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Lightning Crasher

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Posts posted by Lightning Crasher

  1. @, (D20= 18, 15, 8)


    Gir's laser fires out hitting the Chaos Marine in shoulder, he stumbles back a little regains his balance, "Puny Lifeforms, You can't stop the tides of Chaos." the Marine said as he continued to charge after the Three Ponies on the ground before him. (Marine Damaged for 41)


    John's pistol fire a round, hitting one of the men. The soldier stumbles from the sudden impact grabbing his side as the bullet hit his kidney area. He slumps over, "RETREAT!" he yelled as he went for the portal. (Man 4 damaged for 23)


    Stein charges after the other man going after Tech, The Soldier side stepped out of the just in time that Steins blade was only able to nick his side. "You will pay for that!" the soldier said as he brought his attention towards Stein. (man 3 damaged for 15)



    @@Midnight_Aurora,  (D20= 17, 17)


    Ruby's blast impacts the Marines chest causing an elemental burn to his Armor plate, The marine glares at the metal unicorn before him. "You can't defeat Chaos, WE ONLY GET STRONGER!" (Marines Damaged for 34)


    The darts fly from Tech's wings and embed directly into the Marines Chest where the elemental damage was caused. The Marine stumbles back just enough and stops. "You will not win." (Marine damaged for 29)


    Rainbow noticed the Metal Unicorn step in front of her, she took up Lightning and made their way to the back of Library getting away from the Marine who was standing over her and Lightning. (D20=16)


    James took aim again at the other Marine. "Get down!" he yelled as his shot left the barrel of the Rifle. Impacting the Marine in his arm. ((D20=15) Marine Damaged for 18)




    Enemy Stats=

    man 3 = 70

    Man 4 = 33

    Chaos Marine = 59


    (defense phase following)



    The Chaos Marine stood in his one spot as his body started to glow, "I WILL SHOW YOU TRUE CHAOS, YOU WILL ALL BURN!" he said as he was starting to heal himself from his wounds.


    The last remaining soldier that was fighting looked at Stein, "I hope you like a Stun Stick" he said as he thrust ed the stick of electricity towards Stein chest.


    The other man ran back to the portal, trying to get it open. "We're all going to die!"  he yelled as he panicked.  

  2. @@Midnight_Aurora, (d20=19)


    Energy shield is risen and all allies are covered.




    @,  (D20= 19, 14. 20)


    John was able to dodge the explosion just in time, finding himself behind a small table.

    Gir shield is raised as he engulfed both himself and John as the grenade blew up, deflecting the shrapnel around them.

    Stein charged at the leader getting a clean blow to enemies face stabbing him through the head. He fell down in front of Stein with a face of distress. (Enemy killed)



    Rainbow Dash and Lightning held each other has the two Chaos Marines charged at them, unable to move from fear. (D20=2)

    James took a shot from his sniper rifle hitting one of the Marines straight in the forehead knocking him down to the floor. (D20=20)  Choas marine damaged for 97, enemy killed)



    Enemy stats:

    Man 3: 85

    Man 4: 56

    Chaos marine 2: 181




    (Attack phase)

  3. I want to make an full rpg game for each season of mlp this is list of jobs I need people to help with but I need a copy of rpg maker vx ace I plan on making a Dropbox for the group to use to help try making process and post updates in a spread sheet to let everyone know the progress of it please post if you are interested in this project



    Sprite maker (someone to make sprites of all the characters, objects, and items)

    Mapper (makes the maps like the towns and locations to visit)

    Event planer (someone to come up with events like battles or special side quest)

    Event creator (someone who can make the events planed by the event planer)

    Battle balancer (someone who makes sure the game isn't to hard or to easy and will adjust the stats to reflect this)

    Writer (takes the show and turns into an rpg in terms of story telling)


    And lastly for those who feel they can't help but still want to you can be




    If you think of jobs I left out please post some I am interested in your ideas

    Hey, if you need any help with this, i might be able to do some stuff for you, I use to work with RPG maker and still have it on my computer, let me know if you need anything.

  4. Okay, this time I'm actually not dead, just been on a hiatus lately. This is the second request, done in a bit of a newer style that I may be experimenting with more. If you absolutely don't like it and want me to use my old line technique then please message me xD


    It looks great, qMotus. :)  Keep up that great work. :D

  5. @@Midnight_Aurora, @


    James stood there, "Well, if you need it for that thing let me know, it has plenty of juice. Now lets get this battle on the roll, We have ponies to save." James watched as the enemy started to falter in there battle position's. "This should be easy to finish these guys off."

    @, @@xCuddlefish, @, @@Midnight_Aurora


    The leader took a step back, "I see this is going to be harder then we expected." he said as he looked at his man, slowly dropping around him. "You will not take us alive!"


    The leader grabbed a grenade from his belt, "Eat this!" he yelled as he threw it at John. 

    The man leaning against the portal slowly regains his balance, "This is not over yet," he pulls out his stun paton and charges after Tech, "you will die!" he yells as he swung it towards Tech's face.



    The Two chaos marines took a couple of steps back, "You all will be turned to Chaos." one said as they both turned away from the Space Marine and charged towards the two ponies in the middle of the room. (Rainbow Dash and Lightning)


    Enemy Health:

    Man 1: 48

    Man 3: 85

    Man 4: 56


    Chaos Marine 1: 74 

    Chaos Marine 2: 181


    (Post your defense Phase :D)

  6. @@Midnight_Aurora, @

    James looks in his bag real quick and pulls out his miniature nuclear reactor, "Its not much, i use it for powering our equipment in the field, it might keep you up for a little long at least."

    ----meanwhile across the room----

    Lightning begins to loss his energy and begins to fall asleep

    *Whack* "You can't just fall asleep, we're in the middle of a fight!" Rainbow says as he hits Lightning in the back of the head.

    Lightning wakes up for a split second, "There isn't anything going on and I'm losing my energy again, beside I was going to dream about you." as he smiles.

    Rainbow Blushes, "You can't just go around saying something like that!"

    "Why not, I was just speaking the truth, and beside I'm not afraid of my feelings." Lightning says as he looks at the enemies in front of him.

    Rainbow had no Response thinking to herself, Ugh, for once i almost wish I'd listen to Rarity's rants on 'true love' or whatevr, and how your suppose to react to this, mushy stuff.

    Lightning looks back at Rainbow, "See your scared to admit it," Lightning begins to sing a little song, "Rainbow is scared, Rainbow is Scared."

    Rainbow flies over and punches him in the shoulder, "Am not!", she turns away and keeps an eye on the enemy with what is clearly 'not' a pout, "Jerk."

    Lightning rubs his shoulder, "I understand, you just can't show your feelings like I can, you should try it on for size."

    Lightning and Rainbow go back to their defensive stances.

  7. @@Midnight_Aurora,


    James looked over to Tech, "You look a little exhausted, you need something to help you out, i might have something in my bag that you can use." James stood there and watched the enemy and scanned the area looking for the next target he would take on, looking intently at one of the chaos marines. 

  8. @, (D10=2, 8, 1)


    Gir raised his arm to fire, his energy shield comes down for  brief second and then turns back on. The laser flies toward the chaos marine striking it in the shoulder. "Puny robot, you don't have the fire power to hurt me." The chaos Marine says as he turns toward Gir. (No Damage)


    John steps in to the leader and  grabs his arm, as he tried to strike at john again. John pushes the leaders arm away and stabs in the side, twisting the knife as he pulled it out. (Damage Dealt=32)


    Stein charges in and goes for his attack, he gets up and begins his roundhouse kick and trips as he twirls around. (no Damage) (OOC: Sorry i couldn't think of anything for that one.)





    Rainbow looks back at you, "Just remember, we are up here too." she says as she points at Lightning who was standing in defense waiting for an oncoming attack.



    (I'm going to need Onyx to post his attack phase before i can go any further)



    As Lightning stood there watching he said to Rainbow, "Hey, after this you think we can go out on a date?".


    "W-what!?" Rainbow spluttered, nearly falling to the ground due to surprise. Flapping her wings a bit harder to make up for it, she turned towards Lightning, "You're asking about a DATE of all things right now?" Inwardly, she was glad for the offer but her pride wouldn't let her ruin her image and besides... She didn't really know how to respond to a question like that, it's more Rarity's area of expertise.


    Lightning thought for a sec and replies, "Why can't you just answer me with a direct response, Stop avoiding the question." Lightning takes a couple steps back from the portal. "And beside I'm not going to quit until I get a response." Lightning begins to charge up another electric attack.
    "Can we talk about this later? We've kinda got bad-guy butt to whoop right now..." Rainbow replied, "Ill give you an answer then.". Lightning nods his head in agreement and continues his charge.
    James took a second to change his magazine out of his rifle. "I can see these guys are going to take a little bit more fire power." he pulls out a magazine full of explosive tip rounds and loads them in his rifle.
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