ear piercings. Several on the right ear but lesser on the left. Something like that. I'm grateful for anything though, so that I can actually fully see her as my own. I'm a bad talker I'll stop now. Thanks for reading and stuff. c:
  2. Daisy Lovesong

    request Pone Req!

    I am aware of it, yes, but I'm requesting on behalf of a friend, like I said, I'll have to ask her. ^^
  3. Daisy Lovesong

    request Pone Req!

    Hmm, I'm not sure. I'll have to ask her to do that so she's happy with it. I think you can convert the Hexadecimal to an RGB/other value if you type them into google though.
  4. Daisy Lovesong

    request Pone Req!

    solved it now just need to delete it XD
  5. Oh my, I never saw this. I'm so sorry! D: But, thank you~! ^^
  6. Ee!~ I love the style! Thank you so much! ^.^
  7. May I request something please? D:
  8. After watching him for a few seconds, he saw a chance to get on, he jumped to the seat and got on it. Then put his hooves on the ground and pushed with all of his might to get into the air! Also, holding on with his front hooves since he was.. too scared to fall!
  9. "Sure thing!" The colt replied cheerfully, not thinking much of the other's impressions; just glad that he wasn't being rude and even offered to play! The blue colt started to walk towards the sea-saw a bit shyly, since normally his light body sent him up constantly!
  10. Pfthh bored.. Going to go on FNV for the day..

  11. Never had a dream for as long as I remember this: I don't know exactly how old I was, but I had this bird what no-one else could see except me (not dreaming still). Every window I looked out of at roughly 7:00PM I would see a figure of a bird coming towards me (in the shape of a curvy m or a 3 turned 90 degrees anticlockwise :3) If I went to another window it would be closer and coming from there. Eventually with no escape it would land on me and I wouldn't remember anything from that night. My great grand-mother apparently told my mother to ask me where it was, beat it and throw it out of the window- which apparently happened and I never saw it again. Honestly, I could of been delusional and stories like this are never believed (and less believed for little stories alike on the internet). It wasn't really a dream, I'll never know what it truthfully was. No-one believes enough too figure stuff like that out so.. xD
  12. The colt smiled, not minding the delayed response of the other or anything! "Nice to meet you, Thinker!" He said with a smile and a cheery voice, the femcolt scooting a bit closer so he could speak quieter. "Urm, Congeal! Names Congeal!~ C-Congy for shortsthough."
  13. Congy thought it was a good idea to go over and say hi to Puni since there wasn't that many ponies going around. The colt hopped down from the bars he was 'glued' to and landed with a little 'oof!'. Then immediately, he skipped over to the pony near the Sea-Saw calling out before he actually got face to face. "Hi there!~"
  14. Hii Could I request in messages please? ^^ Publishy.
  15. I have bought a T-shirt with my OC on it, a nice little site to buy them from is called 'Red Bubble' cheap and neat.
  16. My fault... I forgot to press follow! Things hadn't changed in the past five minutes, the blue colt still enjoying the bits and bobs around the park. Though at this moment he seemed glued to the monkey bars. By glued, I mean stuck on the first bar, trying to use his petit wings to give him cheating little boosts to the other side.
  17. I feel like a rite idiot, I forgot to follow this one! ;~; Sowwy! Anyway, yis yis! It doesn't matter who you are, so long as you have fun! ;3
  18. Nyawwh~!~ I love it, thank you! ^^
  19. I can disguise both hands to look like they are broken or have very bad arthritis(yay for hyper-mobility xD). Mind you, I'll probably get arthritis with how many times I do it, xD
  20. Going bed, night everyone!

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