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Posts posted by SquipyCheetah

  1. Considering I'm a severe over thinker, yes, I do. If someone if like five minutes late to something, my brain automatically wonders what horrible thing happened to them and what my life would be like with them missing.

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  2. Disney's Frozen movie. 


    On one hand, it is a good movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it but it wasn't like the best Disney movie ever like some people make it out to be. If it was treated just like every other animated movie, I might have a higher opinion of it. But considering most Frozen fans are obnoxious butt-hurt kids, my opinion on the movie in general has diminished.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Both Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network have gone too far into the dark for saving for me. I don't know why but most things on these channels, with a few exceptions, are just... aweful. It makes me really wish it were like a decade ago, just so I can enjoy these channels as a kid when they were actually good.

  4. Most of my dreams, lucid or not, are completely pointless, random, and acid trippy. One of my recent ones was, I was sitting at my computer on my coach, doing whatever. For some reason, Starlight is sitting next to me reading a book and all of a sudden, the book comes to life and starts rapidly flickering everything in sight into multiple different colours. Epilepsy warning much? I don't seem bothered by this so I get up and leave, Starlight follows me, and we both fall asleep in the bathroom. Then... I woke up. I've had stranger though.

    • Brohoof 2
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