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Posts posted by Snake

  1. I didn't like AJ too much at first either, but then I kind of realized that I really admired her family values and relationships. She's not only tough on the outside, but the inside as well.

    In Tanks for the Memories, Pinkie Pie says that AJ "cries on the inside"
    Probably because she learned to be strong after her parents passed.

    In her Christmas song, "Days Gone by", to me it sounds like it was originally sung to the three apple siblings by granny smith, as the song refers to the audience (in this case, AJ Big Mac and Apple Bloom) as "dears".
    I can image Granny singing that to them to teach them to be thankful for the memories they did have with them, and to not dwell on the fact that they're gone. 


    • Brohoof 1
  2. Here is yours! I posted it, then it glitched, but here it is :) again

     Ohh they look so cute! Thank you so much! I hope you had fun drawing them. <3

  3. I just wanted to let everybody know that I am first sketching out everybody's requests then showing the sketches of the request through pm so to get approval if the person likes it or not once I finish all the sketches and get the approval to continue on I will then digitally color everybody's now please be patient digital coloring takes a lot of hours for just 1 picture I am trying to finish all the sketches as quickly as I can, but I want to also make sure the sketches and the finished picture come out nice I have a lot of request so I am trying to complete everybody's, but I just wanted to give everybody an update on what's going on with everybody's request.


    Sure I can do a second request but its going to take bit. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Actually that sounds quite interesting I can draw her species its just going to take a bit since I have to catch up on all the requests.

    I have my pick but do they have cutiemarks? Sorry to ask if its a obvious answer. Also it may take a bit due to im catching up with the rest of the requests.

    I'm actually working on their cutie marks atm, since i'm very very picky. xD

    So for now, no they dont have any

  4.  I'm still working on yours! I'm actually going to digitally line yours and add flat colors~

    But if you want to see the base sketch I'd be more than happy to post it!

    Ohhh! I'm honored you like my babies enough to do that!! 

    I'll wait to see the finished product, it's more exciting that way!! <3

  5. I noticed two things that if improved upon, I think would make a huge difference!

    1. Proportions
    You seem to have the ears and hair down pretty well, but the shaping and proportion of the head and neck is a little off! Based on fluttershy's wings, you'll need some practice with those too! (Front facing wings are difficult, dont take that one too personally. I refuse to draw them for that reason. xD)

    2. Smooth lines
    I suggest investing in a drawing pencil, that way you can make lines smooth and easily erasable incase of mistakes or for when you line it with ink!

    Last thing I can suggest is hand control. Just doodling smooth lines, circles, curves, etc can improve you a lot when it comes to drawing the real thing! You know how kids have horrible handwriting, that gets better as they practice? We are always getting better when it comes to controlling how our hand moves. Even if you're no longer a child, you can still improve that aspect! It might seem a bit odd but trust me, it helps! Learn to let you arm, elbow, wrist and hand flow!

    • Brohoof 1
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